HAM-WWW.HTM v2 - A List of Amateur Radio World Wide Web pages on Internet. In HTML format, suitable for use as a bookmark file. You will spend a lot more time enjoying the Web, and a lot less time searching, as this version 2 release contains over 300 of the most popular Ham-related pages on the Net. It is sorted alphabetically, with descriptions. This file also has it's own URL on the Web, where I update it regularly: http://uhavax.hartford.edu/disk$userdata/faculty/newsvhf/www/ham-www.html I make no claim to be a Web expert, but many have told me I maintain an excellent list. If you are webmaster of a Hampage, you might consider writing my lists' URL into your page to provide links to other Hampages. I myself am webmaster of the North East Weak Signal groups' VHF page, where I use this to provide all my links. If you are just starting out on the net, this list should really help speed you along. Special requirements: Internet connection, Webviewer (Lynx, Netscape, etc.) Changes: List has tripled in size since initial release. FreeWare. Uploaded by the author: Ron Klimas, WZ1V klimas@uhavax.hartford.edu INSTALLATION: Just copy HAM-WWW.HTM to the same account and/or directory as your Web-browser software. On most Windows based software, click on the option to select this file as your current bookmark and you'll be running. (consult the docs on your particular WWW viewer for details on this). Some viewers, such as LYNX require you to pass your bookmark filename in the command line to bring it up, ie., LYNX HAM-WWW.HTM UPDATES: Once you get started, you'll notice this entry in the list: Amateur Radio Webpages on Internet - by WZ1V. Just click on this and you'll have the latest version of this list up on your screen. If you toggle your viewer to view the HTML code, you can then use your Print/Save option to save it to your local disk. It is advantageous to have it on your disk, rather than just link to my page for at least 2 reasons: 1: You'll be up and running faster without the delay of going through my site each time you make a selection and return. 2: You'll be able to edit your copy of the file and customize it with your own URL's, etc. So happy web-surfing then, and off you go, CQ'ing through the ether-net! (and of course, if you find new and exciting ham-sites not on the list yet, just let me know via e-mail and I will add them once checked!) -Regards, Ron Klimas, WZ1V -------- Disclaimer: This is Freeware. You are hereby fore-warned that if you make use of these contents, you are doing so at your own risk. The author is not liable for any inaccurracies, offence, or harm that you may think resulted from this offering. The author is not bound to provide support, and reserves the right to discontinue any support given to this offerring, at any time. --------