________________________________________________________________________ Visit Our Web Page! http://www.cris.com/~Xenozoid/ComicBkNet.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ / THE \ \C O M I C/ Issue #42 This publication is brought to you \B O O K/ by the active participants of \N E T/ Monday the international center for \ / January 1st, comic book discussion, the Comic *E-Mag* 1996 Book Net. !!! ** Happy New Years!!!! We all had a great 1995 ** ** And we all look forward to an EVEN BETTER 1996!!! ** - Editor: Ryan Brewster [Xenozoid@cris.com] - CBN Network Administration Team: - Ed Dukeshire - - Mike Imboden - - William Hughes - - Ryan Brewster - - Jacob Greenberg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Comic Book Net Founding Fathers: Ed Dukeshire and Mike Imboden ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________________________________________________________________________ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] The Bullpen ........................... Ryan Brewster [2] CSNsider #447.......................... W. Batty & C. Biggers [3] Comicunications Weekly Re-Cap ......... Ryan Brewster [4] Suspended Animation ................... Michael Vance [5] New Comics 1/2/96 ..................... Chuck LePage [6] Late Comics Report 12/28/95 ........... Andrew S. Troth [7] Splash Page ........................... Various [8] Letters to the E-Mag .................. Various [9] Join in the Fun! [10] BBSes Linked into CBN [11] E-Mag Info ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] The Bullpen by Ryan Brewster Happy new years' to everybody! First of all, many thanks to Chuck LePage for his New Comics list, which I had to snag from the web since Bobb Waller (our regular New Comics guy) is on vacation. Something to look forward to in '96: All you folks on the Internet who don't have access to CBN for whatever reason (no local nodes, no clue how to use BBS's, etc...) will soon be able to join in the fun! The message bases of the Comic Book Network will soon be brought to the World Wide Web! I'm working on bringing the net to the INTERnet right now... The first conference to be brought to the web will be the Comics Issues conference (sometime next week, if I can find a provider by then). The other conferences will be added as time progresses. At first, the conferences will seem a bit vacant; this is because I have not yet decided on a way to bring the echonet mail (the CBN messages being passed right now between BBS's) to the web. So, the only messages that will be posted in them will be the ones that the Internet users post there. As the capabilities of the World Wide Web increase, so will the services we can offer you through our web site. So keep us in your Bookmark file, and we hope to see more of you in '96! Best, --Ry Editor The Comic Book Net E-Mag Xenozoid@cris.com ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2] CSNsider #447 by W. Batty and C. Biggers This is the CSNsider from CSN #447, which will be in shops on 1/11/96. It is reproduced in its entirety with the expressed permission of COMIC SHOP NEWS! Voice talent for the upcoming Spawn HBO animated series has been announced; the cast will include The Spawn movie is still casting, but the HBO voices are: Spawn - Keith David (Clockers, Dead Presidents); Cogliostro - Richard Dysart (L A Law); Billy Kincaid & Senator McMillan - Ronnie Cox (Robocop); Twitch & Garab - Michael McShane (Brotherly Love); Sam Burke - Jimmy Keane (Dick Tracy). The six episode HBO series is now slated for summer '96, and the live-action movie has been pushed back beyond that, primarily due to Industrial Light and Magic's commitment to the remaking of Star Wars (they're supplying the special fx for the Spawn film)... Mike Baron is working on a script for a Nexus/Madman crossover story that will lead into a Nexus miniseries... A point of clarification: Moebius Comics, the new title debuting this spring from Caliber Comics, will present new material never before seen by American readers... Look for a fully licensed Bettie Page Comics series from Dark Horse in March; this sexy book will feature work by Dave Stevens, Jeff Gelb, Bret Blevins, Russ Heath, Jaime Hernandez, and others... Fox-TV and Marvel have announced that the Generation X live-action tv movie will air on Fox on Tuesday, February 20, 1996 from 8:00-10:00 Look for Karl Kesel to take over the writing honors on Daredevil beginning with DD #353; he'll continue the back-to-the-basics direction of the book, returning to the clever, joking Daredevil of the Stan Lee-Gene Colan days... And speaking of Daredevil, the folks at the Comic Cafe have reported that a Daredevil 2099 title is in the works.. Bryan Talbot will handle the writing honors for Phage, the new Tekno series picking up where Teknophage left off... Noir Comics is moving to Caliber Press in March, joining their growing line of crime books... X-Men and ClanDestine crossing paths in '96? Don't be surprised!... The previously-announced plan to publish Alan Moore's Twilight proposal in Rich Johnston's Twist & Shout Comics is on hold, since DC's director of legal affairs has notified Rich that DC claims ownership of that proposal... Tekno Comix has a major crossover storyline coming up in all of its books in March and April; each Tekno title will feature a five-page backup story featuring an installment of the ongoing multi-character crossover... Mike Deodato Comics joins the Caliber line-up beginning in March; the series will present material that Deodato did for non-US comics markets that's never seen print in this country before, including a two-issue story arc, Proteus... Byron Preiss MultiMedia Company has signed a deal with Marvel and Putnam/Berkley to produce several new Marvel superhero novels in 1996, including X-Men: Mutant Empire Book 1 - Siege by Christopher Golden and Daredevil: Predator's Smile by Christopher Golden (both for spring release); The Ultimate Super-Villains edited by Stan Lee (summer); Spider-Man: Goblin's Revenge by Dean Wesley Smith; The Ultimate X-Men, edited by Stan Lee; Spider-Man & The Incredible Hulk: Rampage by Danny Fingeroth & Eric Fein (Doom's Day Book 1); X-Men: Mutant Empire Book 2 - Sanctuary by Christopher Golden; Spider-Man: The Octopus Agenda by Diane Duane; and Iron Man: Operation AIM by Greg Cox (fall/winter release)... Margaret Weis has signed on to create a new fantasy series for Tekno in '96... Caliber Press is launching a new magazine, CAL, which focuses on comics and creators published by Caliber; the first issue, slated for March release, will deal with their line of crime comics... And David Mack, creator of the acclaimed Kabuki, has announced a new spinoff miniseries, Masks of the Noh, which will feature art by Mack, Buzz, Andrew Robinson, and Rick Mays. The first issue, slated for April '96 release, will feature three different covers; this series will lead into a new Kabuki series debuting in the summer of '96... At long last, Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean's Signal To Noise will come back into print in America this spring, courtesy of Dark Horse... The CSNsider is just a small part of each issue of Comic Shop News. CSN #447 features Spider-Man/Ultraforce from Marvel and Malibu Comics on the cover as well as more news and the Ninth Annual Red K Awards. The CSNsider is now available via e-mail! In order to subscribe to CSNsider, send a message to majordomo@redweb.com, with a single line message saying: SUBSCRIBE csnsider Visit our WWW site! http://www.actwin.com/csn We post the new CSNsider there each Monday or Tuesday and it will go out via e-mail each Wednesday or Thursday. The WWW site is still the first place it will appear each week, but we wanted to offer it via e-mail as well. The only way to get Comic Shop News is to visit a shop that carries CSN. The publication costs the shops just a dime each and is generally free to customers. If your shop doesn't carry CSN, nag 'em until they do. After all, isn't your business and satisfaction worth a dime a week? Ward Batty wardo@netdepot.com Cliff Biggers cliffbig@netdepot.com (c)1995 CSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3] Comicunications Weekly Re-Cap, by Ryan Brewster ///// ComICunications \\\\\ Weekly Re-Cap 1/1/96 ** Happy New Year!!! ** Contents: 1. Editorial: Naming The Art Form 2. Industry News: * Shi vs. Tomoe * Foxfire Ignites in Feb * Another WildStorm Crossover * A Guide to WildStorms 1. Editorial ----------------------------------------------------------- Naming the Art Form ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ryan Brewster Comic books are the perfect combination of art and writing; a way to convey ideas, images, and characterization not possible through art or writing separately.... Yet a common complaint among comics collectors is that comic books aren't taken _seriously_. I think a big reason why comic books aren't taken seriously is because of the name itself: Comic Books. The term implies humor, which is certainly not supposed to be taken seriously! My mission in this column is to create a new name for the traditional comic book. While "comic" is a perfectly suitable name to Calvin & Hobbes, it is not an accurate discription of, say, The Sandman... Before brainstorming, we should decide on some guidelines: 1) The name should be short - no longer than 2 words. 2) The name should describe the medium much more accurately than "comic book". 3) It should be easily abbreviated. (Comic Book - Comics. Television - TV. Motion Pictures: Movies) Some have adapted the "comix" moniker to describe alternative kinds of comics, yet when the word is _said_, it is indiscernible from "comics". Others have adapted "graphic novel", which is okay, but doesn't accurately describe the shorter, magazine-format comics. If we focus on the art aspect of comics, we come up with a few possibilities. Will Eisner calls comics "sequential art" in his classic "Comics and Sequential Art" book. For some reason, "Sequential Art" doesn't have the same appeal that "Comics" has. Can you imagine "Marvel Comics" becoming "Marvel Sequential Art"? Neither can I. "Panel magazines"? While it can be easily abbreviated to "panel mags", it still doesn't seem to have the right "ring" to it; it has too many syllables. How does "Story Art" sound? No, no... much too generic. If we focus on the writing aspect of comics, we come up with a few more possibilities. Because comics are so often _fiction_, there are maybe a few variations on that theme... "Fics" is a good quick word for them, but perhaps a bit _too_ quick. And spoken, it may be confused with the more commonplace "fix". "Illustrated fiction" is far to vague; it could describe any childrens' books... and besides, what do you do when the comic in question ISN'T fiction? "Serials" is pretty good, but has already been used, and not all comics are continued. I think the best name I've heard is "reads", because, after all, you _do_ READ them! Dave Sim introduced the word to me in his self-published Cerebus comic book (in a storyline entitled "Reads", Dave Sim parodied the comics industry), and I think it's a fitting description. It's short and easy to say, it would be difficult to misunderstand (perhaps confused with "reeds"..?) , and it describes non-humorous comic books much better than "comic books" does. I can almost see the day when "Marvel Reads" and "DC Reads" replace the "Marvel Comics" and "DC Comics" we have today. I would like to hear any other ideas you, the readers, may have. Please don't hesitate to send your "comic book name for comics that aren't comical" suggestions to me at Xenozoid@cris.com. Next Week: Looking Back Best, --Ry Xenozoid@cris.com 2. Industry News --------------------------------------------------------- [A bit sparse this week, but you can imagine things might be slow this time of year... ] Shi Vs. Tomoe: 12/29/95 - The Tomoe mini-series and Shi: Way of the Warrior series cross over in April with Crusade Special: Shi vs. Tomoe #1. The 48-pg. special picks up where Tomoe #3 and Shi #8 leave off. The one-shot will be wrapped within a cardstock cover by William Tucci. Foxfire Ignites In Feb.: 12/14/95 - In