From Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1996 Subject: FAQPAS3.TXT contents Copyright (c) 1993-1996 by Timo Salmi All rights reserved FAQPAS3.TXT The third set of frequently (and not so frequently) asked Turbo Pascal questions with Timo's answers. The items are in no particular order. You are free to quote brief passages from this file provided you clearly indicate the source with a proper acknowledgment. Comments and corrections are solicited. But if you wish to have individual Turbo Pascal consultation, please post your questions to a suitable Usenet newsgroup like news:comp.lang.pascal.borland. It is much more efficient than asking me by email. I'd like to help, but I am very pressed for time. I prefer to pick the questions I answer from the Usenet news. Thus I can answer publicly at one go if I happen to have an answer. Besides, newsgroups have a number of readers who might know a better or an alternative answer. Don't be discouraged, though, if you get a reply like this from me. I am always glad to hear from fellow Turbo Pascal users. .................................................................... Prof. Timo Salmi Co-moderator of news:comp.archives.msdos.announce Moderating at ftp:// & archives Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa BBS 961-3170972; FIN-65101, Finland -------------------------------------------------------------------- 61) What are Binary Coded Decimals? How to convert them? 62) How can I copy a file in a Turbo Pascal program? 63) How can I use C code in my Turbo Pascal program? 64) How do I get started with the Turbo Profiler? 65) How can I detect if the shift/ctrl/alt etc key is pressed? 66) How do I get a base 10 logarithm in TP? 67) If Delay procedure does not work properly, how do I fix it? 68) How much memory will my TP program require? 69) How to detect if a drive is a CD-ROM drive? 70) How do I convert an array of characters into a string? 71) How do I get started with graphics programming? 72) Where to I find the different sorting source codes? 73) A beginner's how to write and compile units. 74) What are and how do I use pointers? 75) How can I read another program's errorlevel value in TP? 76) What are the current Pascal newsgroups on the Usenet news? 77) How do I detect the CapsLock status, how do I turn it on/off? 78) How do I detect if the F11 or F12 key has been pressed? 79) How do I extract (parse) substrings from an input string? 80) How do I find out the size of any kind of a file? 81) How do I format graphics output like in textmode writeln? 82) How do I detect if more than one standard key is pressed down? 83) How can I read a disk's Volume Serial Number? 84) How can I disable and then enable the keyboard in my TP program? 85) How do I get the character device name of the (first) CD-ROM? 86) How do I eject a CD-ROM using a Turbo Pascal program? 87) How do I find out if the ANSI.SYS driver has been loaded? 88) Where do I find Turbo Pascal tutorials and/or good textbooks? 89) How dow I make an executable of my Turbo Pascal source program? 90) How can I quickly read the last byte of a file? -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:01 1996 Subject: Binary Coded Decimals 61. ***** Q: What are Binary Coded Decimals? How to convert them? A: Let us look at full integers only and skip the even more difficult question of BCD reals and BCD operations. Decimal Hexa BCD 1 $1 1 : $9 9 10 $A .. : : : 12 $C .. : : : 16 $10 10 17 $11 11 18 $12 12 : : : Consider the last value, that is BCD presentation of 12. The corresponding hexadecimal is $12 (not $C as in normal decimal to hexadecimal conversion). The crucial question is how to convert 12BCD to $12 (or its normal decimal equivalent 18). Here is my sample code: type BCDType = array [0..7] of char; {} procedure StrToBCD (s : string; var b : BCDType); var i, p : byte; begin FillChar(b, SizeOf(b), '0'); p := Length (s); if p > 8 then exit; for i := p downto 1 do b[p-i] := s[i]; end; (* strtobcd *) {} function BCDtoDec (b : BCDType; var ok : boolean) : longint; const Digit : array [0..9] of char = '0123456789'; var i, k : byte; y, d : longint; begin y := 0; d := 1; ok := false; for i := 0 to 7 do begin k := Pos (b[i], Digit); if k = 0 then exit; y := y + (k-1) * d; if i < 7 then d := 16 * d; end; { for } ok := true; BCDtoDec := y; end; (* bcdtodec *) {} {} procedure TEST; var i : byte; b : BCDType; x : longint; ok : boolean; s : string; begin s := '12'; StrToBCD (s, b); write ('The BCD value : '); for i := 7 downto 0 do write (b[i], ' '); writeln; x := BCDtoDec (b, ok); if ok then writeln ('is ', x, ' as an ordinary decimal') else writeln ('Error in BCD'); end; (* test *) {} begin TEST; end. Next we can ask, what if the BCD value is given as an integer. Simple, first convert the integer into a string. For example in the procedure TEST put Str (12, s); Finally, what about converting an ordinary decimal to the corresponding BCD but given also as a decimal variable. For example 18 --> 12? function LHEXFN (decimal : longint) : string; const hexDigit : array [0..15] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var i : byte; s : string; begin FillChar (s, SizeOf(s), ' '); s[0] := chr(8); for i := 0 to 7 do s[8-i] := HexDigit[(decimal shr (4*i)) and $0F]; lhexfn := s; end; (* lhexfn *) {} function DecToBCD (x : longint; var ok : boolean) : longint; const Digit : array [0..9] of char = '0123456789'; var hexStr : string; var i, k : byte; y, d : longint; begin hexStr := LHEXFN(x); y := 0; d := 1; ok := false; for i := 7 downto 0 do begin k := Pos (hexStr[i+1], Digit); if k = 0 then exit; y := y + (k-1) * d; if i > 0 then d := 10 * d; end; { for } ok := true; DecToBCD := y; end; (* dectobcd *) {} procedure TEST2; var i : byte; x10 : longint; xBCD : longint; ok : boolean; begin x10 := 18; writeln ('The ordinary decimal value : ', x10); xBCD := DecToBCD (x10, ok); if ok then writeln ('is ', xBCD, ' as a binary coded decimal') else writeln ('Error in BCD'); end; (* test2 *) {} begin TEST; end. