EXTRA INFORMATION INSTALLING THE HELP COMPILER In order to compile Help files, HelpBuilder requires the Microsoft Windows Help Compiler (HC31.EXE or HCP.EXE). These have now been placed in the Public Domain by Microsoft and HCP.EXE is supplied with HelpBuilder, however you are not being charged for this in your registration fee. HC31.EXE is supplied with both the Microsoft and Borland C++ compilers, Visual Basic and probably many other software development tools, so you will probably already have a copy of it. HelpBuilder can create projects without HC31.EXE but you will not be able to compile them without it. The HelpBuilder Setup program assumes that you wish to use the copy of HCP.EXE supplied and will place it in the same directory as the HelpBuilder executeables but you can change this to point to your own copy of HCP. To configure HelpBuilder, you can either edit HELPBLDR.INI (Not with HelpBuilder itself) or create a help project and select the Project/Settings menu option, then select the 'Compiler Installation' section. From here you can install the compilers of your choice. This is the recommended method. Note that each help project will contain the name of the compiler required to compile it to assist in portability. If you wish to use a help compiler other than HC31.EXE or HCP.EXE you can use this same technique to configure HelpBuilder as above. Note however, that your alternative compiler must be HC31 compatible (HelpBuilder does not produce input files compatible with HC30.EXE at present). Please note that HC31.EXE and HCP.EXE also require the file 'HC31.ERR' or 'HCP.ERR'. If this is missing the compiler will fail to run. HelpBuilder uses a Windows .PIF file to enable it to run the Help Compiler. This is placed in your \WINDOWS directory. If you have installed Windows on any other drive other than C: you will need to use PIF Editor to edit HECOMP.PIF and change the drive letter of the 'Program File Name' to the drive on which Windows has been installed. HelpBuilder requires that SHARE.EXE is installed on your machine to operate correctly. PAYMENT FOR SOFTWARE Please see the HelpBuilder help file 'Payment for and Registration of Software' section for information on how you can pay for your copy of the HelpBuilder software. MORE INFORMATION If you require any further information, please see the HelpBuilder help file 'Contacting the Author' section for information on how to contact the author. NEW FEATURES TO VERSION 1.05 - 3d Dialogs and controls - Redesign/improved ease of use to all dialogs - Norton Guides Help project import - Topic locator for fast access to topics - Automated maintenence of topic header file - Improved interpretation/Handling of Help Compiler error messages - Compiler installation and selection now performed in Project Settings dialog instead of .INI file - Topic Text macros for date, time, copyright, title etc NEW FEATURES TO VERSION 1.06 - Internal bug fixes NEW FEATURES TO VERSION 1.07 - Configuration of temporary file directory now possible - Inclusion of .SHG Segmented Hypergraphic files in projects now possible - Sample bitmaps added for inclusion/modification in help files - Ctrl+C now operates allowing Ctrl X/C/V Cut/Copy/Paste instead of activating colour dialog - Enter key on Topic Locator dialog opens a topic for editing - Wizard now has a dialog enabling the user to specify the component file names - Topic windows now display text in the default project font - Topic limit increased to 2048 files for registered versions, still 25 for unregistered versions - Bug Fix: Greying logic for View Sort orders menu options corrected - it previously left the first option always greyed! - Non ASCII characters (value > 127) written to .RTF file in \'XX format - stops a lot of 'invalid byte at offset' error messages - New toolbar for non-VGA users - 'Windows' are now supported and configureable - Topic links enhanced to provide support for: Bitmaps Macros Window definitions Jumps to other help files Hidden hot spots - Bug fix: changing project font while Topic Locator window open caused GPF. Now fixed - Bug fix: selecting large amount of text and changing colour or font caused GPF. Now fixed - 'Error 4639: Error at byte offset xxxx.' message now resolved to a topic name where possible - $TOPICDATE$ and $TOPICTIME$ macros added - Now supplied with HCP instead of HC31 compiler - Bug fix: now allows French accented and German Umlaute characters to be entered in topic titles and search strings and correctly writes them in \'RTF hex code format to the .RTF file for the help compiler - .MRB Multiple Resolution Bitmaps can now be added to a project NEW FEATURES PLANNED FOR FUTURE RELEASES - Support for project build tags - Support for topic startup macros KNOWN PROBLEMS/SOLUTIONS Please see the HelpBuilder online Windows Help File section 'Commonly Reported Problems'.