the wake of "The Pheonix Resurrection", Malibu introduces a new title to its line of Ultraverse comics with Foxfire #1. Foxfire is about a young woman named Rose Autum, who led a relatively normal life until she finds she has new powers in the aftermath of the Phoenix Resurrection, and learned (in The Phoenix Resurrection) that she has been bred to defend the planet from the Progeny. Ian Edington will write, and Kevin West will pencil the series. The title will ship in February. Another WildStorm Crossover: 12/29/95 - To followup on their crossover last year, "Wildstorm Rising", WildStorm has announced another crossover, entitled "Fire from Heaven", to begin in March. The crossover will deal with the Gen-Factor so prevalent in the universe's titles. Alan moore will write the bookend stories, and Jim Lee will return to WildCATs in time for the crossover. A Guide to WildStorms: 12/29/95 - Wildstorm Players' Guide #1, a guide to playing WildStorms: The Expandable Super-Hero Collectible Card Game (), will ship from Image in March. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4] Suspended Animation, by Michael Vance COMICS LEGENDS "Shaking their deadly blowguns at him, dozens of screaming head hunters surround Easy, cutting off all chance of escape." He escaped, of course. Escape was CAPATIN EASY'S middle name before Indiana Jones was a gleam in the eye of Washington Tubbs the IIIrd. Created in 1924 by master cartoonist Roy Crane, Wash. was the initial star of his own comic strip until Captain Easy joined the cast. Easy snatched center stage from tiny, pudgy, bespeckled Wash (who remained an important character) and turned this strip into the premier adventure continuity of it's day. It remains one of the best comic strips in history. As freebooters, hook-nosed Easy and Wash traveled to exotic locations all over the real and imaginary Crane world, living by fists and wits. Crane's brilliant and innovative art and his straightforward narrative and pace elevated Captain Easy to legendary status until the cartoonist left in 1943 ro create a new strip, BUZZ SAYWER. Easy continued under the pen of a former assistant while Crane returned to humor and funny noses with Buzz. While Easy had wrestled life in Pandemonia and and Shanghai, Buzz conquered domestic life at home and hearth. It is a powerful testament of the genius of Roy Crane that he breathed energy into both genres. Sadly, Crane is becomming a forgotten American treasure. However, it need not be so now that you know the marvelous secret of hard-fisted Captain Easy and crafty Wash Tubbs. Beyond his own title, Easy appeared in FAMOUS COMICS CARTOON BOOKS, (various publishers), THE COMICS (Dell), RED RYDER (Hawley, Dell), and CRACKERJACK FUNNIES and 4-COLOR (Dell). This wonderful strip is being reprinted by NBM Publishing today. Buzz was released under that name by Standard Comics. Except for the NBM collection, all are from the '30s and 40's. (Mr. Vance is a professional writer having written for numerous magazines like CBG, Starlog and Comics Interview. His work has appeared in over 500 newspapers and he's had work published by Comico, Renegade, Innovation and Rip Off Press. SUSPENDED ANIMATION appears in 14 publications reaching 214,000 readers in the U.S., Ireland and Portugal.) ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5] New Comics 1/2/96, by Chuck LePage NCRL: New Comic Book Releases List for Thursday, December 28, 1995, compiled by Charles LePage with information from Sun Coast Comics. This list is posted weekly, usually Tuesday afternoon. GO TO: (http://members.aol.com/ncrlist/private/comics.htm) for the latest lists and information. (http://www.mnsinc.com/hyworth/comics/new.html), for a beautiful "tabled" NCR list, and other comics info, courtesy of Thomas Aylesworth. (NCRList@aol.com) to send any messages, including email subscription requests, which are always welcome! PLEASE READ- Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. Let me know if any of the names or numbers are wrong. "MR" means "recommended for mature readers". PUBLISHER TITLE, ISSUE NUMBER, PRICE IN U.S. DOLLARS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCLAIM Bloodshot #46, 2.5 Bloodshot: Last Stand, 5.95 AEON 6:10 By The Schoolyard, 1.99 Boom Boom #4, 2.5 ALPHA Lethargic Lad #12, 2.95 AMAZE INK Replacement God #1 (second printing), 2.95 Replacement God #3, 2.95 Skeleton Key #6, 1.5 AMERICAN Comics Source #28, 3.95 ANTARCTIC Shotgun Mary: CD Soundtrack Edition #1, 8.95 Stainless Steel Armadillo #6, 2.95 Tigers of Terra #16, 2.75 ARCHIE Archie #445, 1.5 Archie's SuperTeens #4, 2.0 Jetsons #7, 1.5 ARGO Star Blazers #1, 2.95 Star Blazers #3, 2.95 BONGO Jimbo #3 (MR), 2.95 CALIBER Kabuki: Circle of Blood #6, 2.95 CAPITAL Advance Comics #87, 2.25 CFD Noir #2, 4.95 COMICO Elementals #2, 2.95 Elementals: Ghost of a Chance, 5.95 Oblivion #2 ("F" and "G"), 2.95 COPPERVALE Starchild: Crossroads #1, 2.95 CRUSADE Shi: Senryaku #3, 2.95 CSN Comic Shop News #445, free DAIKAIJU Monnga #3, 3.95 DARK HORSE 3x3 Eyes #3 (of 5)(MR), 2.95 Cross #2 (of 6)(MR), 2.95 Ghost In The Shell Tradepaperback (MR), 24.95 GI Joe #1 (of 4), 1.95 Godzilla #7, 2.5 Motorhead #5, 2.5 Star Wars: Droids #8, 2.5 Star Wars: Splinter Of The Mind's Eye #1 (of 4), 2.5 DC Azrael #13, 1.95 Batman: Shadow Of The Bat #47, 1.95 Blood Syndicate #35 (final issue), 3.5 Chiaroscuro: Private Lives Of Da Vinci #8 (of 10), 2.95 Egypt #4 (of 7)(MR), 2.5 Green Lantern #71, 1.75 Hawkman #29, 2.25 Hellblazer #98 (MR), 2.25 Justice League Of America #108, 1.75 Lobo #24, 2.25 New Gods #5, 1.95 New Titans #130 (final issue), 2.25 Power Of Shazam! #12, 1.75 Sandman #74 (MR), 2.5 Sandman: Dream Country Hardcover (MR), 29.95 Sandman Mystery Theatre #35, 2.25 Showcase 96 #2 (of 12), 2.95 Starman #16, 2.25 Static #32, 2.5 Superman #109, 1.95 Swamp Thing #163 (MR), 2.25 Vigilante: City Lights, Prairie Justice #4 (of 4), 2.5 DRAWN&QUARTERLY Drawn and Quarterly Vol. II #4, 6.95 My Most Secret Desire (regular edition), 11.95 EDDIE CAMPBELL Collected Bacchus: Immortality Isn't Forever #1, 9.95 ENTITY/EXPRESS Knight Hawke