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:02 1996 Subject: Copying with TP 62. ***** Q: How can I copy a file in a Turbo Pascal program? A: Here is the code. Take a close look. It has some instructive features besides the copying, like handling the filemode and using dynamic variables (using pointers). Note that since the buffer for the copying is places on the heap you must reserve enough heap. For example you might have {$M 16384,0,102400}. procedure SAFECOPY (fromFile, toFile : string); type bufferType = array [1..65535] of char; type bufferTypePtr = ^bufferType; { Use the heap } var bufferPtr : bufferTypePtr; { for the buffer } f1, f2 : file; bufferSize, readCount, writeCount : word; fmSave : byte; { To store the filemode } begin bufferSize := SizeOf(bufferType); if MaxAvail < bufferSize then exit; { Assure there is enough memory } New (bufferPtr); { Create the buffer, on the heap } fmSave := FileMode; { Store the filemode } FileMode := 0; { To read also read-only files } Assign (f1, fromFile); {$I-} Reset (f1, 1); {$I+} { Note the record size 1, important! } if IOResult <> 0 then exit; { Does the file exist? } Assign (f2, toFile); {$I-} Reset (f2, 1); {$I+} { Don't copy on an existing file } if IOResult = 0 then begin close (f2); exit; end; {$I-} Rewrite (f2, 1); {$I+} { Open the target } if IOResult <> 0 then exit; repeat { Do the copying } BlockRead (f1, bufferPtr^, bufferSize, readCount); {$I-} BlockWrite (f2, bufferPtr^, readCount, writeCount); {$I+} if IOResult <> 0 then begin close (f1); exit; end; until (readCount = 0) or (writeCount <> readCount); writeln ('Copied ', fromFile, ' to ', toFile, ' ', FileSize(f2), ' bytes'); close (f1); close (f2); FileMode := fmSave; { Restore the original filemode } Dispose (bufferPtr); { Release the buffer from the heap } end; (* safecopy *) Of course a trivial solution would be to invoke the MS-DOS copy command using the Exec routine. (See the item "How do I execute an MS-DOS command from within a TP program?") -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:03 1996 Subject: C modules in TP 63. ***** Q: How can I use C code in my Turbo Pascal program? A: I have very little information on this question, since I do not program in C myself. However in reading Turbo Pascal textbooks I have come across a couple of references I can give. They are Edward Mitchell (1993), Borland Pascal Developer's Guide, pp. 60-64, and Stoker & Ohlsen (1989), Turbo Pascal Advanced Techniques, Ch 4. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:04 1996 Subject: Using Turbo Profiler 64. ***** Q: How do I get started with the Turbo Profiler? A: Borland's separate Turbo Profiler is a powerful tool for improving program code and enhancing program performance, but far from an easy to use. It is an advanced tool. In fact setting it up the first time is almost a kind of detective work. Let's walk through the steps with Turbo Profiler version 1.01 to see where a running Turbo Pascal program takes its time. Assume a working directory r:\ 1. Copy the target .PAS file to r:\ 2. Compile it with TURBO.EXE using the following Compiler and Debugger options. The standalone debugging option is crucial. Code generation [ ] Force far calls [X] Word align data [ ] Overlays allowed [ ] 286 instructions Runtime errors Syntax options [ ] Range checking [X] Strict var-strings [X] Stack checking [ ] Complete boolean eval [ ] I/O checking [X] Extended syntax [ ] Overflow checking [ ] Typed @ operator [ ] Open parameters Debugging [X] Debug information Numeric processing [X] Local symbols [ ] 8087/80287 [ ] Emulation Debugging Display swapping [X] Integrated ( ) None [X] Standalone () Smart ( ) Always 3) Call TPROF.EXE 4) Load the .EXE file produced by compilation in item 2. 5) Choose from the TPROF menus Statistics Profiling options... Profile mode () Active ( ) Passive Run count 1 Maximum areas 200 6) Choose from the TPROF menus Options Save options... [X] Options [ ] Layout [ ] Macros Save To r:\ 7) Press Alt-F10 for the Local Menu. Choose Add areas All routines and so on. 8) Choose Run from the TPROF menus (or F9) 9) Choose from the TPROF menus Print Options... Width 80 Height 9999 ( ) Printer ( ) Graphics () File () ASCII Destination File r:\report.lst 10) Print Module... All modules Statistics Overwrite Also see Edward Mitchell (1993), Borland Pascal Developer's Guide. It has a a very instructive chapter "Program Optimization" on the Turbo Profiler. The material in the Turbo Profiler manual is so complicated that additional guidance like Mitchell's is very much needed. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:05 1996 Subject: Detecting shift status 65. ***** Q: How can I detect if the shift/ctrl/alt etc key is pressed? I know how to get the scan codes with the ReadKey function, but I can't find the procedure for detecting these keys. A: Detecting pressing the special keys or getting the toggle status cannot be done with ReadKey. You'll need to access the Keyboard Flags Byte at $0040:$0017. You can do this either by a direct "Mem" access, or using interrupt $16 function $02. For more details including the bitfields for the shift flags see in Ralf Brown's interrupt list (or whatever is the current version). For example to see if the alt key is pressed you can use uses Dos; function ALTDOWN : boolean; var regs : registers; begin FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); regs.ah := $02; Intr ($16, regs); altdown := ( and $08) = $08; end; For the enhanced keyboard flags see interrupt $16 function $12. It can distinguish also between the right and the left alt and ctlr keys. A tip from Martijn Leisink Be careful [if you use the $0040:$0017 memory position to set a toggle]: On several computers you have to call int 16h after the new setting is shown by the LED's on the keyboard. Not doing so might give the user wrong information. A tip from Dr John Stockton Going via a BytePointer set to Ptr(Seg0040, $0017) is almost as easy as "Mem", and also works in Protected mode. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:06 1996 Subject: Base 10 logarithm 66. ***** Q: How do I get a base 10 logarithm in TP? A: Just define function log (x : real) : real; begin log := ln(x) / ln(10); end; This result is based on some elementary math. By definition y = log(x) in base 10 is equivalent to x = 10^y (where the ^ indicates an exponent). Thus ln(x) = y ln(10) and hence y = ln(x) / ln(10). -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:07 1996 Subject: Replacing Delay procedure 67. ***** Q: If Delay procedure does not work properly, how do I fix it? A: The Delay procedure in the Crt unit delays a specified number of milliseconds. It is declared as "procedure Delay(MS: Word);". There are two problems. The procedure requires using the Crt unit and there is a bug in it in TP 6.0, at least. The alternative is to use the procedure GetTime(var Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100: Word) as shown by the skeleton below GetTime (...) initialTime := ... repeat GetTime (...) interval := ... - initialTime; until interval >= YourDelay; There are two things you will have to see to. You will have to convert the time to sec100, and you will have to take care of the possibility of the interval spanning the midnight. If you do not wish to program the alternative Delay procedure yourself, you can use "DOSDELAY Delay without needing the Crt unit" from TSUNTD.TPU from A2: Dr John Stockton suggested procedure that is expanded below. It has the advantage of being concise and working in the protected mode. The disadvantage is that it requires a later TP version. The solution is quite instructive. uses Dos; {... John's procedure ...} procedure WAIT (SecondsDelay : real) ; Var Tptr : ^longint ; Finish : longint ; begin Tptr := Ptr(Seg0040, $006C) ; Finish := Tptr^ + Round(18.2*SecondsDelay) ; repeat until Tptr^ > Finish ; end; {... now let's test it ...