DBFilterCombo V1.1 for Borland Delphi. For complete documentation and registration information, please read the DBFLTCOM.WRI file contained in this archive. History: V1.1 November 7th 1995 Fixed "Key Violation" Exception error message Improved Key handling for Drop Down List V1.0 October 27th 1995 First Release Files contained in the archive: COMPONEN.ZIP The component files for DBFilterCombo. SAMPLE.ZIP The sample program based on the "FishFact" sample supplied with Delphi DATABASE.ZIP Sample Database files for use with the above samples. These have been adapted from the samples provided with Delphi. Using the sample program: The sample program assumes that you installed the Database sample programs when Delphi was installed. If you have not done this then I recommend that you re-install Delphi and the Borland Database Engine, or the sample will not work (without great effort outside the scope of this document). Installation of the sample: Unzip the COMPONEN.ZIP file to a temporary directory. Then copy the files DBFLTCOM.DCU and DBFLTCOM.DCR to your \DELPHI\LIB directory. You must then install the component into the Delphi Component Library using the Options| Install Components...|Add selection from the Delphi Menu. Add the component \DELPHI\LIB\DBFLTCOM.DCU to the library. Unzip the DATABASE.ZIP file and copy the contents to the \DELPHI\DEMOS\DATA directory. If you have changed the path of the DBDEMOS alias using the Borland Database configuration programs, then you will need to copy the files to the new alias location. This would be the same place that the BIOFILE.DB files are located. Unzip the SAMPLE.ZIP file and copy the contents to the \DELPHI\DEMOS\DB\FISHFACT directory. Open delphi and load the FISHFACT project from the \DELPHI\DEMOS\DB\FISHFACT directory. The sample is essentially the same as the one supplied with delphi except that it now includes three DBFilterCombo components. These components are linked to fields added to the original database sample (hence the need for the DATABASE.ZIP file) and a new database Table called HELPER. The HELPER database contains all the Lookup information displayed in the components. Feel free to change the database and the sample as you wish. Use the Borland Database Desktop to see how the DBFilterCombo is used to store data in the "Edible", "Temperature" and "Habits" fields of the BIOLIFE.DB table. Also check on the construction of the HELPER.DB table, its pretty simple for something so useful. Notes: 1). The creation order of the HELPER table is important. It must be created before the main table that uses it as a Lookup table. This is set from the Delphi menu using the Edit|Creation Order... command. The sample project is already setup this way. 2). The shareware version of DBFilterCombo is limited to 8 items in the Drop Down List. If you enter an item into the edit field of a DBFilterCombo and this item is added to the lookup table, then you may have trouble displaying that lookup item description again. This is not so in the registered version of the component. 3). Each of the DBFilterCombos in the sample is set up slightly different. They all have a different DropDownCount and DropDownItemHeight, simply to draw attention to the fact that this is possible. 4). The Multi-Line Hints were created using HintEdit. This is a FreeWare program written by Richard Hansen (70242,3367) and "improved" by me. I have uloaded the improved version to the Delphi Forum of Compuserve for all to use. Its also included with the registered version of the component. Regards, Steve Flynn