Investigations #1, 2.5 Nira X #1 (series III), 2.5 EXPLORER Explorers #2, 2.95 FANTACO Amazon Attack Pack (#1-4), 9.95 FANTAGRAPHICS Acme Novelty Library #1 (reprint)(MR), 3.95 Acme Novelty Library #6 (MR), 3.95 Comics Journal #182, 5.95 Eightball #16 (MR), 3.95 Like A Velvet Glove Cast In Iron, 16.95 FIRE MAN Scud: Dispossable Assassin #10, 2.95 FREAK PIT Dark City Angel #2 (MR), 3.5 GEMSTONE Overstreet's Fan #8, 4.95 GIANT ASS Hothead Paisan #18, 3.5 GLADSTONE Carl Barks Library: Donald Duck #24, 8.95 Donald Duck #295, 1.5 HORSE THB #5, 2.95 HYPER COM Quantum Alliance #4, 2.95 Quantum Alliance Four Pack (#1-4), 10.95 IMAGE Chapel #4, 2.5 Grifter #6, 2.5 Ripclaw #2, 2.5 Shaman's Tears #0, 2.5 Stormwatch #31, 2.5 Wildcats #25, 4.95 Witchblade #2, 2.5 INDO CITY Wild Seed #1 (of 4), 2.5 JABBERWOCKY Elegant Ladies, 3.5 JITTERBUG Coven of Angels #1, 2.95 KITCHEN SINK Alex Toth Hardcover (limited, signed/numbered), 34.95 Life on Another Planet, 12.95 Madman Adventures #1 (second printing), 3.95 Madman Adventures #2, 3.95 Madman Adventures #3, 2.95 Madman Signed Set (first printings, #1-3), 50.0 Oink: Heaven's Butcher #1, 4.95 Violent Cases Softcover, 9.95 Voodoo Child: Legend of Jimi Hendrix (deluxe), 60.0 KRAUSE Comic Buyer's Guide #1155, 2.5 LEGACY Cold Eden #4, 2.35 LOHMAN HILL Emma Davenport #5, 2.75 LONDON NIGHT Razor: Torture #0 (alternate chromium), 3.95 MALIBU Exiles #3, 1.5 Phoenix Resurrection: Revelations #1, 3.95 Rune #3, 1.5 Siren #3, 1.5 Star Trek DS9 #31, 3.95 Star Trek DS9: Ultimate Annual #1, 5.95 Terminator II-- Future War: Nuclear Twilight #2, 2.5 Ultraforce #3, 1.5 MALPRACTICE Freikorpss #1, 3.0 MARVEL Akira #38, 6.95 Avengers #395, 1.5 Captain Marvel #3, 1.95 Cosmic Powers Unlimited #4, 3.95 Disney Comic Hits #5, 1.5 Doctor Strange #86, 1.95 Fantastic Four #409, 1.5 Fantastic Four 2099 #2, 1.95 Green Goblin #5, 1.95 Hot Shots: X-Men #1, 2.95 Iron Man: Age of Innocence #1, 2.5 Logan #1, 5.95 Marvel Vision Consumer Catalog #3, 1.0 New Warriors #68, 1.5 Over The Edge And Under A Buck #4, 0.99 Sensational Spider-Man #2, 1.95 Silver Surfer #113, 1.5 Spectacular Spider-Man #231, 1.5 Spider-Man Unlimited #11, 3.95 Spider-Man: The Final Adventure #3, 2.95 Spider-Man Adventures #15, 1.5 Typhoid #4, 3.95 Venom: Along Came A Spider #2, 2.95 Wolverine Press Poster #1, 4.95 Wolverine #98, 1.95 X-Force #51, 1.95 X-Men 2099 #29, 1.95 X-Men Firsts #1, 4.95 MAXIMUM Asylum #1, 2.95 Battlestar Galactica: Enemy Within #1, 2.5 MOONSTONE Mr. Nightmare's Winter Special, 3.5 NBM Comicslit Magazine #7, 2.95 NIGHTSCAPE Steele Destinies #4, 2.95 PIFFLE Phineus: Magician for Hire #4, 2.95 PLANET LUCY Ragmop #2, 2.95 PURPLE SPIRAL Avenue X Vol. II #1 (signed/numbered), 3.0 RIP OFF Savage Henry #24, 2.5 SIRIUS Akiko On The Planet Smoo #1, 3.95 SLAVE LABOR Awkward Universe Graphic Novel, 9.95 Cambion #1, 2.95 Johnny The Homicical Maniac #1 (second printing), 2.95 TEKNO Gene Roddenberry's Xander In Lost Universe #5, 2.25 Neil Gaiman's Mr. Hero: The Newmatic Man #14, 1.95 TOPPS Jason vs. Leatherface #2 (of 3), 2.95 X-Files #11, 2.95 VEROTIK G.O.T.H. #1, 2.95 VIZ Viz-In News Magazine Vol. VII #12, free WARP Elfquest: Bedtime Stories, 19.95 Elfquest: Jink #10, 2.5 Elfquest: Two-Spear #3, 2.25 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [6] Late Comics Report 12/28/95, by Andrew S. Troth This is the Late Comics Report for the week of December 28, 1995. The three latest items on the list are enclosed in asterisks (*): three for the latest, two for the runner-up, one for third place. Ties apply the same rank to all tied items. New additions to the list are enclosed in these: < >. See below for items that have been removed since last week's list, other cancellations, and the top three late publishers. NOTE: For the next few weeks, some listed DC and Milestone items will be preceded by this mark: + . These are books that have been pushed back by one week in order to accomodate a change in Diamond's shipping schedule. For the purposes of this list, they are still late, because consumers will still be looking for these products on their original release dates; however, I feel that some acknowledgement that this delay was due to a distribution change, rather than simple lateness, is in order. -=These comics are LATE: -Abiogenesis Press: -Academy Comics: Robotech: Metal Swarm #1 (Dec 19) Robotech: Return to Macross #27 (Dec 12) Robotech II: The Sentinels Book IV #1 (Dec 12) -Acclaim Comics: Armada: Fallen Empires TPB (Oct) Magic: The Gathering - Shandalar #1 (Nov) Magic: The Gathering - Wayfarer #5 (Nov) Valiant: PunX #4 (Oct) -Aeon: Crush #1 (Nov) -Alaffinity: -Antarctic Press: Furrlough #36 (Dec 8) Hitomi: Geohammer #10 (Sep) Ninja High School #49 (Nov 10) Ninja High School Swimsuit Special 1995 (Dec 15) Shotgun Mary #2 (Nov 24; rescheduled for Dec 26) Tigers of Terra #16 (Oct 27; rescheduled for Dec 19) Tigers of Terra #17 (Nov 24) Tigers of Terra Book Two TPB (Dec 8) Tigers of Terra Technical Manual #1 (Dec 15) Venus Comix: -Archie Comics: NOTE: While Archie comics usually ship on time from the publisher, they are subject to a consistent distribution delay, such that any Archie comic can generally be expected to arrive in stores 8-10 days after the date listed in solicitation. Only Archie comics which fail to reach stores within that time frame will be included in this list. -Aria Press: A Distant Soil #12 (Sep) -Black Eye Productions: A World of Trouble #3 (Nov) -Bob Burden Studios: -Bongo Comics: -Broadway Comics: -Caliber Press: Herald Series: New Worlds: Raven Chronicles #5 (Nov) Underside #1 (Nov) -Cat-Head Comics: -Chaos! Comics: Evil Ernie: The Resurrection - Director's Cut (Nov) -Comico: Elementals #3 (Oct) Elementals #4 (Nov) Elementals Lingerie #1 (Nov) Oblivion #3 (Sep) Oblivion #4 (Oct) Primer #1: Bathory (Nov) Red Dragon #1 (Oct) Red Dragon #2 (Nov) Strike Force America #2 (Oct) Strike Force America #3 (Nov) -Coppervale Press: Starchild: Crossroads #2 (Oct 31; rescheduled for Dec 26) Starchild: Crossroads #3 (Nov 14) Starchild: Crossroads #4 (Nov 28) -Cosmic Comics: Rock 'N' Roll High School #2 (Nov) -CPM Comics: