Rock Fantasy is a game to let you experience the thrill of being a star in a rock group. You get to see first hand how the fabled rock group, The Rock Makers , came into being and became a star band. The band consists of lead singer Jerry K., guitarist Pete, bassist Lyle and drummer Mad Dog D. Make videos, perform on stage, write songs, and watch the groupies go wild. Assemble the band with all of the instruments required to perform. Fire the cannon during a concert for explosive action! Following is a list of major playfield components that will be referred to in this document. The number beside each component also appears in the accompanying diagram (RFTABLE.PCX). 1.Warm Up Ramp 2.The Stage 3.Front of the Stage/Stage Guards 4.Road To Stardom Lane 5.Stage Tunnel Lane 6.Letter Wheels 7.Recording Company kickout hole 8.Doorman bullseye 9.Equipment drop targets 10.Group Drop Targets 11.Vacation Fund lane 12.The Cannon 13.Dance Across the Stage Habitrail 14.TV Screen 15.Night Club 16.Ticket Booth and People In Line At the start of each ball, aim for the skill shot target as indicated by the dots display. Hint: Carefully plunge the ball into play to set up your opening shot when the skill shot is for the small upper flipper. Use the upper right flipper to blast the ball up the Warm Up Ramp(1) for repeated loops of increasing value. The ball can also be gated to go down the left side Stage habitrail (2) for a possible Dance Across the Stage (13). The more equipment you collect for the band via the Equipment drop targets (9), the more you get to dance! Also with the upper right flipper, you can shoot at the People In Line drop targets in front of the Ticket Booth hole (16). Once you have your tickets, the ball will go to the Night Club hole (15), where you might be eligible for a valuable Door Prize! Hints : Try using the small left flipper to shoot the Night Club hole. You can also cheat to get to the Ticket Booth by a backhand shot from the lower left flipper! One of the other things you'll want to concentrate on is writing songs by spelling words at the Letter Wheels (6). Two letters are always spotted there. Hitting the targets in front of the wheels awards you the letter spotted. Your goal is to spell the words MULTI, EXTRA, BONUS and VIDEO. If you spell MULTI and start singing the multiball song, the groupies at the Front of the Stage (3) will be go wild, stampede past the Stage Guards onto the stage for a multiple ball frenzy of action! During multiball, all playfield values are increased significantly to help you get on the high score list, so hit as many targets as possible. Hint : Dancing across the stage (13) during multiball is very valuable! If you spell BONUS, you'll be laughing all the way to the bank with lots of point-scoring goodies. If you spell EXTRA, check out the Vacation Fund lane (11) where you'll get yourself and extra ball for the game! The ultimate is to spell VIDEO so you can watch the Rock Makers video on TV!!! Hint : When the TV turns on, shoot the ball over it! Lets check out the Front of the Stage (3) again. To get the groupies there so they can stampede the stage for multiball, you must lock the balls in the trough behind the Stage Guards. You can only do this when the gap between the guards is large enough for the ball to get through. Another major objective in the game is to get recording contracts from the Recording Company (7). To get in the building, you must tip the Doorman (8) first. Once in, you'll deal with those tough execs. But they're not so bad, as they hand out lots of very valuable awards there! As you make your way to the top, the awards get bigger. Remember to keep gathering equipment for the band by knocking down all of the Equipment drop targets (9). Also knock the Group drop targets (10) in order to collect the band members together. Doing so may light up other targets for big points and spot you Letter Wheel letters also! One last thing. Let's not forget the Cannon (12)! Aim the cannon with the left or right flipper buttons to make the shot you want to the Road To Stardom lane(4), Recording Company hole(7) or Ticket Booth(16). Quick Summary o Spell words from the Letter Wheel (6) then reap the rewards o Lock balls in the Front of the Stage (3) trough for multiball o Collect equipment and group members via the drop targets (9, 10) o Dance across the stage (13) o Tip the Doorman and get into the Recording Company building (7)