Afterburn is Sangreal's second musicdisk. Don't even look for the first one. He has it sent into another dimesion where all bad music goes. Sangreal is part of the group Cimmeria, but they haven't anything, so it doesn't matter much. In fact, we doubt the group will ever do anything. What Sangreal can do is write music for games and any other projects come along. Support Sangreal's gaming habit. To reach Sangreal, e-mail him as or call The Barbarian's Lair BBS at +1-818-457-5752 and e-mail Sangreal. Not to be confused with the piece of SHIT BBS The Lair. We were first, and are the best. RPG-Net, MESS-Net, 1.2 gig, Home site for Cimmeria, Sangreal and Raven. Cool. I'm done.