Project A-Ko GN (Nov) -Crusade Comics: -Dancing Elephant Press: Kane #11 (Oct) -Dark Horse Comics: Classic Star Wars: Escape to Hoth TPB (Dec 19) Legend: Madman Comics #10 (Dec 19) Madman Comics TPB (Dec 12) -DC Comics: + + + + + + + + + + + +REBELS '96 #16 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26) +Sovereign Seven #8 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26) Star Trek #80 (Dec 12; rescheduled for Dec 19) Star Trek: The Next Generation #79 (Nov 28; rescheduled for Dec 19) + Star Trek: The Next Generation Annual #6 (Oct 17; rescheduled for Dec 26) + + Vertigo: + Goddess #8 (Nov 14; rescheduled for Nov 21) + Millennium Fever #4 (Nov 7; rescheduled for Dec 19) + Sandman #74 (Nov 21; rescheduled for Dec 26) + Tank Girl: Apocalypse #4 (Dec 12; rescheduled for Dec 19) -Double Diamond Press: Hepcats #13 (Aug) -Dramenon Studios: -Drawn & Quarterly: Palooka-Ville #8 (Oct) -Event Comics: Ash #6 (Oct) -Fantagraphics Books: Acme Novelty Library #6 (Nov) Clover Honey (Nov) Crap #8 (Jul) Eightball #16 (Nov) Erotic Art of Reed Waller Expanded Edition (Aug) **Human Diastrophism UK Edition (Jan)** *Little Nemo Volume 2 SC (Apr)* Little Orphan Annie 1935 (Jul) Omaha Vol. I #5 (Aug) Prince Valiant Vol. 25 (Sep) -Fiasco Comics: -Genesis West Publications: Last of the Viking Heroes: Nidhogger Lives HC (Jun) Professor Om #2 (Oct) -Gladstone/Disney: Disney Comics in Color Album #1 (Nov) Disney Comics in Color Album #2 (Nov) Disney Comics in Color Album #3 (Nov) Disney Comics in Color Album #4 (Nov) Disney Comics in Color Album #5 (Nov) Disney Comics in Color Album #6 (Nov) Disney Comics in Color Album #7 (Nov) -Green Man Press: -Horse Press: THB #6 (Nov) -Image Comics: Cartoon Books: Extreme/Shadowline Studios: Badrock! #2 (Nov) Badrock! #3 (May) Berzerkers #4 (Nov) Bloodpool #4 (Nov; rescheduled for Dec 19) Glory #8 (Nov; rescheduled for Dec 19) Grifter/Badrock #2 (Nov) Prophet Babewatch Special #1 (Nov) Prophet Vol. 2 #3 (Nov) Vogue #2 (Nov) Highbrow Studios: Savage Dragon #24 (Nov; rescheduled for Dec 26) Todd McFarlane Productions: Top Cow Studios: Ballistic Imagery #1 (Nov) CyberForce #18 (Nov) WildStorm Studios: Deathblow #22 (Nov) Grifter #7 (Nov) Union #9 (Nov; rescheduled for Dec 26) WildStorm! #4 (Nov) -King Hell Press: Rare Bit Fiends #16 (Dec 5) -Kitchen Sink Press: Aviation Art of Russell Keaton TPB (Nov) Father & Son #3 (Nov) Li'l Abner Vol. 22 (Nov) Lost Girls #1 (Nov) Will Eisner's Quarterly #1 (Nov) Will Eisner's Quarterly #2 (Nov) -Lady Luck Ltd.: -Malibu Comics: ***Edge #4 (Nov '94)*** Mortal Kombat Kollection TPB (Jul) -Marvel Comics: Beavis and Butt-Head: Wanted TPB (Nov 28) Bizarre #1 (Aug 1) Bizarre #2 (Sep 5) Comix Zone #1 (Nov) Conan the Savage #7 (Dec 19) Doctor Who #230 (Sep 5) Doctor Who #231 (Oct 3) Doctor Who #232 (Nov 7) Doctor Who #233 (Nov 28) Doctor Who Po Gargoyles #12 (Nov 28) Hammer Horror #8 (Sep 5) Hammer Horror #9 (Oct 3) Infinity Gauntlet TPB (Oct 24) Life of Captain Marvel TPB (Oct 24) Lunatik #3 (Dec 12) Nightmare Circus #1 (Nov) Playback #1 (Jul 4) Playback #2 (Jul 25) Spider-Man Adventures TPB (Sep 5) Tales of the Marvels: Inner Demons (Dec 19) X-Men: Askani'Son #2 (Dec 12) Marvel Music: Billy Ray Cyrus (Dec 5) Bob Marley #2 (Dec 5) Break the Chain #1 (Dec 5) Elvis Presley #1 (Dec 5) -Maximum Comics Press: Warchild #0 (Jul) -Meet Danny Ocean: -Milestone Media: + -NBM: Tarzan Vol. 13 (Nov) Turn of the Screw (Nov) -Palliard Press: xXxenophile Presents #5 (Oct) -Patchwork Press: -Penthouse Comix: -Sirius Entertainment: Dawn #3 (Nov) -Slave Labor Graphics: Beer & Roaming in Las Vegas #1 (Oct) Jazzbo! Comics That Swing #3 (Oct) Amaze Ink: -Spiderbaby Grafix: *Stephen R. Bissette's Tyrant #4 (Apr)* Stephen R. Bissette's Tyrant #5 (Jun) -Tekno*Comix: Gene Roddenberry's Xander in Lost Universe #5 (Dec 19) Isaac Asimov's I-Bots #4 (Nov) -Topps Comics: James Bond: GoldenEye #1 (Dec 12) Jason vs. Leatherface #3 (Dec 12) Mars Attacks #4 (Nov 14; rescheduled for Dec 5) Mars Attacks #5 (Dec 12) Return to Jurassic Park #8 (Nov 21; rescheduled for Dec 5) Return to Jurassic Park #9 (Dec 19) X-Files #12 (Nov 21; rescheduled for Dec 5) X-Files #13 (Dec 19) -Watermark: -=REMOVED from the list since last week: -Acclaim Comics: Valiant: Bloodshot: Last Stand (Nov; came out Dec 26) -Antarctic Press: Stainless Steel Armadillo #6 (Dec 15; came out Dec 26) -Archie Comics: See NOTE above for information regarding the future listing of Archie Comics in this list. -Caliber Press: Kabuki: Circle of Blood #6 (Nov; came out Dec 26) -Comico Comics: Elementals #2 (Sep; came out Dec 26) Elementals: Ghost of a Chance GN (Jul; came out Dec 26) Oblivion #2 (Aug; came out Dec 26) -Coppervale Press: Starchild: Crossroads #1 (Oct 17; came out Dec 26) -Crusade Comics: Shi: Senryaku #3 (Nov; came out Dec 26) -Dark Horse Comics: GI Joe #1 (Dec 19; came out Dec 26) -DC Comics: Azrael #13 (Dec 5; rescheduled for Dec 12; came out Dec 26) +Batman: Shadow of the Bat #47 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) +Green Lantern #71 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) +Hawkman #29 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) +Justice League America #108 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) Lobo #24 (Dec 5; rescheduled for Dec 12; came out Dec 26) +New Gods #5 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) +New Titans #130 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) +Power of Shazam! #12 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) +Showcase '96 #2 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) +Starman #16 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) +Superman #109 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) Vigilante: City Lights, Prairie Justice #4 (Dec 12; rescheduled for Dec 19; came out Dec 26) Vertigo: +Chiaroscuro #8 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) Egypt #6 (Nov 28; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) +Hellblazer #98 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) +Sandman: Dream Country HC (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) Sandman