{\b Segmented Hypergraphics Demonstration} \pard Segmented hypergraphics are similar to ordinary bitmap graphics except that they have regions defined within them which identify help file context ids to jump to. Segmented hypergraphics enable you to create a graphic which when clicked on, causes jumps to different topics within your help file depending on the positioon of the click on the graphic. To create a Segmented Hypergraphic file you must use SHED.EXE. It allows you to import a standard bitmap .BMP file and save it as a .SHG file. To define a region within a graphic in SHED, use the mouse to 'drag' a region. Select Edit/Attributes and enter the context id to which you require a jump for the selected area. You can do this to create multiple regions, all of which can cause jumps to different topics in your help file. There now follows a demonstration.The graphic is entered in this topic in the same way as a normal graphic ie via the Edit/Bitmap menu option or the 'Picture' toolbar button. When run, there are two areas defined on the graphic which cause jumps to different parts of this help file. Click on the two 'buttons' to see the effect: \{bmc SEGGRAPH.SHG\} Press the top half of the graphic to jump to the {\uldb Colours Demonstration}{\v IDH_COLOURS} and the bottom half to jump to the {\uldb Bitmaps Demonstration}{\v IDH_BITMAPS}. The next demonstration shows how segmented hypergraphics can cause jumps to popup windows. Click on the two 'buttons' to see the effect: \{bmc REDGRN.SHG\}