HOW-TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL WRITER You have the essential talents of becoming a good author. While the quality of your material may not match the readership a publisher caters to, you don't have to become discouraged. Keep writing. Take advantage of those who can offer the services you need: The Northwest Literary Consortium represents a group of freelance literary and publishing professionals providing a variety of services. OUR CLIENTS GET PUBLISHED Is your manuscript _really_ ready to submit? Let our professional editors and agents help you edit and polish it before you submit it for publication. Complete professional creative/editorial services; editing, revising, ghosting; manuscript evaluations, critiques by noted authors, editors, agents, and publishers. Affordable and fast! Detailed comments and suggestions for your fiction/non-fiction manuscripts. $2.00 per page (1" margins, double spaced, and minimum 10-point type) plus SASE for return of your edited manuscript. Send complete manuscript (any size) plus SASE for return of mss and report to: NW Literary Consortium, Editing Services, c/o PO Box 751 Beaverton, OR 97075-0751 WHAT DOES THE READER SEE IN YOUR STORY? Characters: Do your characters come to life? Plot: Does your premise develop a story? Dialogue: Do your characters tell the story? Scenery: Are your scenes well-structured? Viewpoint: Do you have the right viewpoint for your story? Construction: Do you know what makes an unsalable manuscript? Professional critique service reads your manuscript and provides detailed report. $1.75 per page. Send complete manuscript (any size) plus SASE for return of mss and report to: NW Literary Consortium, Critique Services, c/o PO Box 751 Beaverton, OR 97075-0751 THE WRITE STUFF We type manuscripts! 20+ years experience. Fast, accurate, confidential. Free five-year file back-up storage. Support for WordPerfect, WordStar, Display Write, Microsoft Word, Volkswriter, MultiMate, Samma Word, DCA/RFT, DCR/FFT, Navy DIF, Wang PC, DEC WPS PLUS, and more. Spelling, punctuation and grammar guaranteed. Fax by arrangement. Output: Double space, 1" margin, page number and header. Disk text file or laser quality printout. $1.50 per page. Page layout using state of the art applications with tables scanned images, etc. Starting at $5.00 per page. How To Reach Us: NW Literary Consortium, Write Stuff, c/o P.O. BOX 751, Beaverton OR 97075-0751