Mystery Theatre #35 (Dec 12; rescheduled for Dec 19; came out Dec 26) +Swamp Thing #163 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) -Drawn & Quarterly: Drawn & Quarterly Vol. 2 #4 (Nov; came out Dec 26) -Gladstone/Disney: Carl Barks Library of Donald Duck Adventures #24 (Dec 18; came out Dec 26) Donald Duck #295 (Dec 18; came out Dec 26) -Image Comics: Creative Fire Studios: Shaman's Tears #0 (Nov; came out Dec 26) Extreme/Shadowline Studios: Chapel #4 (Nov; came out Dec 26) Top Cow Studios: Ripclaw #2 (Nov; came out Dec 26) WildStorm Studios: Grifter #6 (Oct; came out Dec 26) -Marvel Comics: Akira #38 (Dec 19; came out Dec 26) Barbie #60 (Oct 10; came out) Barbie #61 (Nov 14; came out) Barbie #62 (Dec 12; came out) Captain Marvel #3 (Dec 5; rescheduled for Dec 19; came out Dec 26) Green Goblin #5 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) Logan #1 (Dec 12; came out Dec 26) Spider-Man: The Final Adventure #3 (Dec 12; rescheduled for Dec 19; came out Dec 26) -Milestone Media: +Blood Syndicate #35 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) +Static #32 (Dec 19; rescheduled for Dec 26; came out Dec 26) -NBM: ComicsLit Magazine #7 (Dec 11; came out Dec 26) -SCC Entertainment: Anubis #3 (Nov; delayed to late Dec; cancelled; title to move to a different publisher) -Slave Labor Graphics: Awkward Universe GN (Nov; came out Dec 26) Cambion #1 (Nov; came out Dec 26) -Tekno*Comix: Neil Gaiman's Mr. Hero #14 (Dec 19; came out Dec 26) -Topps Comics: Jason vs. Leatherface #2 (Nov 14; came out Dec 26) X-Files #11 (Oct 24; came out Dec 26) -WaRP Graphics: Elfquest: Two-Spear #3 (Dec 14; came out Dec 26) -=TOP THREE late publishers, by number of late items: 1. Image Comics: 42 items 2. Marvel + Malibu Comics: 36 + 2 = 38 3. DC Comics: 27 -=PUBLISHERS covered at present: Aardvark-Vanaheim, Aberration Press, Abiogenesis Press, Abstract Studio, Acclaim Comics, AC Comics, Adhesive Comics, Aeon, A Is A Comics, Alaffinity, Alpha Productions, Amaze Ink, A.M. Works, Angus Publishing, Animus, Antarctic Press (not including Venus Comix), Anvil, Archie Comics, Argo Press, Aria Press, Art & Soul Comics, Astro Comics, Black Eye Productions, Black Lobster Studios, Bob Burden Studios, Bongo Comics, B Publications, Broadway Comics, Caliber Press, Cartoon Books, Cat-Head Comics, Chaos! Comics, Chiasmus, Claypool Comics, Comico, Coppervale Press, Cosmic Comics, CPM Comics, Crusade Comics, Dancing Elephant Press, Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, Double Diamond Press, Dramenon Studios, Drawn & Quarterly, Dreamwalker, Eddie Campbell Comics, Edge Publishing, El Capitán, Event Comics, Exhibit A Press, Fantagraphics Books (not including Eros Comix), Fiasco Comics, Fireman Press, Full Bleed Studios, Genesis West Publications, Gladstone/Disney, GraphXPress, Green Man Press, Hamilton Comics, Hanthercraft, Harris Publications, Heritage Press, Horse Press, I Box, Image Comics, King Hell Press, Kidgang Comics, King Ink, Kiss & Tell, Kitchen Sink Press, Known Associates Press, Lady Luck Ltd., Lightning Comics, Lohman Hills Press, London Night Studios, Malibu Comics, Mark's Giant Economy Size Comics, Marvel Comics, Maximum Comics Press, Meet Danny Ocean, Milestone Media, NBM, Neatly Chiseled Features, New England Comics Press, Nightwolf Graphics, Palliard Press, Patchwork Press, Pen & Ink Comics, Penthouse Comix, Planet Lucy Press, Retro Graphix, SCC Entertainment, Sirius Entertainment, Slave Labor Graphics, Spacegirl Comics, Spiderbaby Grafix, Starhead, Tekno*Comix, Topps Comics, Tru Studios, Viz Communications, WaRP Graphics, Watermark, and Wells & Clark. -=DISCLAIMERS: This is a list of comic books that have *not* arrived in stores as of the date above. When they *will* come out is anyone's guess. Only comics, hardcover and softcover graphic novels, hardcover reprint collections, and trade paperbacks are covered. I will include an additional list of newly cancelled or resolicited items when possible. If you have any information regarding any item on the list, or if you think an item on the list has come out, please contact me. Not all distributors deliver items at the same time. Depending on your retailer and your retailer's distributor, actual on-sale dates may vary. cheers, andrew This list is posted every Thursday to Section 7 of the CompuServe Comics and Animation Forum and Section 1 of the CompuServe Comics Publishers Forum, and reposted to rec.arts.comics.misc and the WWW at http://users.aol.com/ncrlist/private/comics.htm ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [7] Splash Page! *************************************** FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION *************************************** Marlowe & Company is proud to announce the Spring 1996 publication of "Porita Prinz of the Glamazons," by Richard Howell, with an introduction by Kurt Busiek. Featuring both published and unpublished stories, "Portia Prinz of the Glamazons" will be the presentation of the character that has been unable to be done until now. Making her first appearances intermittently between 1977 and 1979, and then briefly in 1986, Portia Prinz has been hailed as the watershed event in bringing credible female characters to comics. "Portia Prinz of the Glamazons" is the latest book in Marlowe & Company's graphic novel line, which is dedicated to bringing the best, and most often overlooked, comics back into print. Further information is available by contacting Marlowe & Company via: E-mail: Ldeneault@aol.com Phone: (212) 460-5742 Fax: (212) 460-5796 *************************************** FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION *************************************** Save those body parts, kids! Marlowe & Company is proud to announce that "The Cowboy Wally Show," the legendary graphic novel by Kyle Baker, is returning to print in the Spring of 1996. 