** Copyright and License Notice ** InstallGuard is Copyright © 1995 XyLink Ltd. All rights reserved. The following contains important terms and conditions which apply to the use of InstallGuard. You indicate your acceptance of this license agreement by using the software. ** License Agreement ** InstallGuard is not free software. You are hereby licensed to use this software for the purpose of evaluation without any charge for a period of up to 21 days. If you wish to use this software beyond the 21 day evaluation period you are required to pay a registration fee of $14. Refer to Registering InstallGuardHELP_ORDERING for details on how to pay. Unregistered use of the software after the 21-day evaluation period is in violation of international copyright laws. ** Warranty Disclaimer ** This software and the accompanying files are sold "AS IS" and without any warranties as to performance, or merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Under no circumstance and to the minimum extent permitted by law, including none, shall XyLink be liable for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to consequential or incidental damages due to loss of business, loss of time, loss of information, loss of profit or loss of opportunities, arising in whole or part out of or related to the use of the software, even if XyLink has been informed of such danger or should have been informed or is in possession of knowledge of such danger or implications. ** Distribution Rights ** You are hereby permitted to make as many copies of this software and related documentation as you wish. You may also distribute exact copies of the software and related documentation to by any means including electronic. You are not permitted to distribute this software for profit and no charge may be made for its distribution other than a reasonable fee to cover the distribution cost.