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As a public service, CAT provides a BBS, a bi-weekly newsletter and a Web site for the Family of the Future: Through the use of all available technology, CAT's mission is to become a center for progressive family values, thinking, philosophy, ethical commerce and education. * Please note a full color version of this newsletter is available on the World Wide Web: Quote of the Week: "Only a mind reader will know the love of a silent admirer" ---Quai Chang Furball --------------------------------------------------------------------- CAT Currents... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEWSLETTER HIGHLIGHTS OF '95: June 1995 --------- First edition of the 'CAT Chronicle', the biweekly newsletter for CAT. Jeff Sam - Dad, volunteer and all around nice guy. Thanks for making the "Child Safety and Parenting Corner" one of our most popular newsletter columns!!! Announced the creation of our new Homepage on the World Wide Web: Dan Linton and Software Creations BBS will be the hub of distribution for the CAT Chronicle newsletter as a computer file. July 1995 --------- Reggie Sellars - Teacher, volunteer and excellent role model for all kids. New video under development about self-esteem, positive role models, and suicide prevention in gay, lesbian and bisexual and youth. Mike Reddin - Meteorologist, volunteer and writer for the 'GLB Youth Advisor' column. His straight from the heart writing has made this column popular with teens and adults. Introduced 'The CAT Credo' about encouraging a positive future for all children, using technology to help educate children and help them create solutions through open discussion, education and compromise. August 1995 ----------- Volunteer opportunities for interested people who want to help children. Introduced 'The Family of the Future' concept about inclusion of diversity in the family of today and tomorrow. Congressman Barney Frank - Supporter and friend of CAT. One of the few prominent adult members of the gay community to extend his help to CAT. Crisis in Merrimack... Ongoing division between members of the Merrimack School Board to prohibit distribution of information about the 'homosexual lifestyle' in public schools and the rights of students to educational information. Introduced 'The Outrage Page' for issues of human rights and freedom of information fighters. Full color version of 'The CAT Chronicle' is now on the World Wide Web: September 1995 -------------- GLB Youth Advisor column published an extensive resource list of GLB oriented support groups around the nation. CAT introduced a new column called 'What if...' Claude DiDomenica, our president, writes a column to stimulate the minds of youth and adults who have not lost their 'youthful imaginations...' Latest CAT video project on self-esteem for gay youth is still seeking funding. The response has been less than encouraging. Senator Edward Kennedy - His wonderful staff continue to provide information and support. His support for the video project on gay, lesbian, and bisexual teens reflects a person of foresight. October 1995 ------------ CAT announced FIRST award for having one of the COOLEST Web site on the Internet! CAT received the prestigious "Top 5% of the World Wide Web sites" award from Point Survey. This service rates and reviews only the best sites on the Internet. Kudos and kudos again to Jeff Sam and Mike Reddin for making our CAT Homepage one of the most popular sites on the Internet!!! Introduced a new column, 'The disABLEd Corner' written by Rev. Jim. He's a minister from Ohio living with multiple disabilities. His stories of personal struggles and triumphs will encourage hope in all of us. Open letter to President Clinton about racial disharmony in our country. Announced a new sponsor, 'People Link' from New York. They promote progressive organizations and socially responsible companies communicate with others using communications technology. Open letter to the Supreme Court Justices from author Patricia Nell Warren. She is a pioneer and advocate of rights for gay youth. She is a former editor for Reader's Digest and author of 'The Front Runner'. November 1995 ------------- Congressman Joseph Kennedy - For endorsing our video project on suicide prevention in gay, lesbian, and bisexual and teens. He encourages everyone's support for young people to realize their own self-worth. Excellent column about hate crimes against the disabled. A holiday wish for CAT to find charitable people to help us help children create a positive future. December 1995 ------------- CAT was recognized in "Netguide" magazine for... well read for yourself: The Gay Lesbian and Bisexual Youth Advisor column: Fantastic articles from Children's Animated Television, this pages sponsor, including "Dealing with Homophobia" and "Take Your Time Coming Out". Thanks and thanks again to Mike Reddin for volunteering his time, his writing and his heart to helping GLB youth!!! What can we say?? CAT volunteer, Jeff Sam has found a sponsor for his web page on 'Child Safety and Parenting'. "Ident-A-Tot" has a Web page about a product for an identification bracelet for kids. Jeff Sam creates a 'Make a Christmas Wish to Santa' Web page for kids to leave a message for Santa. For a limited time only! Rev. Jim has a TRUE Christmas miracle Important and educational article about freedom of information and expression on the Internet. A must read for all Internauts! President Clinton's responds to our letter on the state of race relations in America. ---Thanks to all of CAT's special friends!!! Parent's Corner... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tip of the Week: Holiday Safety In the spirit of goodwill for this holiday season, here are a few safety tips to ensure that your holiday is indeed happy: * Keep all decorations away from children. They can become a choking hazard. * Older decorations may contain lead paint, so also keep them away from children. * Holly and Mistletoe are poisonous plants and should be kept away from children. * Keep small toys, balloons, toys with long cords or small parts away from children. * If Santa brought your child a bicycle, rollerblades, hockey stick or other sporting equipment, make sure your children also received the proper safety gear such as helmet, eye goggles, knee and elbow pads etc. * Do not burn wrapping paper in the fireplace. It often contains metallic material which can be toxic when burned. * Do not burn Christmas trees or wreaths in the fireplace. They can cause flames or smoke to enter the room. * Last but not least...DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE! How is this child safety related??? Think of all the children who die as a result of drunk driving. Remember to think about your children's safety as well as your own. Merry Christmas and best wishes for a safe holiday from the staff and volunteers of Children's Animated Television! Jeff Sam Volunteer Child Safety & Parents Coordinator, Co-Sysop of Dr Furball's BBS and CAT's Co-Webmeister Internet Address: Please visit Jeff's Sam's Child Safety and Parenting Web page: GLB Youth Advisor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAT's current video project is on GLB teen self esteem. Our goal is to help put a stop to the unacceptably high rate of GLB teen depression and suicide. We also believe there is a direct correlation between low self esteem and unsafe sex practices. To this aim, as a public service we present to you the GLB Youth Advisor... A Letter to Newt... This week I wanted to share with you a letter I recently faxed to the Speaker of the House. As you know, congress is entertaining the idea of censoring the Internet to "protect" us from the evils of an open and free exchange of ideas and information... Dear Mr. Speaker: The House of Representatives is currently entertaining legislation which places landmark regulations and restrictions upon the computer network called "The Internet." I feel compelled to voice a protest over any such legislation, not only on the grounds of the First Amendment, but also on the grounds of simple common sense. The Internet places information into the hands of all Americans of any age and race demographic. In fact, the Internet represents a worldwide exclusive in terms of freedom. As Republicans, we realize the equation between information and power. Perhaps for the first time (since the last Constitutional Convention), the average American citizen holds the power to help shape the future. Placing regulations upon the Internet threatens to usurp this new found freedom, placing it back into the hands of the Government. As Speaker of the House and a Republican, you lead the charge for reducing Government intervention in people's lives and increasing personal responsibility. However; the Internet Legislation causes a contradiction in what you stand for. Nobody disputes the presence of pornography or anarchist information over the Internet. As in the medium of television, the responsibility for monitoring information falls upon the parent. Many people feel the problems this country faces directly relates to the decline of personal responsibility. One can draw a parallel between the institution of welfare and the increase in unwed mothers, crime, urban decline and lowered educational standards. Here is your chance to hand the responsibility of the Internet to the PEOPLE, not the Government. The question here is content. Let me cite and example. Most televisions do not allow the parent to 'block out' certain channels. The equipment itself lacks the ability for such blocking. On the other hand, the telephone company can block 'Adult Oriented' 900 numbers. The Internet operates similarly to the phone system in this country. Parents can limit children to the messages accessed and the sites visited on the Internet. Software allowing for '900' style blocking is now sold in stores. Internet providers can enable 'bookmarks' or menus dedicated to 'Family-' or 'Child-oriented' sites without providing direct access to inappropriate material. Instead of promoting censorship and regulation, push for 'better programming' across the Internet dedicated to children. Remember you could use the Internet to push greater interactivity between people and the Republican Party. Why not put 'GOP TV' online and use it to form the party platform for 1996? Finally, you can directly communicate with thousands of individuals of all backgrounds cheaply and directly and find out what Americans really think. If you would like to know more about how to expand the party's outreach to the people across the Internet I would be happy to provide the equipment and ideas to make it happen. Please carefully consider any legislation regarding the Internet. I urge you to drop any plan on regulating the