------------------------------------------------ Heth version 1.03 (Compiled on 22nd November 95) ------------------------------------------------ ------------ Bugs Removed ------------ Heth had a problem grouping more than 1 MAP, this has now been fixed. ----------------- Changes/Additions ----------------- Command 'O' converts a renamed compiled script to BEHAVIOR.WAD Compile your script with the acc.exe utility, rename the file from MYSCRIPT.O to MYSCRIPT.RAW, Edit or Read a level. at the command line type:- O MYSCRIPT.RAW then Group them to form a new PWAD:- G NEWPWAD.WAD This is a quick addition, as inserting lumps this way only works for map01, a proper command from within the editor itself will be implemented soon. ------------------------------------------------ Heth version 1.02 (Compiled on 20th November 95) ------------------------------------------------ ------------ Bugs Removed ------------ More Menu bugs removed, when setting objects to 0 or pressing escape. Intelligent Highlighting fixed/upgraded. Front-end errors removed. Heth would quit if you entered the command 'R'. Heth no longer copies the MAPINFO lump, this should be inserted after editing, just as you would insert a BEHAVIOR lump or SNDINFO lump. ----------------- Changes/Additions ----------------- Increment floor/ceiling heights now has a limit of 8192 not 1024. Pressing 'A' in LineDef or Thing Mode brings up a 6 entry window, which prompts for the Special & Argument values, use the Tab/BackTab/Enter to move around. Pressing CTRL + 'F' in Thing Mode brings up Things Flags window. Pressing CTRL + 'C' in LineDef Mode brings up LineDef Flags window. You may be wonder what 'C' has got to do with Flags, the truth is I'm running out of keys! Pressing CTRL + 'E' in LineDef Mode brings up Trigger window. See the comment above! Clicking on the information boxes will bring up direct editing of values. This is still under development and doesn't yet work on the following fields:- SideDef1 - Normal/Upper/Lower Textures. SideDef2 - Normal/Upper/Lower Textures. Sectors - Floor/Ceiling Textures. To stop the editor selecting other objects when you move the mouse around just hold down the shift key. Pressing escape when prompted for a field will set that field to 0. In thing mode pressing 'B' will ask for a TID and jump to the first object which matches. Can you find the hidden front-end message? ------------------------------------------------ Heth version 1.01 (Compiled on 16th November 95) ------------------------------------------------ ------------ Bugs Removed ------------ LineDef Trigger, option to set trigger type to "Walk" wasn't working. Filter option removed, until I have it working again :-) LineDef Menu Item "Normal" now works properly. Spawn list item "0 - None" now shows up. Spawn list descriptions/numbers corrected. Long Spawn descriptions would crash Heth, now fixed. Grouping of Pwads fixed, went wrong when I added the new front-end. Next Free Tag Fixed. ----------------- Changes/Additions ----------------- Sector height check increased from 1024 to 8192. Things that can contain other Things now bring up the Spawnable object menu (arg1). Intelligent object highlighting. Next Free Tid added to Misc menu (Thing Mode only). New Quick buttons and keys on front-end, this is still in development. Click in the lower area to access the prompt or just hit "enter". New Drop to Dos feature, use the quick key, button or enter "!" at the prompt. If a level is not found, then Heth will default to MAP01 instead of crashing. ------------------------------------------------ Heth version 1.00 (Compiled on 13th November 95) ------------------------------------------------ New graphical front-end. "ldtypes.hex" file renamed to "specials.hex". "hexen.cfg" file renamed to "config.hex", so that all Hexen files end in .hex. Restructured Special Argument routines to allow more flexability, See the "specials.hex" file for more information. Things angle display changed so that at lower zooms the direction is still visible. Tidied up the menus and display boxes again! Tag checks removed, as they didn't work! Spawnable name now displays properly in arg2. ---------------------- Heth version 0.13 beta ---------------------- Sprite frames of 8 characters long now display in selection. Cleaned up the display boxes and Hot-Keys screen(F6). All config files i.e Things/Specials/Sectors now correct. Can now select Spawnable objects from LineDefs and Things. List of Spawnable objects now complete Spawnable name doesn't display properly in arg2(will be fixed) ---------------------- Heth version 0.12 beta ---------------------- LineDef wording of "Type" changed to "Special". Thing Flags input and display changed to: EMH|FCM|SCD Deaf Dormant EMH - Easy, Medium, Hard skill levels. FCM - Fighter, Cleric, Mage. Deaf - Thing is Deaf until hurt or sees you. Dormant - Thing is Blind/Frozen until activated. LineDef Activation flags now changed to Trigger type: (000) 0 - Walkover, Player crosses the line. (001) 1 - Switch, Player uses the line with the use key. (010) 2 - Monster, Monster crosses the line. (011) 3 - Hit, Projectile impacts on the wall (100) 4 - Push, Player pushes the wall. (101) 5 - Projectile, Projectile crosses the line. LineDef Special flag renamed to Repeatable. Spawnable objects now listed for special types 134-136. (./config/spawn.hex) CTRL + 'B' in Thing mode sets Blind flag. '>' in Thing mode increases Thing Height by 16. '<' in Thing mode decreases Thing Height by 16. Thing descriptions now include:- [f] - Z value is height of object above the Floor. [fg] - Z value is height of object above the Floor but is subject to Gravity. [c] - Object starts life on the Ceiling and Z value is taken from Ceiling. [d] - Object is Desctructable [dc] - Object is Desctructable and can also contain an Object ---------------------- Heth version 0.11 beta ---------------------- CTRL + 'G' in LineDef mode resets all LineDef Arguments to 0. CTRL + 'G' in Thing mode resets all Thing Arguments to 0. Arguments in the display and menus are now displayed in the correct terminology for that type. All Things descriptions have now been entered, except the sprites but not tested. All LineDef descriptions have now been entered but not tested. All Sector descriptions have now been entered but not tested. Can now enter the Thing Special (this is the same as LineDef Type). Thing and LineDef Flags now correct. When an Argument requires an input i.e type of key, or type of sound, then you are presented with a list, not just an decimal input box.