Modesto Area BBS List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # BBS Name |Baud| Phone# | OS |Software|CD| Sysop |Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 |The Connection BBS |14.4|549-7980|OS2|Renegade|1C|The Karate Kid |F,M,O,R,A | 2 |NO CARRiER (c)1995 |28.8|572-1715|DOS|Renegade|No| The Sysop |I,R,F | 3 |Animal House-4Nodes |14.4|848-0814|OS2|Renegade|2C| MadDog |I,O,F | 4 |Animal House-Node#4 |28.8|848-2769|OS2|Renegade|2C| MadDog |I,O,F | 5 |Golden Nugget[Node1]|28.8|575-4405|DOS|SrchLght|6C| Diamond Lil |I,A,F | 6 |Golden Nugget[Node2]|14.4|575-4325|DOS|SrchLght|6C| Diamond Lil |I,A,F | 7 |The Castle BBS |14.4|529-4981|OS2|Renegade|2C| The Enhancer |I,M,R,F | 8 |The Bull's Locker |14.4|883-4335|DOS| VBBS |No| The Coach |I,WN | 9 |The MadDog BBS |28.8|549-7739|DOS| RA |6C| John Sheppard |I,F | 10|Maxie's Toy |28.8|526-5899|OS2| WWIV |No| Maxie/Bear |I,O,WN | 11|Delta BBS |14.4|544-1651|DOS|WildCat |No| Bob Radcliff |I | 12|Bizzy Bee |14.4|578-0435|DOS|PC-Board|No| Queeny |I,C,F | 13|Root Connection |28.8|576-1606|OS2| EzyCom |CD| Larry Beyers |I,O | 14|Punch Line |14.4|525-9985|OS2| WWIV |No| The Joker |I,O,WN | 15|Programer's Retreat |14.4|883-0275|DOS| Custom |No| Jezabell |I | 16|MJC-Infonet [MJC] |9600|577-3081|DOS| TBBS |No| MJC College |I | 17|Bear's Cave |14.4|577-6165|DOS| WWIV |No| Bear |I,C,WN | 18|OMBBS |14.4|523-5878|DOS| WWIV |No| Baron Von Emm.|I,WN | 19|Retreat of The Gods |14.4|524-8110|DOS| WWIV |No| Apollo |I,WN | 20|The Coffee Shop |14.4|551-8230|DOS| WWIV |No|Glitch/Glitter |I,WN | 21|BJs BackFence{6P-6AM|28.8|537-6473|OS2|Maximus |1C| James McGee |A,I,O,F | 22|Christian Neighbor |28.8|869-2444|DOS| WWIV |No| Knight Ryder |I,WN,Å | 23|CyberTronix |28.8|578-6563|DOS| WWIV |3C| Night Hawk |I,WN | 24|Just Another BBS |14.4|579-2949|OS2| WWIV |No| Jaxom |I,WN | 25|Bird House |2400|544-9810|DOS| WWIV |No| Big Bird |I | 26|MACC [Mac Club BBS] |28.8|527-1521|Mac|Spitfire|No|Bob Johnstone |M,AT,I | 27|Frayed EndsOf Sanity|14.4|569-0388|W95|Renegade|CD| Phantom Lord |I,R | 28|ChristianCorner Fel.|14.4|869-0504|DOS| WWIV |No| Krioni |I,Å | 29|HAL 2000 |14.4|847-6744|DOS|Wildcat |No| Hal Hunter |I | 30|TombStone [Turlock] |28.8|632-1135|DOS|Renegade|No|One Trick Pony |I | 31|The Interphase BBS |14.4|544-1394|DOS|MajorBBS|6C| Ed Hawkins |I | 32|Casa De Cricket |28.8|544-2532|OS2| RA |No|David Hallford |I,F | 33|The Club BBS [Tur] |14.4|667-5811|DOS| WWIV |No| Goat |I,WN | 34|Jab-Wrav BBS |14.4|522-9728|W95|Iniquity|No| Weble |I | 35|The Academy |28.8|549-2113|DOS|Robo-FX |No| Guenther |I | 36|The Next Generation |14.4|874-5148|DOS|Wildcat |CD| Super Dave |I,CB | 37|Busted Flush |14.4|578-1419|DOS| WWIV |No| Travis |I | 38|OutHouse [Denair] |28.8|634-7542|DOS|PC-Board|No|James Windelen |I | 39|Thor's Lair |14.4|571-0365|DOS|Renegade|No| Thor |I | 40|Stanislaus Library |2400|558-0633|DOS| Custom |No|County Library |I | 41|The Aids ChatLine |28.8|545-4494|DOS| RA |No| John Pfeifer |I | 42|The BibleTalk BBS |14.4|579-1877|DOS| WWIV |No|George V.Dussen|I,Å | 43|Absence Of Authority|14.4|664-1602|DOS|Renegade|No|Crimson Blazer |I,CB | 44|Swap & Shop |14.4|578-0866|DOS|Renegade|6C| The Master |I | 45|Cylikon Valley |14.4|575-2364|DOS|Renegade|No| Cylikon |I | 46|íEclipseí BBS |14.4|522-4659|OS2|Renegade|No|Cosmic Charley |I,R | 47|Woody's Place |14.4|571-8880|DOS|Renegade|No| Woody |I | 48|Just For TheFun OfIt|14.4|579-1980|DOS|Wildcat!|No| Paul Martin |I | 49|The Phishbowl BBS |28.8|525-9038|DOS| WWIV |1C| Icthus |I,Å | 50|White Tiger's Realm |14.4|668-8940|OS2| WWIV |No|White Å Tiger |I,Å | 51|Cyber Beat [MPD] |28.8|572-9643|DOS|PC-Board|No|Sgt Bits Kursor|,M | 52|The Game Station |28.8|575-0982|DOS| WWIV |1C| Saturn |I | 53|FireDrake's BBS |14.4|599-7054|DOS| WWIV |No| FireDrake |I | 54|Super Graphics BBS |14.4|537-6795|W95| WWIV |No| Silver |I | 55|The House of Balsa |14.4|579-0850|DOS|Renegade|No| SkyHawk |I | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12-20-95 6:21:53 pm Support=What computer types & Nets the BBS Supports..... I=IBM, A=Amiga, M=MAC, O=OS2, AT=Atari, Å=Christian BBS IN=Internet, R=Renegade, WN=WWIVNet, F=FIDONet, CB=Call Back C=Commodore, W=Windows, AR=ART, AD=Adult BBS, P=Police Dept. BBS Every effort has been made to provide accurate information on the BBS's in this list! If anyone notices anything that is incorrect in any way, PLEASE let me know so I can correct it on the next list that I put out! You can get a hold of me on The Connection BBS! Just leave me Feedback & I will make a note of any info that you leave me! Thanks & if you know of any new BBS, please let me know! The Karate Kid ...Dennis Compiled on 486DX2/66 VLB with WIN 95 & OS2 Warp & Amiga 500 by -- ...Dennis -->The Connection BBS<-- 209-549-7980 Renegade/D'Bridge Software IBM/Amiga/AtariST/Mac/OS2/WIN 95 & Renegade Support! ---FidoNET-RBBSNet-!SaberNET-RGSNet-OS2Net-Team OS2-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12-20-95 6:22:00 pm