================================================================ Title : The Fallen Citadel Filename : FCITADEL.WAD Author : Niklata Email Addresses : 72164.540@compuserve.com or nichd@infi.net Misc. Author Info : Author of Advanced Tech, and DWRV Description : Fortified canyon-like deathmatch level. Look around, this is a great professional-looking level. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes, but only for scouting around. Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes! Difficulty Settings : Yes! On the two lowest levels, the #4 weapons are missing. * Construction * Base : New level designed from scratch (of course) Editor(s) used : WAD Studio 1.5 (hexen editor supreme!) (Dalias), Wad Resource Editor (me). Build Time : 14 hrs (getting the new stuff to work took awhile) Known Bugs : None, I fixed them all. Some visplane overflow may be possible with wings of wrath in a few areas though. * Copyright / Permissions * (c) 1995 Nicholas Dwarkanath You may distrubute this WAD, unmodified, for non-commercial reasons as long as long as you include this file. If you wish to distribute it commercially (ie: on a CD-ROM) ask for my permission first (a free copy of the CD would help . Please do not use this as a base for another WAD without my written permission. * Where to get this WAD * Compuserve: Action Games Forum (GO ACTION)