10 Sept 95: Sentry V2.2 Changes include: * Sentry now uses windowed screens for all output, as opposed to simply directing output to the entire screen. * When entering dates, the year is now checked. If it is not 4 characters, the user is forced to re-enter it. This was causing problems with Sentry accepting '96' as a valid year, and subsequently not translating correctly. * A bug with the password encoding scheme has been fixed. The encryption used to truncate passwords at length 8, causing only the first 8 characters to be recognized. For SuperUsers, this meant that passwords over 8 would not contain the SuperUser stamp (it was truncated). This problem has now been rectified, and passwords are significant for MaxPasswordLen characters. All in all, this seriously increases the amount of security available from Sentry. NOTE: Because of the above modification, older versions of Sentry cannot use password files from V2.2 and up. The reverse is not true however, as Sentry V2.2 can use password files all the way back to V1.0. Also note that to use passwords over 8 characters, you must re-create the old passwords. This can be easily done by selecting the "Change Account Password" option from the SuperUser menu.