Font Test - Written by Jon Aizen Font Test is a program that will allow you to view and print some or all of your fonts. Its very simple and easy to use. It is not freeware, but EmailWare, which means to register you need send me an email message with your comments and your name. Registering will disable the nag screen when exiting and do some other nice things. Once you register you will be informed of future releases and news about other programs I write. To register: Send an email message with the subject "Register FontTest" to I will reply promptly and give you a registration code. To Send Comments or Bug Reports: Send an email message with the subject "FontTest Comments" to I will reply promptly. Note: This program requires the file VB40032.DLL and OLEPRO32.DLL (which are included in this zip file, and should be moved to your windows\system directory.) Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon - Jon Aizen