Internet in place of a plan to make the Internet more accessible to people for lower cost. As Speaker, urge information providers to promote 'quality' content oriented to families. They can find alternatives to their current 'programming'. Thanks for your time, Mike Reddin ( (The opinions reflected in this column are the opinion of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the political views of Children's Animated Television) Mike Reddin Volunteer GLB Youth Advisor for Children's Animated Television Internet Address: Mike has an area on our Web site dedicated to GLB youth: "The problems faced by GLB youth are a national disgrace and tragedy" ---Claude DiDomenica The disABLEd Corner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Christmas Tale... And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Ceasar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. And all went to be taxed, every one in his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, to be taxed with Mary, his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they went there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them: "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you. Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger." And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke, 2:1 - 14 If humankind could receive this great a miracle, then anything is possible. A solution must exist for our own problems. When contemplating this single, most important factor in our history, we are insignificant in comparison. We must recognize that the fate and future of our lives, and of all lives, is in the hands of a power greater than we can imagine. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Rev. Jim Sutter E-Mail: NEW Web site: ---please update your bookmark file What if??? ~~~~~~~~~~ Our President, Claude DiDomenica writes this weekly column to stimulate the minds of our youth and adults who haven't lost their "youthful imaginations..." What if... we could keep the holiday spirit of good will throughout the year??? Here we are celebrating another holiday season. This is the time for good will, family and sharing, for feelings of well-wishing and holiday cheer. What if we could keep these feelings throughout the year? My guess is that if we tried to share good will and holiday cheer throughout the year, we might feel more compassion towards others. We could share gifts with people whenever we felt like it, not just at Chanukah/Christmas time. I like the spirit of the holidays. But somehow the spirit is lost when Christmas became so commercialized... Think about this: The advertising gurus over at Madison Avenue put Santa Claus in his proverbial red suit in a Coca-Cola ad campaign! What if we just tried to make this world a little better? If we could just think about others and think before we act, maybe we can _truly_ learn the meaning of the holidays??? Claude DiDomenica The CAT Credo... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Children's Animated Television (CAT) believes in a positive future for all children... CAT's philosophy is to help solve today's complex social problems through honest and open dialogue, education, information and compromise... CAT will produce video programs for pre-teens and teens to stimulate their minds, harness their creativity and imaginations to cultivate long-lasting answers to problems in their world... As a public service, CAT will also provide educational information using all available technology including a computer bulletin board, World Wide Web site and other electronic media. CAT will supply this knowledge for children, parents and educators to enable our society to develop ideas and solutions for a better tomorrow... Claude DiDomenica & Bessie Hadley Founders of Children's Animated Television July 15, 1995 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of Children's Animated Television. Use any advice or information at your own risk. To subscribe to "The CAT Chronicle" via E-Mail: E-Mail to Subject: Subscribe CAT Chronicle CAT is a 501-C-3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Contact Information: Bessie Hadley Executive Director Children's Animated Television, Inc. 1492 Highland Ave, Suite 3 Needham, MA 02192 USA Voice: 617-449-9699 FAX: 617-449-2238 Dr Furball's BBS: 617-455-8415 node 1 617-433-0026 node 2 Internet: Claude DiDomenica President of CAT and Sysop of Dr Furball's BBS Internet: CAT's WEB Home Page!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Get CAT's latest info releases from Software Creations BBS * * "Home of the Authors" * * <<*-*-*-*->> * * Internet Access: Telnet BBS.SWCBBS.COM * * <<*-*-*-*->> * * WEB Access: * * <<*-*-*-*->> * * 2400/9600/14.4 USR HST/Dual Standard Public Access (508) 368-7036 * * 2400/9600/14.4/28.8 USR V.Everything Public Access (508) 368-6604 * * 2400/9600/14.4 USR HST/Dual Standard Member Access (508) 368-7139 * * 9600/14.4/16.8/28.8 USR V.Everything Member Access (508) 368-3424 * * <<*-*-*-*->> * * At Main Menu, type: J 178 * * for "Dr Furball's Educational & Philanthropical Conference" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1995 Children's Animated Television, Inc. All Rights Reserved This newsletter may be freely distributed as long as it remains intact and this notice is not removed. Please do not post on USENET, FIDONET, WILDNET etc. without permission of the conference moderator. # # #