Button Page v1.0 ----------------- Installation 1) Unzip PP.Zip into a temp directory 2) Run Install.exe 3) Enter the paths that are requested. Note. Try and keep them the same for ease of installation. 4) From Delphi, choose Options|Install Components... 5) Choose Add from the install dialog, then choose Browse 6) Go to the directory where you installed pp.dcu and choose PP.DCU 7) Choose OK 8) Choose OK again (at the install dialog) 9) The Button Page should be now be completely installed. Introduction Button Page is utility that Stores a component or groups of components saves their properties and offers the ability to recall them at any time when using a form. Button page also has a built-in glyph manager that allows selection of any glyph and can automatically insert the selected glyph, into a selected TBitBtn or TSpeedButton. Button Page can also keep track of Projects with the aid of storing them and there descriptions it can be a great time saver. (this utility has saved me hours in developing forms and managing projects) The Button Page started out as rough expirement and has grown into an interesting project. There some quirky things that may not work properly but I felt it was about time I got it out there to get some feedback on what others wanted from it. Also if you decide to register Button Page I will throw in the source code to MRO and a couple data aware components that I have been using in developing my applications. (well worth the look) Future I have several options that I haven't included in this release as I was unsure on realiabilty of them. - The use of Icon's or Bitmaps for projects. - Saving source with components - Basic Script language to manipulate stored components. - Method Box see help file. Contacting Me I encourage any and all feedback on Button Page. I will read any correspondence regarding this utility. I only ask that you follow a few simple guidelines when sending feedback. First, be verbose. Describe any problems or feature request in as much detail as possible. Include any information that you think may be valuable code or bitmaps, the version of Delphi you are using, (remember to include file dates and size etc.). If I cannot reproduce your bug, or do not know what you are talking about, I cannot fix the problem. Second, include a method for me to contact you. If you failed in step one, I may need to contact you for more information. If you have an e-mail address, include that. Third, include in the subject/title reference to the type of feedback (if it is a bug report include bug in the title; if it is a feature request, include request in the title; etc.). I can be contacted as follows: CompuServe 100026,1274 e-mail: davidszk@ozemail.com.au voice: (63) 0411-245-115 MAIL David Szkilnyk P.O. Box 609, Glenroy Victoria, 3046 Australia Register Registering your copy of Button Page will entitle you to the following: - automatic notice of any new versions - version without the trial notice and unlock Button Page that it can store unlimited buttons and unlimited pages. The registration will included the ability to store source code with components in their methods (if I have finished it at time of writing this it was almost there) Also as a bonus I am throwing in the source code to my MRO (multirecord object) Due to time constraints, I was unable to add a scroll bar but it will give you a very interesting insight into how things are done.. To register, send cheque or money order for $40.00 (US currency) to: David Szkilnyk P.O. Box 609, Glenroy Victoria, 3046 Australia