\keepn {\b Top of page lock demo} {\uldb \{bmc BUTTON.BMP\}}{\v IDH_BITMAPS} bitmap topic link \pard This topic page demonstrates how the top of the page may be locked such that when the rest of the page is scrolled, the top does not scroll. This text is deliberately only written in short lines so that the page fills up to demonstrate scrolling. The important features of this topic are the use of the {\b \\keepn} and the {\b \\pard} RTF commands. You can place as many lines as you like between the keepn and the pard statements. Inserting of the RTF commands can be done automatically by selecting the text to appear in the locked area with the mouse and then clicking on the 14th toolbar button or selecting the Text/Lock top of page menu option. To set the colour of the locked area, you should select the {\b Project/Main} Window menu item in HelpBuilder and change the {\b non-scrollable area colour}. By default it is white, however to demonstrate the feature, it has been changed to yellow here. You should also select {\b Preset} or {\b Maximised} main window sizing to make the colours take effect. The button demonstration above is achieved by using a normal topic link and placing a bitmap instead of some text. This example purely jumps to the bitmaps demonstration topic.