} var h1, m1, s1, sa100 : word; h2, m2, s2, sb100 : word; begin GetTime (h1, m1, s1, sa100); WAIT (3); GetTime (h2, m2, s2, sb100); writeln (h1, ':', m1, ':', s1, '.' ,sa100); writeln (h2, ':', m2, ':', s2, '.' ,sb100); end. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:08 1996 Subject: TP program memory requirement 68. ***** Q: How much memory will my TP program require? A: Get MAPMEM.EXE from and put the following code within your Turbo Pascal program: Program faq; uses Dos; : SwapVectors; Exec (GetEnv('comspec'), '/c mapmem'); Swapvectors; Then you'll see a MAPMEM output something like this Psp Cnt Size Name Command Line Hooked Vectors ---- --- ------ ---------- ------------------- -------------- 2 26,896 DOS 0694 2 3,392 COMMAND 2E 1 64 ---free--- 0776 2 1,488 MARK scrollit 07D6 2 70,816 FAQ FF 1923 3 2,752 command 22 23 24 19D2 2 549,712 ---free--- 655,344 ---total-- The memory requirement of your program FAQ.PAS is 70,816. Do not confuse this figure with the physica size of your program. The memory requirement affected among other things by the Memory Allocation Sizes Directive. For example you might have {$M 16384,0,50000} -Date: Sun, 12 Jun 1994 10:22:18 -From: (Duncan Murdoch) -Newsgroups: comp.lang.pascal -Subject: Re: How much memory will my TP program require? I think this is a hard question, and probably needs a longer answer than you gave. Yours isn't quite right, because TP will allocate memory that it doesn't need if you set the heapmax parameter too high. Your program will run in less memory than MAPMEM reports. Here's a quick attempt at it: TP DOS programs use memory in 4 or 5 blocks: fixed code, static data, the stack, sometimes overlaid code, and the heap. TP Windows programs add a local heap to this list, but don't use overlays. The discussion below deals with real mode DOS programs. The size of the code is determined by which procedures and functions you use in your program. In DOS, if you don't use overlays, this is all fixed code, and the size is reported as "Code size" in the Compile| Information listing in the IDE. The ways to reduce it are to use fewer procedures or make them smaller, or move them to overlays. Static data consists of all the global variables and typed constants in every unit. It is reported as "Data size" in the Compile|Information listing. You can reduce it by declaring fewer or smaller variables. If you use the $O directive to move code to overlays, then those units won't count as part of your fixed code needs. You will need an overlay buffer at run-time; by default, it's the size of the largest unit you use, but normally you'll change the size with OvrSetBuf. It's difficult to work out the best size of this block except by trial and error: if your program spends too much time swapping, then make it larger; if you run out of memory, make it smaller. You'll need to use the .MAP file (see the Options| Linker dialog to create one) to find the size of each unit. Remember to subtract the size of overlaid units from the reported "Code size" when working out the size of fixed code. The stack is used for local variables in procedures. Its size is controlled by the first parameter to the $M directive; the default size is 16K. It's hard to predict exactly how much stack space your program will use. One way is to keep reducing the value until your program aborts with a stack overflow, then use a slightly larger value. Another way is to fill the stack with a fixed value at the start of your program, and at the end, see how many values were changed. Again, it's a good idea to allow for a margin of safety, because hardware interrupts will use this space, and their size is hard to predict. The heap is where New and Getmem get their allocated memory. The size is controlled by the 2nd and 3rd parameters to the $M directive. The heapmin value will always be allocated; if extra memory is available, your program will ask for as much as possible, up to heapmax. If not enough memory is available to load all your fixed code, data, stack and heapmin, DOS will refuse to load your program. You have nearly complete control over the size of the heap that you need, determined by how much you use New and Getmem. The only exception is that some of the standard units use heap space; GRAPH and all the TurboVision units are examples. To find how much your program actually uses, you can reduce Heapmax until it fails, fill the heap with a special value and look for changes, or monitor the value of HeapPtr as your program progresses. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:09 1996 Subject: Detecting a CD-ROM drive? 69. ***** Q: How to detect if a drive is a CD-ROM drive? A: There are several methods to do this. Here is one option. (* Is a drive a CD-ROM with MSCDEX driver installed *) function CDROMFN (drive : char) : boolean; var regs : registers; begin cdromfn := false; if swap(DosVersion) < $0200 then exit; drive := UpCase(drive); if (drive < 'A') or (drive > 'Z') then exit; FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); := ord(drive) - ord('A'); := $150B; Intr ($2F, regs); cdromfn := ( <> 0) and (regs.bx = $ADAD); end; (* cdromfn *) The other relevant $2F interrupt functions you can use are $1500, $1501, and in particular $150D. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:10 1996 Subject: Array of chars into string 70. ***** Q: How do I convert an array of characters to a string? More specifically, I haven't been able to convert an array of characters into a string, so that I can write it to a file. The only way I have been able to do it, is writing 1 char at a time. A: Carefully study these two simple test examples. Note the difference in the array's dimensions in the tests. type atype = array [0..20] of char; type stype = string[20]; var s : stype; a : atype absolute s; begin FillChar (a, SizeOf(a), '*'); s[0] := chr(20); writeln (s); end. type atype = array [1..20] of char; var s : string; a : atype; begin FillChar (a, Sizeof(a), '*'); Move (a, s[1], 20); s[0] := chr(20); writeln (s); end. Of course, you could also assign the array's characters one by one to the string using a simple for loop (left as an exercise), but the above methods are more efficient. