LEGENDS(tm) 7.0 to 7.1 Upgrade Guide Authored by Jeffrey D. Hoffman. Copyright(c) 1996. All rights reserved. Upgrading 7.0 software to 7.1 Addendum to Sysop Handbook, Chapter II Upgrading your LEGENDS or LEGENDSlite 7.0 software to the equivalent 7.1 software is very simple. The following steps will guide you through this automated upgrade sequence which is handled, for the most part, by the new version of the installation software included in this archive. For the remainder of this documentation LEGENDS and LEGENDSlite will be universally referred to as LEGENDS unless directly specified. 1. Make a back-up of your existing LEGENDS 7.0 software. In the event that anything goes wrong, you always want to ability to backstep a version and start over. 2. Copy and extract the LEGEND71.ZIP file into the directory containing your existing LEGENDS 7.1 software. Be sure to use the overwrite flag (-o) when you extract. This flag will insure that any existing documentation and data-files for the installation will be overwritten with the latest release. Within this section, it is assumed that the software was placed in a directory called LEGENDS7 as specified by the Sysop Handbook. C:\> cd \tbbs\legends7 C:\TBBS\LEGENDS7> pkunzip -o legend71.zip 3. Type INSTALL7.EXE -U to initiate the installation program. The appended flag -u forces the installation program to upgrade existing software in the directory without interfering with the existing game-in-progress. C:\TBBS\LEGENDS7> install7 -u 4. The installation software will determine whether or not there is existing software in the directory. If so, it will begin processing and upgrading the software and databases to function under 7.1. When the upgrade is done you will be returned to the DOS prompt. 5. The installation program creates new configuration files but saves your original settings as .ORG files. Within the LEGENDS SYSTEMS\ directory you will find LEGENDS7.ORG. Use this file to assist you (as reference) to configure LEGENDS 7.1 to your needs. Notice that several new flags are available to customize LEGENDS. Refer to the Sysop Handbook for more information. 6. You need to modify the existing LegendTASK ghost event in your TBBS configuration. Using CEDIT, modify your specified ghost task(s) for the new information required by the ghost event. The SYSTEMS\LGNDTASK.CFG file contains all of the settings for each ghost event you define. Consult chapter III in the Sysop Handbook for further details. Entry #, Occurs on Line 16 at 07:00 on Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat Type = 200 OptData = c:\tbbs\legends7\lgndtask.tpg /Q && /E=1 This setting would instruct the LegendTASK event to use the flags specified under #DEFINE EVENT1= in the configuration file. 7. Your AUTOEXEC.BAT file needs to be updated with a single line. This line is required to make the executable LegendTASK maintenance software work properly. set clipper=f99 Be sure to either run your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or reset your system prior to running the LegendTASK software. 8. The final step to getting LEGENDS up and running is to add the external maintenance executable to your daily TBBS maintenance routine. Somewhere within your maintenance file, you need to add the following lines of code. Again, these settings are covered in detail in the Sysop Handbook, Chapter III, but for this example each daily the maintenance software will purge inactive players after twenty- five days. rem Perform the daily LEGENDS maintenance by running the executable version of rem LegendTASK. cd \tbbs\legends7 lgndtask.exe -a:25 9. Run your BBS. Further information for customizing your LEGENDS 7.1 software is available by reading chapter III in the Sysop Handbook. If you haven't already, please refer to the WHATSNEW.TXT file for a listing of new features and bugfixes in this, the latest version of the software.