ThumbsPlus 3.0-S Beta Release 2 Notes ===================================== Installation ThumbsPlus 3.0-S Beta release 2: --------------------------------------------- All necessary files for Windows 95 and Windows NT (3.5.1 or later) are provided as a single ZIP file (TP30SB2.ZIP). There is another zip for installing Win32s 1.3 if you need this to run on Windows 3.1/3.11. 1. Create a new directory (DO NOT install on top of version 2!). 2. CD to the new directory. 3. PKUNZIP TP30SB2.ZIP 3. Create a program manager icon (NT/3.1) or shortcut (95) for THUMBS.EXE. 4. If you're running Windows 3.1, be sure you have the latest Win32s release (1.3) before running ThumbsPlus. It will not run properly with earlier releases. 5. If there is an older version of the 32-bit PhotoCD library (PCDLIB32.DLL) on your system, you may have to rename it or replace it with the version supplied with ThumbsPlus. Notes on testing the beta shareware release: -------------------------------------------- 1. This is a pre-release (beta) version of ThumbsPlus. There ARE problems in it! Do not expect it to be a fully-functional, complete product. 2. This is a pre-release of the SHAREWARE version. As it is being made generally available, we cannot provide registrations to everyone who tests! Also, we will provide the beta of the registered version only to registered users. If you wish to test the registered version, you must be a registered user. 3. There is no conversion provided for the old-style ThumbsPlus database format (.TUD). There is too much additional data stored in the new data- base which was not collected for the old format. You must re-scan any files or directories. 4. Do not install this beta into the same directory as ThumbsPlus version 2. You need to continue using version 2 for production work; only use this beta for testing. 5. There will be additional toolbar buttons (and maybe icons) available in the final release. If you design any you would like to share with us, please feel free to send them. They may be true-color or 256-color bitmaps. Please do not send JPEG files - the loss (error) makes them inappropriate for the toolbar. 6. If at all possible, please use the Beta Accuracy Report Form (BARF) at to send beta reports and suggestions. These are received via e-mail and can be imported directly into our problem database. Reports sent by regular email, fax, voice, etc. must be manually typed in. If you simply have a question about the beta, please send e-mail to ''. There is also a downloadable BARF form, which you can fill in offline and e-mail ( Problems known or reported by 11/27 but not yet corrected: ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. The quick-dithering used for displaying 24-bit images on 8-bit (256-color) displays is not working properly in Windows 95. It does work on NT, and we're investigating what the difference is. 2. Toolbar buttons are always shown as light gray (rather than the current background color) on Win32s and Windows 95. This will be corrected (at least for 95). 3. Some PNG formats are not yet working properly. (Verified) 4. Directories do not always have the proper folder colors. (Verified) 5. File->Register is not functional. (Verified) 6. Changing the size of the thumbnail using Options->Preferences->(File List) does not work. You CAN, however, change the size of the stored thumbnails by creating a new database (File->New Database). (Verified) 7. Picture->Annotate does not work; however, you can modify the annotation in the database using Picture->Properties->(Database). (Verified) 8. The Browse dialog box (for finding a directory to move to, copy to, etc.) sometimes or always (?) causes a GPF on Windows 95. (Not yet reproduced) 9. When moving a file to a floppy, the program deletes the source file even if the operation fails. (Not yet reproduced) 10. Some files on network drives will not be loaded, though the same file on a local drive is loaded properly (Not yet reproduced) 11. Minimizing crashes system; background mode crashes system (on Win32s) (Not yet reproduced). 12. In the "Save As" dialog box, selecting a file type from the file type drop-down does not update the file name. (Verified) 13. The HELP files are not yet provided because they are not finished. Some of the problems fixed since Beta 1: ---------------------------------------- 1. The appearance of many confirmation and input dialog boxes was updated to be consistent with the other dialog boxes. 2. Tree->Indicate Expandable Dirs now works properly. 3. The taskbar entry for the initial (splash) screen now has "ThumbsPlus" rather than being blank. 4. Saving pictures was not creating thumbnails for the new file, and sometimes caused a GP fault. 5. Removing thumbnail tree (Thumbnail->Remove Tree), removing orphans (Thumbnail->Remove Orphans) and automatic orphan removal (from Options->Preferences->(General) now work properly. 6. Many accelerator keystrokes were added or corrected. 7. Many menu help items (in the status bar) were added or fixed. 8. Contact sheets now put the images on the sheet (I broke it when getting the catalog print working on the day before I posted beta 1!) 9. Disk volume discrimination is better (it no longer confuses drives as far as I can tell.) 10. The directory list is updated when you create or remove directories. 11. File->Delete Directory works properly. 12. You can now set the database attributes on Windows 95 (from File->New Database), such as thumbnail size and color depth. 13. Spurious "Database error: Unable to retrieve volume information for drive X:\" were fixed. 14. View windows and slide show would retreat behind the main window when the toolbar was used. This was fixed. 15. Several memory leaks were eliminated, and memory handling was made more efficient. 16. Several resource leaks were elinated. These were generally benign on Windows 95 or Windows NT, but would cause Windows 3.1/3.11 to lock up or crash. Note: ----- Many other problems have been identified and fixed. If a problem you reported is not listed above, I may have catagorized it with one of the ones listed, or it could be related to one. Please try the function again on beta 2 and report again if it is not corrected. MANY MANY THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!