'nuff said. "The Cowboy Wally Show" is the latest book in Marlowe & Company's graphic novel line, which is dedicated to bringing the best, and most often overlooked, comics back into print. Publication Date: March 1996 Price: $12.95 ISBN: 1-56924-834-6 Further information is available by contacting Marlowe & Company via: E-mail: Ldeneault@aol.com Phone: (212) 460-5742 Fax: (212) 460-5796 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [8] Letters to the E-Mag From: Christopher Drayson To: Xenozoid@cris.com Subject: (no subject) Hello, I have a friend at Marvel comics who is interest in starting to work on projects for internet based comics. He has been doing coloring for several years (including the x-men), as well as other freelance work. He has been developing ideas, and wants to pitch them, and is also intersted in freelance for for e-comics. If you accept contributions, or can use him for freelance work, please let me know, and I will pass the info on to him. If you do not acceptcontributions, but can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate your help. Thank you for your time, Christopher Drayson San Francisco, CA cdrayson@glenlake.sprl.umich.edu ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [9] Join in the fun! You too can enjoy the intelligent conversations and informative threads that occupy the conferences of the Comic Book Net every day! However, many people who read this e-mag aren't familiar with the Local BBS echo-mail system.... Bulletin Board Systems are scattered everywhere across the USofA, and many of them are free! Chances are, if you have a modem you have the accompanying communications software. Using the Terminal Emulation software that came with your modem, you can dial up one of the many systems linked into CBN (see the listings down a few paragraphs). Most of the boards offer all the message echoes in the Comic Book Network... there are message bases devoted to all the bigger comics publishers, as well as big Small Press and Independent message bases, not to mention sections for general (doesn't even have to be about comics!) conversation. If you are worried about long distance charges, worry no longer! Most if not all the BBS's offer a mail service from which you can download a .QWK packet of recent e-mail to read offline with a program called an offline mail reader. You can read & write messages at your leisure, and then upload your own messages & replies the next time you call your local BBS. There are many .QWK packet readers out there, for every type of computer system. They all give you a better explaination in their documentation than I can. These programs are available all over the Internet and are downloadable from most BBS's. These "mail runs" (dialing up, downloading the mail packet and uploading replies) generally take less than 5 minutes to accomplish, and at the average after-5pm/weekends/holidays long distance phone rates, that is LESS THAN 75›! See? Even less expensive than many of the commercial information services available! :) So what else can you find on free BBS systems? Theres plenty of files for specific types of computers. Some systems also offer other types of message networks ranging from general topics to specific themes like sci-fi, role playing, games, music, etc. And, let's not forget online games. Join into the many different multiplayer games, each system sports different challenges. There's nothing like becoming the most powerful being in a online adventure! And when you _do_ log on, leave a message in The Bullpen conference to ALL, and introduce yourself to us! You're guaranteed to get plenty of replies and all the help you need to join in the fun! Best, --Ry, the editor, with assists from Ed Dukeshire. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [10] BBSes Linked into CBN Here's the most up-to-date node listing for the COMIC BOOK NETWORK F=FIDO Q=QWK B=Both *=Major HUB -- ARKANSAS ------------------------------------------------------------ F* Karate & Comics & ... Russelville AR 501-968-3910 Robert Wood F The Mystic BBS Hector AR 501-284-5503 Curtis Tesch -- CALIFORNIA ---------------------------------------------------------- Q Corner Mailbox BBS Lakeside CA 619-561-2961 Joy Manning Q Freedom Flight Victorville CA 619-955-6445 Ronald Siodla -- FLORIDA ------------------------------------------------------------- F Info. Interchange Ft Lauderdale FL 305-792-9622 Mitchel Waas F Flamingo Melbourne FL 407-253-0782 Genie Bohn F Never Never Land Melbourne FL 407-253-8754 Wayne Bell Q Twilight Hall BBS Tampa FL 813-977-6712 John Pierce F Steel Dog Cafe' Destin FL 904-654-9385 Keith Schultz Q Oak Street BBS Ft. Walton FL 904-244-7434 Michael Fischer Q Extreme Online Jacksonville FL 904-363-6347 Eric Cohen F Ded Dudez' Tavares FL 904-343-7272 Mike Burgess -- ILLINOIS ------------------------------------------------------------ F Warp Speed BBS Palatine IL 708-776-2395 Alex Gen -- INDIANA ------------------------------------------------------------- F The CyberSpace BBS Indianapolis IN 317-856-9020 Charlie Smith B* Rob's BBS Arcade La Porte IN 219-325-3655 Rob Swanson -- KENTUCKY ------------------------------------------------------------ Q Mister Rogers Lexington KY 606-273-6611 Doug Rogers -- MARYLAND ------------------------------------------------------------ B* The Daily Planet Frederick MD 301-831-8057 Mike Imboden F The Vampyre Bar! Frederick MD 301-698-5194 Darryl Pierce B Zoneland BBS Gaithersburg MD 301-601-9731 Bob Hair F DataStorm Kettering MD 301-390-5243 Tarek Gordan F Bifrost Mount Rainier MD 301-779-9381 Kevin Carlin F Castravalva Walkersville MD 301-898-4088 Jeffrey Frasure F Womens World East BBS Silver Spring MD 301-431-0647 Wendy Dumser F Boardwalk BBS Bishopville MD 410-352-5754 James Davis -- MASSACHUSETTS ------------------------------------------------------- Q DJ Dave's Domain Agawam MA 413-789-6533 David Scarpa F Archives BBS Acushnet MA 508-995-0085 John Viera F Computer Castle BBS Haverhill MA 508-521-6941 John McNally B U.S.S. Saratoga BBS New Bedford MA 508-984-1212 Justin Campeau F Muskrat & Heatwave New Bedford MA 508-984-5321 Dennis Racine F Computer Castle BBS North Andover MA 508-686-8010 John McNally F Enigma BBS Rochester MA 508-763-5579 Chris Ferreira B* Keystone BBS Shrewsbury MA 508-753-3767 