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:11 1996 Subject: Graphics programming primer 71. ***** Q: How do I get started with graphics programming? A: (* This simple test shows the rudiments of getting started with Turbo Pascal graphics programming *) uses Crt, Graph; var grDriver : integer; grMode : integer; ErrCode : integer; i, j : integer; xm, ym : integer; const CharSize : integer = 3; begin { Request graphics driver autodetection } grDriver := Detect; { Initialize graphics system and put hardware into graphics mode } { The relevant .bgi driver is needed in the current directory for example egavga.bgi } InitGraph (grDriver, grMode, ' '); { Return an error code for the previous graphic operation } ErrCode := GraphResult; { Test for initialialization success } if ErrCode <> grOk then begin Writeln ('Graphics error:', GraphErrorMsg(ErrCode)); halt; end; { Clear the output device and home the current pointer } ClearDevice; {} { Use your own coordinates } xm := Round (GetMaxX / 100.0); ym := Round (GetMaxY / 100.0); {} { Set the current line width and style, optional } SetLineStyle (SolidLn, 0, ThickWidth); { Set the drawing color } SetColor (Yellow); { Draw a line } Line (70*xm, 50*ym, 90*xm, 80*ym); {} { Drawing bars } { Set the fill pattern and color } SetFillStyle (SolidFill, Red); Bar (0, 0, 25*xm, 25*ym); {} SetColor (Magenta); SetFillStyle (SolidFill, Blue); Bar3D (30*xm, 20*ym, 50*xm, 60*ym, 8*xm, TopOn); {} { Writing text in the graphics mode } { Set the drawing color } SetColor (LightCyan); { Set the current background color } SetBkColor (Black); { Set style for text output in graphics mode } SetTextStyle(DefaultFont, HorizDir, CharSize); OutTextXY (0, 80*ym, 'Press any key'); {} repeat until KeyPressed; {} { Restore the original screen mode before graphics was initialized } RestoreCrtMode; writeln ('That''s all folks'); { Shut down the graphics system } CloseGraph; end. For an example what you can do with graphics, see 111673 Oct 8 1993 Assorted graphics demonstrations of functions etc (or whatever is the current version). -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:12 1996 Subject: Sorting it out 72. ***** Q: Where to I find the different sorting source codes? A: I'll answer very briefly by giving two references: 303771 May 2 1991 Numerical Recipes Pascal shareware version and Gary Martin (1992), Turbo Pascal, Theory and Practice of Good Programming, Chapter 15. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:13 1996 Subject: TP units 73. ***** Q: A beginner's how to write and compile units. A1: Many of the text-books in the bibliography section of this FAQ discuss using units in Turbo Pascal. For example see Tom Swan (1989), Mastering Turbo Pascal 5.5, Chapters 9 and 10 for a more detailed discussion than the rudiments given in the current item. Likewise see your Turbo Pascal (7.0) User's Guide Chapter 6, "Turbo Pascal units". You can and need to write your own units if you need recurring or common routines in your programs and/or your program becomes so big that it cannot be handled as a single entity. A Turbo Pascal unit is a separate file which you compile. The following trivial example to calculate the sum of two reals illustrates the basic structure of a unit. { The name of this file must be faq73.pas to correspond. } unit faq73; {} { The interface section lists definitions and routines that are } { available to the other programs or units. } interface function SUMFN (a, b : real) : real; {} { The implementation section contains the actual unit program } implementation function SUMFN (a, b : real) : real; begin sumfn := a + b; end; {} end. When you compile the file FAQ73.PAS a unit FAQ73.TPU results. Next an example utilizing the faq73 unit in the main program. uses faq73; {} procedure TEST; var x, y, z : real; begin x := 12.34; y := 56.78; z := SUMFN (x, y); writeln (z); end; {} begin TEST; end. A2: Most often you would be compiling a Turbo Pascal program using the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). If you have precompiled units you must see to it that you have informed the IDE of the path to them. Press F10 and invoke the "Options" menu (or press alt-O). Select "Directories...". Press tab two times to get to "Unit directories" and edit the path accordingly. Here is what I have entered myself EXE & TPU directory r:\ Include directories r:\ Unit directories f:\progs\turbo70\tpu70 Object directories f:\progs\turbo70\tpu70 As you see I keep all my precompiled Turbo Pascal 7.0 units in the f:\progs\turbo70\tpu70 directory. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:14 1996 Subject: Beginners' pointers 74. ***** Q: What are and how do I use pointers? A: This is a beginner's simplified introduction. A pointer is a variable type used to hold the address of another variable, that is to point to it. Pointers are used to 1) To refer to and manipulate variables indirectly. 2) In Turbo Pascal to obtain access to the heap storage area, which is not restricted to 64Kbytes. Consider the following example {$M 16384,0,80000} var yPtr : ^real; begin New(yPtr); yPtr^ := 3.14159; writeln ('2 times pi = ', 2.0 * yPtr^); Dispose(yPtr); yPtr := nil; end. Before we can discuss pointers we have to consider some rudiments of what a kind of a memory model a compiled Turbo Pascal program uses. This is a highly simplified presentation. For a more detailed presentation of the TP memory model see for example Tischer (1990b). +-------------------------+ | Heap | |-------------------------| | Data Segment | |-------------------------| | Code | |-------------------------| | Program Segment Prefix | +-------------------------+ When you write and compile a Turbo Pascal program it usually consists of (this is a simplification!) of the three lowest parts. When you define a global variable, it goes to the Data Segment. For example defining at the beginning of your program var x : real; requires 6 bytes from the data segment. (Local variables are placed on the stack.) Now, the catch is that because of the underlying 16-bit nature of MS-DOS, the size of the data segment cannot exceed 64Kb. On occasion the 64Kb is insufficient. However, if you use pointers, the corresponding variable values are held on the heap instead of the data segment or the stack. Before you can use the heap, you have to reserve it for your program. The following compiler directive makes a heap of 80000 bytes available to your program {$M 16384,0,80000}. (The syntax is {$M Stack size, Low heap limit, High heap limit}). With pointers you do not refer to a variable directly, but you point to it. For example, define var yPtr : ^real; Before you can use this pointer, you have to create this new dynamic variable as follows: New(yPtr); The New(yPtr) statement "Creates a new dynamic variable and sets a pointer variable to point to it." This pointer, yPtr, will point to the actual value, which the program puts on the heap. In your program you can write, for example yPtr^ := 3.14159; Think about the difference between yPtr and yPtr^. The former contains the value of the memory address where you now have put the value 3.14159. The latter gives that value. Hence yPtr^ can be used like any ordinary real variable. The difference is that it is on the heap, not on the data segment (or stack). Thus you can now use this pointer. For example you n write writeln ('2 times pi = ', 2.0 * yPtr^); When you do not need the pointer any more in your program you can dispose of it to release the memory allocated for other purposes: Dispose(yPtr); yPtr := nil; "After a call