---- InfiNet - The International Freedom of Information Network ---- * WHAT IS INFINET? - A worldwide organization dedicated to promoting a responsible free exchange of information - A forum for intelligent expression and interchange of ideas, ideals, and opinions. * WHO DOES IT CATER TOWARDS? - InfiNet is primarily and predominantly composed of users and sysops ranging from their 20s to 40s. There is a strong emphasis on social interaction, rather than a technical one. Users and sysops come from a variety of social backgrounds, religious beliefs, races, and preferences. ------------------------ F E A T U R E S : ------------------------- * ACTIVE SINCE JUNE OF 1990 - InfiNet is NOT just another "Here Today - Gone Tomorrow" network. We've been around for five long years, and fully intend to remain active for many, many more. * FREEDOM FROM EXPENSE - You want it? You got it! There is never ANY charge or fee to join InfiNet. ANY sysop or user that is interested in carrying InfiNet may feel free to pick it up. All that is needed to join is a single, COMPLETELY confidential application. Once it has been completed, you're in. * EXPANSIVE - Featuring hundreds of nodes in all areas of the world. With ten regional hosts, and literally dozens of individual area code hubs for the United States and Canada, calling expenses (if any) are certain to remain low at all times. * FREEDOM FROM CENSORSHIP - Every person's opinion truly counts for something. All users are able to express themselves freely and openly, without fear of cruel or overbearing moderators jumping in at a moment's notice. Messages are NEVER censored, altered, reviewed or restricted, and the ONLY moderation that takes place is when a user is either blatantly off-topic, engages in continual personal attacks, or is continually disruptive. > WARNING: Due to the extremely open nature of InfiNet, this network is > most definitely NOT for everyone! Handles and aliases ARE allowed, as > is the use of profanity (within reason). Although no illegal acts are > committed or discussed, ALTERNATIVE VIEWPOINTS ARE ENCOURAGED, and > biased, bigoted, political, unpopular or otherwise controversial > opinions are often prevalent. Due to this fact, this network may NOT > be suitable for young children or extremely conservative persons. * FREEDOM OF CHOICE - With a vast array of 150+ message areas, InfiNet specializes in topics which most other nets either ignore completely, or assign "general" bases for. We are quite willing to add in new echos, based solely upon demand. Also, only FIVE echos are required: Sysops are free to choose ONLY echos that they are interested in! * QUALITY QUANTITY - Not only will you find InfiNet a true haven for intelligent conversation, but: * InfiNet is FREE! The ONLY cost (if any) is that of calling your host to pick up your mail - No entrance/startup fees, no maintenance, and no involuntary Cost Recovery Programs. * InfiNet is ACTIVE! Daily network activity averages between 50 and 250 kilobytes, compressed, when carrying all echos. * InfiNet is NON-PROPRIETARY! We have made every possible effort to not stick to one single proprietary standard. While typically available as a Fido-Standard/FTS network, it is also offered as a QWK Network, a WWIV Network, a VirtualNet (Type 1) Network. Plans for packet transfers via FTP, IP, UUCP, WWW and Internet E-Mail are in the works. * FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION - BY THE USERS, FOR THE USERS - This network is moderated by the users! One person (a sysop, or an end user) controls each echo, defining its' policies, its' freedoms, and its' topicality. ALWAYS run with an easy touch, never overbearing or openly hostile, InfiNet is a one-in-a-million, unique choice in networks today!