John Harris F HellFire BBS S. Dartmouth MA 508-979-8930 Brock Cordeiro B Call Again Soon Worcester MA 508-791-1281 Joe Johnson -- MICHIGAN ------------------------------------------------------------ F Intl. Comic Network Dearborn Hgts MI 313-565-8464 Anthony Palacio -- MISSOURI ------------------------------------------------------------ F The Oan Citadel Grandview MO 816-767-1488 Brian J. Stewart -- NEW HAMPSHIRE ------------------------------------------------------- F Computer Castle BBS Atkinson NH 603-362-4125 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Exeter NH 603-778-4662 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Hampstead NH 603-329-5643 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Kingston NH 603-642-5949 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Newton NH 603-382-0567 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Raymond NH 603-895-2393 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS Rye Beach NH 603-964-4760 John McNally F Computer Castle BBS South Hampton NH 603-394-7534 John McNally -- NEW JERSEY ---------------------------------------------------------- F Virtual Connection Fair Lawn NJ 201-796-7202 Dmitry Korsun B* Bergen BBS Hillsdale NJ 201-722-1495 Jacob Greenberg F Cyberspace Arcade Little Ferry NJ 201-440-5499 Rick Smorawski F The Quantum Zone Park Ridge NJ 201-307-9225 Wayne Robinson F Unnamed BBS Saddle Brook NJ 201-368-1866 Edward Di Geronimo Jr. -- NEW YORK ------------------------------------------------------------ B Asgard.TW BBS West Islip NY 516-422-4225 Tom Pemberton F Generation X Rochester NY 716-647-6960 Eric Sears F X-Mansion BBS Astoria NY 718-204-0159 Benny Powell F Starbase : Red Dwarf Saugerties NY 914-247-9601 John Dragun B Gotham City BBS Spring Valley NY 914-426-3029 Gerald Schranz F Di Vermiis Mysteriis Poughkeepsie NY 914-485-5463 Thomas Morton -- NORTH CAROLINA ------------------------------------------------------ F Electronic Hangover Durham NC 919-286-4542 Richard Lee F Psychotronic Durham NC 919-286-7738 Richard Lee F* TI-Raliegh Maximus Raliegh NC 919-833-3412 Walter Tietjen F Crystal Winds Raliegh NC 919-790-3599 Mike Gurkin -- OKLAHOMA ------------------------------------------------------------ F Lets PC BBS Oklahoma City OK 405-672-0615 Hyun Nam F Snart's Dreamland Collinsville OK 918-371-0980 Jeff Bennett -- PENNSYLVANIA -------------------------------------------------------- F Comic Book Board Philadelphia PA 215-365-5225 William Horton Q 3-4-2 LEVI Online Philadelphia PA 215-342-5384 Leo Keil F Dark Lands Philadelphia PA 215-487-7315 Chris Ford F The Malverne BBS Eddystone PA 610-872-2830 Raymond Jones -- TENNESSEE ----------------------------------------------------------- F The Factory BBS Union City TN 901-885-9647 Rick Brewer -- TEXAS --------------------------------------------------------------- Q Way Out There Dallas TX 214-680-2755 Justin Pasher F House Atreides Garland TX 214-494-3702 Wayne LeMonds F The Chess Board Grand Prairie TX 214-641-1136 Ken Givens B* FIAWOL/MSConnections Irving TX 214-790-6472 Bobb Waller F Star Streams Waxahachie TX 214-938-7115 Michael Rudolf F* The RASTER Line Houston TX 713-568-0825 Jeff Watts F The Dream Sequence Missouri City TX 713-835-0965 Biju Mathai F Young Blood Killeen TX 817-699-2254 T.J. Gohl F Orion BBS Odessa TX 915-530-2712 Dennis Brown -- VIRGINIA ------------------------------------------------------------ B Crystal Aerie Arlington VA 703-415-0134 Spencer Greenwald -- WASHINGTON ---------------------------------------------------------- F* Longview On-Line! Longview WA 206-577-7358 Jeanne Lejon -- ONTARIO, CANADA ----------------------------------------------------- F Dark Knight BBS London ONT 519-850-9929 Michael Cross F MACH 1 BBS London ONT 519-457-6771 Tomasz Heiber F The Outpost BBS St. Mary ONT 519-284-0223 Murray Atthill F Snake Pit BBS Tecumseh ONT 519-979-4251 Mark Godard F Gananoque System's BBS Gananoque ONT 613-382-1788 Mike Serson -- MEXICO -------------------------------------------------------------- B* The Gate BBS Mexico City 52-5-264-2994 Emilio Karam - From USA, dial international-access 011 then 52-5-264-2994# ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [11] E-Mag Info The Comic Book Net E-Mag is published weekly by the many participants of The Comic Book Network. This is a compilation of articles and columns which were originally posted in the network's conferences or written specifically for this electronic magazine. All text contained within are copyrighted to the originating author(s). Freely distributable for noncommerical purposes only. THE CBN WEB PAGE ---------------- If you have access to the World Wide Web, please stop by and visit our web page! On our web page, you can find the latest issue of our E-Mag, as well as an annotated index of back issues. You'll also find important information on how to join the conversation in the Comic Book Net, an archive of Comic Book Net fanfic, and other neat features! The URL address is: http://www.cris.com/~Xenozoid/ComicBkNet.html LOCATING THE ISSUES ------------------- The latest issue is always available from all the systems linked into The Comic Book Network. You can also find the back issues at America Online, by going to Keyword: Science Fiction, clicking on the menu item Comic Book Forum and then going to the Comics Library from there. All back issues should be available at the above sites, as well as our World Wide Web page. SUBMISSIONS ----------- To submit an article, review, column, etc to our e-mag, simply post it in any Comic Book Net conference and leave me a message in the CBN: E-Mag conference giving me permission to use the article. If you cannot access the Comic Book Net, submit your news articles (no reviews accepted at this time...) to the editor: Xenozoid@cris.com. SUBSCRIPTIONS ------------- If you wish to receive these issues automatically through your internet account, please address a message to Xenozoid@cris.com to be placed on the subscription list. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - End of Issue #42.. see ya next week!