to Dispose, the value of yPtr is undefined and it is an error to reference yPtr. The reserved word nil denotes a pointer type constant that does not point to anything." Setting yPtr := nil is just good programming practice, because then you can later easily test whether the pointer is available or not. Disposing of a pointer within your program is not necessary unless the amount of memory is a critical consideration in your program. The heap will be released when your program terminates. To recount. What yPtr actually contains is the memory address of the value on the heap. When you write yPtr^, the caret indicates that you do not mean the pointer itself, but the pointed memory location in the heap. In this example that memory location in the heap was made to contain 3.14159. You can also define the pointer types. Our second example illustrates. It displays the squares from one to ten. {$M 16384,0,80000} type arrayType = array [1..10] of real; type arrayPtrType = ^arrayType; var A : arrayPtrType; i : integer; begin if SizeOf(arrayType) > MaxAvail then begin writeln ('Out of memory'); halt; end; New(A); for i := 1 to 10 do A^[i] := i*i; writeln (A^[9]); end. For an actual application using pointers, see the item "How can I copy a file in a Turbo Pascal program?" -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:15 1996 Subject: Reading errorlevel 75. ***** Q: How can I read another program's errorlevel value in TP? A: This question is best answered by an example. Here is a very elementary program that returns errorlevel 14 on exiting. program faq2; begin writeln ('Hello world...'); halt(14); end. Below is the program that calls FAQ2.EXE and detects its errorlevel. {$M 2000,0,0} uses Dos; begin SwapVectors; Exec ('r:\faq2.exe', ''); (* Execution *) SwapVectors; WriteLn('...back from Exec'); if DosError <> 0 then WriteLn('Dos error #', DosError) else WriteLn('Success; child process errorlevel = ', lo(DosExitCode)); end. The output should be Hello world... ...back from Exec Success; child process errorlevel = 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:16 1996 Subject: Usenet Pascal newsgroups 76. ***** Q: What are the current Pascal newsgroups on the Usenet news? A: The following new Pascal newsgroups were created June 12, 1995 to replace the old comp.lang.pascal. The following new Delphi newsgroups were created around July 10, 1995. A special note about Delphi postings. Please use the new delphi newsgroups for the Delphi related postings. In particular, don't let the names mislead you. The newsgroup comp.lang.pascal.borland does NOT cover Delphi. A second special note. Please avoid crossposting between the Pascal newsgroups. In particular do not crosspost between the old comp.lang.pascal and the new Pascal newsgroups. It is slows the transition to the new system. (This automatic posting breaches the non-crossposting tenet only because it is relevant information about the arrangements of all the Pascal newsgroups.) NEW: comp.lang.pascal.ansi-iso Pascal according to ANSI and ISO standards. comp.lang.pascal.borland Borland's Pascal incl. Turbo Pascal (not Delphi!) comp.lang.pascal.mac Macintosh based Pascals. comp.lang.pascal.misc Pascal in general and ungrouped Pascals. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.databases Database aspects of Borland Delphi. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.components Writing components in Borland Delphi. comp.lang.pascal.delphi.misc General issues with Borland Delphi. RELATED of potential interest: comp.os.msdos.programmer.turbovision Borland's text application libraries OLD: comp.lang.pascal Discussion about Pascal. (Please cease using!) For more information about the new Pascal newsgroups please see 52703 Jun 14 21:37 Information about the comp.lang.pascal.* newsgroups 18086 Jul 11 08:18 Vote results of the comp.lang.pascal.delphi.* newsgroups If your site is not getting the new Pascal newsgroups, please contact your own site's newsmaster about the situation. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:17 1996 Subject: Capslock status and toggling 77. ***** Q: How do I detect the CapsLock status, how do I turn it on/off? A: Here are the relevant Turbo Pascal routines in answer to these questions. {} Uses Dos; { The Dos unit is needed } {} (* Is CapsLock on *) function CAPSONFN : boolean; var regs : registers; KeyStatus : byte; begin FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); := $0200; { Get shift flags } Intr ($16, regs); { The keyboard interrupt } KeyStatus :=; { AL = shift status bits } if (KeyStatus and $40) > 0 then { bit 6 } capsonfn := true else capsonfn := false; end; (* capsonfn *) {} (* Set CapsLock. Use true to turn on, false to turn off *) procedure CAPS (TurnOn : boolean); var keyboardStatus : byte absolute $0040:$0017; regs : registers; begin if TurnOn then keyboardStatus := keyboardStatus or $40 else keyboardStatus := keyboardStatus and $BF; { Interrrupt "check for keystroke" to ensure the LED status } FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); regs.ah := $01; Intr ($16, regs); end; (* caps *) {} As you see, CapsLock is indicated by bit 6. The other toggles can be handled in an equivalent way using this information about the memory location Mem[$0040:$0017]: ScrollLock = bit 4 $10 $EF NumLock = bit 5 $20 $DF CapsLock = bit 6 $40 $BF -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:18 1996 Subject: Detecting F11 and F12 78. ***** Q: How do I detect if the F11 or F12 key has been pressed? A: Here is a sample program uses Dos; (* Enhanced keyboard ReadKey, no Crt unit needed. Detects also F11 and F12, and distinguishes between the numeric keypad and the gray keys. Lower part of the word returns the first scan code, the higher part the second *) function RDENKEFN : word; var regs : registers; keyboard : byte absolute $40:$96; begin rdenkefn := 0; if ((keyboard shr 4) and 1) = 0 then exit; FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); regs.ah := $10; Intr ($16, regs); rdenkefn :=; end; (* rdenkefn *) {} procedure TEST; var key : word; begin while Lo(key) <> 27 do { esc exits } begin key := RDENKEFN; if (Lo(key) = 0) and (Hi(key) = 133) then writeln ('F11 was pressed'); if (Lo(key) = 0) and (Hi(key) = 134) then writeln ('F12 was pressed'); end; end; {} begin TEST; end. