The Licensing Conditions for WinPack V5 (c) Roger Barker, 1995 -------------------------------------------------------------- THESE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE V4! PLEASE READ!! WinPack V5, like all preceding versions of WinPack, is freeware. You are given permission to use the program without making any payment for it. You are also allowed to pass it on, in its entirety to any other individual who might wish to use it, provided that you do not make any charge for doing so, other than possibly a nominal charge for the cost of a disk and postage. I would say that one UK pound or equivalent in other currencies is quite sufficient to cover that. The only exception to the above is that I give permission for amateur radio clubs to sell WinPack in order to raise funds, provided that they first inform me that they are doing so. I specifically DO NOT give permission for WinPack to be put on a PC that is being sold by a dealer. As far as I am concerned, it is then being used to add value to the PC. If you have bought a PC with which WinPack has been bundled, please let me know. I specifically DO NOT give permission for WinPack to be sold by "shareware dealers". If you have bought the program from a shareware dealer, please let me know. The biggest disincentive to producing another version was seeing shareware dealers selling previous versions. If you are a shareware dealer - I don't want you to sell my program. If you remove this file from the disk, or alter it, the program won't work. Contributions ------------- The program is freeware, no payment to myself is either requested or expected. If you want to make a contribution to me, then you can always send me a Christmas card as a thank-you, (I don't feel obliged to reply to Christmas cards!) Please resist sending me an email message that starts "Thank you for supplying WinPack, however I have one small problem..." I've got hundreds of those! Support ------- If you think the following comments suggest that I have not got much fun out of supporting WinPack - then you are absolutely right! I have received far more requests for support than I would ever have believed possible. The following is my starting point for offering support:- First of all, I am sure there are some PCs on which WinPack will never work, usually as a result of the way the user has set up Windows. There's nothing I can do about that. However, since WinPack shouldn't have cost you anything more than an envelope and a couple of stamps, if you can't get it to work you really haven't lost very much! I *know* the program works on a 386 or better, with Windows 3.1 or later correctly installed and with 4Mb or more RAM. I *know* it works fine under Win95. I have also *personally* tested it with several popular makes of TNC. I *know* it works with several others that I haven't managed to test myself. I don't know of any make of TNC with which WinPack doesn't work. The TNCs I have used with WinPack are:- PacComm Tiny-2 Kantronics KAM Kantronics KPC-3 AEA PK-88 AEA PK-96 BSX2 with both Tiny-2 and TNC2 firmware Thorcom RLC200 with both its original and Tiny-2 firmware I *know* it works with PK232s, I also know that a lot of people have trouble getting it to work with a PK232. I haven't got a PK232, so if you are using one and have problems, an SB to WINPAC @ GBR should get you going. There is no "fiddle" needed, it works just fine with a properly set up PK232. Please try to obtain support from other users before you come to me. Someone using the program on the same BBS as you, or with the same TNC as you is probably going to be able to offer better support than I can. Finally, PLEASE READ THE HELP and the README.TXT!! It took me a lot longer to write them than it will take you to read them. They really do contain some useful information, and they're not just for beginners! Packing List ------------ Thw WinPack V5.1 disk contains the following files:- 7plus.ex_ 7plus.in_ 7plus_e.do_ 7pl_hist.nt_ ack.ex_ autotime.tx_ backup.ex_ bbs.tx_ cmdialog.vb_ cry.ic_ ctl3dv2.dl_ dxclust.tx_ fbbpass.tx_ fbbsync.tx_ g4ide7pl.dl_ guidelin.ex_ guidelin.tx_ ideview.ex_ install.ex_ kam.tx_ kpc3.tx_ licence.txt mci.vb_ mnthname.tx_ mscomm.vb_ msgblast.vb_ nnapass.tx_ packet.ex_ packet.hl_ pass_fbb.tx_ pass_nna.tx_ personal.tx_ pk88.tx_ pk96.tx_ pk96scr.tx_ pk232.tx_ pkzip.pi_ readme.txt reqcfg.ex_ reqdir.ex_ reqfil.ex_ rlc200.tx_ select.tx_ settime.tx_ setup.exe sig.tx_ speech.ex_ splitwav.ex_ talk.tx_ threed.vb_ tiny2.tx_ uninstal.ex_ userhelp.tx_ vbrun300.dl_ vsvbx50.vb_ wav.bi_ winpack.fo_ winpack.tx_ winplzh1.dl_ winstall.hlp winstall.inf winstall.msg winstalp.dll Roger Barker, G4IDE November 1995