SB SPACE @ ARL $ARLS018 ARLS018 AMSAT filmed for TV show ZCZC AS97 QST de W1AW Space Bulletin 018 ARLS018 >From ARRL Headquarters Newington, CT October 18, 1995 To all radio amateurs SB SPACE ARL ARLS018 ARLS018 AMSAT filmed for TV show A film about the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) and Amateur Radio is tentatively scheduled for next spring on the Discovery Channel Network. The program, set for around March 15, 1996, will be called ''Eyes in the Sky,'' and is planned to be a two-hour evening special. A crew of six spent two days filming during the recent AMSAT Annual Meeting and Space Symposium in Orlando, exposing more than four thousand feet of 16-mm film during some 86 takes, said AMSAT Executive Vice President Keith Baker, KB1SF. Baker appeared on camera, as did Dick Jansson WD4FAB, Stan Wood WA4NFY, and a number of other Phase 3-D satellite volunteer workers. Filming was done in three parts: In the first, Baker, Jansson and Wood troll an Orlando surplus house, Skycraft, looking for parts for the spacecraft. In the next, Jansson roams the aisles of a local Kmart store, looking for P3-D ''antenna'' parts, complete with a ''blue light special'' announcement giving a price reduction on the ''hardware'' Dick is pulling off the shelf. The crew finished with shots at the P3-D Lab. Baker said the theme the producers were looking for was ''High Tech doesn't need to be High Cost.'' Other themes touched on AMSAT's ''Keep it Simple, Stupid'' approach to spacecraft design and the idea that the paperwork needed to document a spacecraft need not necessarily weigh more than the spacecraft itself. Some time also was spent discussing Amateur Radio in general: who hams are, and why it's important that their continued access to spectrum be preserved. The three also discussed the spirit of adventure and commitment that's part of the ''glue'' that holds AMSAT people, and hams in general, together, Baker said. NNNN /EX