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:19 1996 Subject: Substrings from a string 79. ***** Q: How do I extract (parse) substrings from an input string? A: Carefully study these two routines which I have included in 19593 Jun 1 12:12 Deriving IRR from ARR: A Simulation Testbench, TS+IV They use space (and anything in ascii below it) as the separator. Change the while tests if you wish to have a different set of separators. (* Number of substrings in a string *) function PARSENFN (sj : string) : integer; var i, n, p : integer; begin p := Length(sj); n := 0; i := 1; repeat while (sj[i] <= #32) and (i <= p) do Inc(i); if i > p then begin parsenfn := n; exit; end; while (sj[i] > #32) and (i <= p) do Inc(i); Inc(n); if i > p then begin parsenfn := n; exit; end; until false; end; (* parsenfn *) {} (* Get substrings from a string *) function PARSERFN (sj : string; PartNumber : integer) : string; var i, j, n, p : integer; stash : string; begin if (PartNumber < 1) or (PartNumber > PARSENFN(sj)) then begin PARSERFN := ''; exit; end; p := Length(sj); n := 0; i := 1; repeat while (sj[i] <= #32) and (i <= p) do Inc(i); Inc(n); if n = PartNumber then begin j := 0; while (sj[i] > #32) and (i <= p) do begin Inc(j); stash[0] := chr(j); stash[j] := sj[i]; Inc(i); end; PARSERFN := stash; exit; end else while (sj[i] > #32) and (i <= p) do Inc(i); until false; end; (* parserfn *) {} {... A separate, but useful function from the same package ...} (* Delete trailing white spaces etc rubble from a string *) function TRAILFN (sj : string) : string; var i : byte; begin i := Length (sj); while (i > 0) and (sj[i] <= #32) do i := i - 1; sj[0] := chr(i); trailfn := sj; end; (* trailfn *) {} {... Another separate, but useful function from the same package ...} (* Delete leading white spaces etc subble from a string *) function LEADFN (sj : string) : string; var i, p : byte; begin p := Length (sj); i := 1; while (i <= p) and (sj[i] <= #32) do i := i + 1; leadfn := Copy (sj, i, p-i+1); end; (* leadfn *) -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:20 1996 Subject: Size of a file 80. ***** Q: How do I find out the size of any kind of a file? A1: Well, to begin with the FileSize keyword and an example code are given in the manual (and help function of later TP versions) so those, as usual, are the first places to look at. But the example solution can be somewhat improved, and there is also an alternative solution. The FSIZEFN should never be applied on an open file. function FSIZEFN (filename : string) : longint; var fle : file of byte; { declare as a file of byte } fmSave : byte; begin fmSave := FileMode; { save the current filemode } FileMode := 0; { to handle also read-only files } assign (fle, filename); {$I-} reset (fle); {$I+} { to do your own error detection } if IOResult <> 0 then begin fsizefn := -1; FileMode := fmSave; exit; end; fsizefn := FileSize(fle); close (fle); FileMode := fmSave; { restore the original filemode } end; (* fsizefn *) A2: The second, general alternative is uses Dos; function FSIZE2FN (FileName : string) : longint; var FileInfo : SearchRec; { SearchRec is declared in the Dos unit } begin fsize2fn := -1; { return -1 if anything goes wrong } FindFirst (filename, AnyFile, FileInfo); if DosError <> 0 then exit; if (FileInfo.Attr and VolumeId = 0) and (FileInfo.Attr and Directory = 0) then fsize2fn := FileInfo.Size; end; (* fsize2fn *) A3: The third alternative is due to a Usenet posting by Wayne Hoxsie ( This alternative is an instructive example of using file handles. uses dos; var f : file; {} function filelength (var f : file) : longint; var handle : ^word; regs : registers; begin handle := @f; fillchar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); { just in case } := $4202; regs.bx := handle^; := 0; regs.dx := 0; msdos(regs); filelength := (longint(regs.dx) SHL 16); end; {} begin assign(f,paramstr(1)); filemode := 0; { read-only files too } reset(f); writeln(filelength(f)); close(f); end. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:21 1996 Subject: Formatting graphics output 81. ***** Q: How do I format graphics output like in textmode writeln? A: In the graphics mode the positioned text output procedure is OutTextXY (X ,Y : integer; TextString : string); It does not have the same output formatting capabilities as the write procedure. It only accepts the one TextString. Therefore all the output formatting must be done previously on the string. The Str procedure has such capabilities. The example below gives the rudiments. uses Crt, Graph; var grDriver : integer; grMode : integer; ErrCode : integer; s, s1 : string; v1 : real; begin grDriver := Detect; InitGraph (grDriver, grMode, ' '); ErrCode := GraphResult; if ErrCode <> grOk then begin Writeln ('Graphics error:', GraphErrorMsg(ErrCode)); halt; end; ClearDevice; {} { Writing text in the graphics mode } { Set the drawing color } SetColor (Yellow); { Set the current background color } SetBkColor (Black); { Set style for text output in graphics mode } SetTextStyle (DefaultFont, HorizDir, 2); { Preprocess the text } v1 := 2.345; Str (v1 : 10:2, s1); s := 'The first value is' + s1 + '.'; { Output the text } OutTextXY (100, 30, s); OutTextXY (100, 50, 'Press any key'); {} repeat until KeyPressed; {} RestoreCrtMode; writeln ('That''s all folks'); CloseGraph; end. Besides not having the same output formatting capabilities OutTextXY and OutText procedures do not scroll the screen. If you wish to achieve such an effect, you will have to code it yourself step by step. You can see the effect in 111673 Oct 8 1993 Assorted graphics demonstrations of functions etc Coding the scrolling is a straight-forward but a laborious task. Hence it is beyond this FAQ. The outline, however, is that you must keep track where on the screen you are. When you come to the bottom of your window you have to move the above region upwards before you output new text. You can move graphics regions using the ImageSize, GetImage and PutImage procedures. As for readln-type input in a graphics mode, that is a complicated issue. You will have to build the input routine reading a character at a time with ReadKey. The rudiments of using ReadKey are shown in the first question of FAQPAS.TXT. The demo, referred to a few lines back, will show the effect. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:22 1996 Subject: Reading more than one key 82. ***** Q: How do I detect if more than one standard key is pressed down? A: The example code below relies very heavily on a Usenet posting by Lou Duchez who wishes to acknowledge Bill Seiler for the handling of ports. The KeyNrDown and TEST routines are by myself. Besides being a demonstration the TEST procedure can be used to get the scan codes of the different keys instead of relying on external documentation. Uses Dos; {} var keydown: array[0..127] of boolean; { status array } oldkbdint: procedure; { points to the "normal" keyboard handler } port60h, port61h: byte; { used within the interrupt for storage } {} { The replacement keyboard handler } procedure newkbdint; interrupt; begin port60h := port[$60]; keydown[port60h and $7f] := (port60h <= $7f); port61h := port[$61]; port[$61] := port61h or $80; port[$61] := port61h; port[$20] := $20; end; {} { Get the scancode of the key pressed down, 128 for none } function KeyNrDown : byte; var i : byte; begin KeyNrDown := 128; for i := 0 to 127 do if KeyDown[i] then KeyNrDown := i; end; {} { Test by displaying the scan codes of the keys pressed } procedure TEST; var k, k1 : byte; begin k1 := 128; repeat k := KeyNrDown; if k <> k1 then begin write (k, ' '); if (k1 = 30) and (k = 31) then writeln ('Pressed A and S '); k1 := k; end; until k = $01; {escape} end; {test} {} begin { turn on the replacement keyboard handler } fillchar(keydown, 128, #0); { sets array to all "false" } getintvec($09, @oldkbdint); { record location of old keyboard int } setintvec($09, @newkbdint); { this line installs the new interrupt } {} TEST; {} { turn off the replacement keyboard handler } setintvec($09, @oldkbdint); end. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:23 1996 Subject: Volume Serial Number 83. ***** Q: How can I read a disk's Volume Serial Number? A: The Volume Serial Number for disks was introduced in MS-DOS version 4.0. Here is an example code uses Dos; {} (* Convert a longint to a hexadecimal string *) function LHEXFN (decimal : longint) : string; const hexDigit : array [0..15] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var i : byte; hexString : string; begin FillChar (hexString, SizeOf(hexString), ' '); hexString[0] := chr(8); for i := 0 to 7 do hexString[8-i] := HexDigit[(decimal shr (4*i)) and $0F]; lhexfn := hexString; end; (* lhexfn *) {} (* Get disk serial number. Requires MS-DOS 4.0+. Else, or on an error, returns an empty string. The default drive can be pointed to by using '0' *) function GETSERFN (drive : char) : string; type diskInfoRecordType = record infoLevel : word; { zero } serialNumber : longint; { DWORD actually } volumeLabel : array [1..11] of char; { NO NAME if none present } filesystemType : array [1..8] of char; { FAT12 or FAT16 } end; var regs : registers; diskInfo : diskInfoRecordType; serial : string; begin getserfn := ''; if swap(DosVersion) < $0400 then exit; FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); drive := UpCase (drive); if drive <> '0' then if (drive < 'A') or (drive > 'Z') then exit; regs.ah := $69; { Interrrupt 21 function $69 } := $00; { subfunction: get serial number } if drive <> '0' then := ord(drive) - ord('A') + 1 else := 0; regs.ds := Seg(diskInfo); { the diskInfo address: } regs.dx := Ofs(diskInfo); { its segment and offset } Intr ($21, regs); if (regs.flags and FCarry) <> 0 then exit; { CF is set on error } serial := LHEXFN (diskInfo.serialNumber); getserfn := Copy (serial, 1, 4) + '-' + Copy (serial, 5, 4); end; (* getserfn *) {} begin writeln ('C: ', GETSERFN('C')); end. A2: The second alternative has been modified from a posting by Robert B. Clark I have also utilized INTERRUP.E from Ralf Brown's listing of interrupt calls {} uses Dos; function GETSERFN2 (drive : char): longint; var ParBlock : array [0..24] of char; { IOCTL parameter block Table 0785 } regs : registers; sernum : longint; begin FillChar (ParBlock, SizeOf(ParBlock), 0); FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); := $440D; { IOCTL - generic block device request } if drive <> '0' then { '0' points to the default drive } := ord(UpCase(drive)) - ord('A') + 1 { drive as byte } else := 0; := $08; { block device IOCTL category code: disk drive } := $66; { IOCTL minor code: get volume serial number } regs.ds := Seg(ParBlock); { Parameter block segment address } regs.dx := Ofs(ParBlock); { Parameter block offset } MsDos (regs); { Call interrupt $21 } if regs.Flags and FCarry = 0 then sernum := word(ord(ParBlock[4]) + ord(ParBlock[5]) shl 8) * 65536 + word (ord(ParBlock[2]) + ord(ParBlock[3]) shl 8) else sernum := 0; getserfn2 := sernum; end; (* getsetfn2 *) {} begin writeln ('C: ', LHEXFN(GETSERFN2('0'))); end. A3: Setting a disk's serial number, instead of just reading it, is more complicated and will not be covered here. If you need it, the routine without source code is available (for floppies only for security reasons) as "SETSER Set floppy's serial number (MsDos 4.0+)" in TSUNTK.TPU in -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:24 1996 Subject: Disabling the keyboard 84. ***** Q: How can I disable and then enable the keyboard in my TP program? A: Here is the code. A warning! Don't experiment with ports. You can do real harm to your data and your computer if you do not know exactly what you are doing. uses Dos, Crt; { Crt only needed because of 'Delay' in the testing } var i : byte; { only needed in the testing } NormalKeyboard : procedure; {} procedure DisableKeyboard; interrupt; var port60, port61 : byte; begin port60 := Port[$60]; { KeyBoard controller data output buffer } port61 := Port[$61]; { Keyboard controller port B } Port[$61] := Port61 or $80; { clear keyboard } Port[$61] := Port61; Port[$20] := $20; { Programmable Intr. Contr. initialization } end; {} begin writeln ('Testing...'); GetIntVec ($09, @NormalKeyboard); SetIntVec ($09, @DisableKeyboard); write ('The keyboard is now disabled..'); for i := 1 to 5 do begin Delay (1000); write (i:2); end; {for} writeln; SetIntVec ($09, @NormalKeyboard); write ('The keyboard is now enabled...'); for i := 1 to 5 do begin Delay (1000); write (i:2); end; {for} end. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:25 1996 Subject: CD-ROM device name 85. ***** Q: How do I get the character device name of the (first) CD-ROM? A: First the code for a quick and dirty method to find the character device name function MSCDEXFN : string; var s : string; f : text; i : byte; fmSave : byte; begin mscdexfn := ''; { To indicate not found } fmSave := FileMode; { Store the original file mode } FileMode := 0; { Also if read-only } Assign (f, 'c:\autoexec.bat'); { Browse the AUTOEXEC.BAT } {$I-} Reset (f); {$I+} if IOResult <> 0 then exit; { AUTOEXEC.BAT not found } while not eof(f) do begin { Line by line } readln (f, s); for i := 1 to Length(s) do s[i] := Upcase(s[i]); if Pos('MSCDEX', s) > 0 then begin { Is this the line } if Pos ('REM', s) = 1 then continue; { Skip rem lines } Close (f); FileMode := fmSave; { Restore the original mode } i := Pos('/D:', s); { Look for the switch } if i = 0 then exit; { Nah! } i := i + 3; { Where the name should start } if i > Length(s) then exit; { Nothing there! } s := Copy (s, i, 255); { Rest of the line after /D: } mscdexfn := s; i := Pos (' ', s); if i = 0 then exit; mscdexfn := Copy (s, 1, i-1); exit; { Don't close twice } end; {if} end; {while} Close (f); FileMode := fmSave; { Restore the original mode } end; (* mscdexfn *) A2: There is more general and orthodox solution to finding the character device name for the (first)m CD-ROM. This was kindly provided to me by Chris Rankin ( uses Dos; function GetCDROMDevice : string; const driver_name_len = 8; type sig = array[1..6] of char; siglet = array[1..4] of char; signum = array[1..2] of char; drvname = array[1..driver_name_len] of char; driverstr = string[driver_name_len]; type PCDROMDriver = ^TCDROMDriver; TCDROMDriver = record NextDriver: PCDROMDriver; DeviceAttr: word; StrategyEntryPoint: word; INTEntryPoint: word; DeviceName: drvname; Reserved: word; DriveLetter: byte; Units: byte; case byte of 0: (SigLetters: siglet; SigNumbers: signum); 1: (Signature: sig) end; TDriveEntry = record SubUnit: byte; Driver: PCDROMDriver end; var DeviceList: array[1..26] of TDriveEntry; Regs: registers; Name: driverstr; begin with Regs do begin ax := $1500; bx := 0; intr($2f,Regs); (* Ask for number of CD-ROM drives. *) if bx = 0 then (* If none, then exit. *) begin Name[0] := #0; GetCDROMDevice := Name; exit end; ax := $1501; (* Put information about each CD-ROM *) es := seg(DeviceList); (* into DeviceList[]. *) bx := ofs(DeviceList); intr($2f,Regs) end; (* Below: Name of first CD-ROM driver *) Name := DeviceList[1].Driver^.DeviceName; while Name[length(Name)] = ' ' do (* Strip off trailing blanks.. *) dec(Name[0]); GetCDROMDevice := Name end; -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:26 1996 Subject: Ejecting CD-ROM 86. ***** Q: How do I eject a CD-ROM using a Turbo Pascal program? A: The code for the ejection is given below. Note that it needs the MSCDEXFN function from the previous FAQ item. uses Dos; {} procedure EJECT (charDev : string; var ok : boolean; var errCode : word); var regs : registers; cdrom : file; cdCtrlBlock : byte; { CD-ROM Control Block } handle : ^word; { Handle referencing CD-ROM driver } begin Assign (cdrom, charDev); { Character device for CD-ROM driver } {$I-} Reset (cdrom); {$I+} { Tackle errors yourself } if IOresult <> 0 then begin { Exit if file not found } ok := false; errCode := $FFFF; { Your own arbitrary error code } exit; end; FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); { Just to make sure } := $4403; { Function $44, subfunction $03 } handle := @cdrom; { Establish the file handle } regs.bx := handle^; FillChar(CdCtrlBlock, SizeOf(CdCtrlBlock), 0); CdCtrlBlock := $00; { $00 eject disk; $05 close tray } regs.ds := Seg(CdCtrlBlock); { ds:dx CD-ROM control block } regs.dx := Ofs(CdCtrlBlock); MsDos (regs); { Call interrupt $21 } {$I-} Close (cdrom); {$I+} ok := regs.flags and FCarry = 0; { Success or not? } errCode :=; { $01 = invalid function } end; { $05 = access denied } {} { $06 = invalid handle } procedure TEST; { $0D = invalid data } var ok : boolean; code : word; begin EJECT ('K', ok, code); if ok then writeln ('Success') else writeln ('Error ', code); end; {} begin TEST; end. My thanks are due to Miro Wikgren ( who pointed out that the "handle referencing character device for CD-ROM driver" must be the name given when the CD-ROM driver is loaded in CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. I could not solve this problem without that help in comp.lang.pascal.borland. In fact the previous FAQ item was tackled only after the current FAQ item had been solved first. A slightly different approach to the file handle by Miro var cdrom : text; { CD-ROM is a character device } handle : word; { Handle: word, not a pointer } : handle := TextRec(cdrom).handle; { Use TP help for more on this } regs.bx := handle; : -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:27 1996 Subject: Detecting ANSI.SYS 87. ***** Q: How do I find out if the ANSI.SYS driver has been loaded? A: The source code of the relevant function is given below. However, this is not necessarily a good solution. First, it requires at least MS-DOS version 4.0. Second, there are other, compatible screen drivers like ZANSI.SYS. You probably are more interested if such a screen driver has been installed rather than if it is ANSI.SYS in particular. To find out if any compatible screen driver is operative use ISANSIFN from TSUNTG.TPU from 112570 Aug 16 1994 Turbo Pascal 7.0 real mode units for (real:-) programmers uses Dos; function ANSIOKFN : boolean; var regs : registers; begin if swap(DosVersion) < $0400 then begin writeln ('Error: MS-DOS 4+ required'); ansiokfn := false; halt; end; FillChar (regs, SizeOf(regs), 0); := $1A00; Intr ($2F, regs); ansiokfn := = $FF; end; (* ansiokfn *) -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:28 1996 Subject: TP tutorial and books 88. ***** Q: Where do I find Turbo Pascal tutorials and/or good textbooks? A: I'll list some useful sources. The first one (where also this item comes from) among other things contains a slightly outdated list of TP textbooks. Common Turbo Pascal Questions and Timo's answers Glenn Grotzinger's ascii-text Turbo Pascal Tutor Electronic Turbo Pascal Reference freeware book comp.lang.pascal.borland newsgroup Mini-FAQ Furthermore, you should see the fine SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group's) collection of TP sources. Available from the /pc/turbopas directory at Garbo. For the current references to the SWAG files see Yet another useful source can be the Turbo Pascal WWW pages. You can find some of them by connecting to my WWW home page. Its address is Select my collection of HTTP links and proceed to the programming section on the link list. -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:29 1996 Subject: Making an executable 89. ***** Q: How dow I make an executable of my Turbo Pascal source program? A: This is a typical beginner's frequent question which belies not having read the manual carefully. You DO have the manual, right? If you are using Turbo Pascal 7.0 this is explained on page 48 of the User's Guide in the paragraph "Choosing a destination". Here, in brief, is what you should do Press F10 to go to the main menu (or press alt-C) Choose Compile Choose Destination Disk (toggle with enter) To direct where the executable should go Press F10 to go to the main menu (or press alt-O) Choose Options Choose Directories... Edit the item EXE & TPU directory (the destination directory) -------------------------------------------------------------------- From Mon Jan 1 00:01:30 1996 Subject: Last byte of a file 90. ***** Q: How can I quickly read the last byte of a file? A: Below is the code for a relevant procedure. It has a number of instructive details for you to look into. It is easy to expand this procedure into showing any byte counted from the end by substituting the 1 in Seek (f, fs-1) to the inverted position, and by taking care that the position is not outside the file. procedure LASTBYTE (fname : string; var lb : byte); var f : file; { Use an untyped file designation } fmSave : byte; { To push and pop the FileMode } fs : longint; { For file size } begin fmSave := FileMode; { Push the original FileMode } FileMode := 0; { To enable reading also read-only files } Assign (f, fname); {$I-} Reset (f, 1); {$I+} { Open file and set record size to 1 } if IOResult <> 0 then begin writeln ('Error opening file ', fname); halt; end; fs := FileSize(f); { Get the size of the file } if fs = 0 then begin writeln ('Empty file ', fname); halt; end; Seek (f, fs-1); { Position to the last byte of the file } BlockRead (f, lb, 1); { Read the value of the position into lb } Close (f); { Close the file } FileMode := fmSave; { Pop the original FileMode } end; (* lastbyte *) --------------------------------------------------------------------