InfiNet - The International Freedom of Information Network. Network Rules, Regulations, and General Policy. Last Updated on November 19, 1995. ** INFINET'S CARDINAL RULE: NO FLAMING! * NO FLAMING! * NO FLAMING! ** -- REGARDING - POSTING OF MESSAGES IN INFINET: ú There are only three rules regarding the posting of messages. Of these three, only #3 can result in the IMMEDIATE deletion of a user. #1 and 2 are simply rules - any violation will result only in a reprimand. Frequent violation of ANY of these rules, however, may eventually result in the deletion of a user's access, followed by the removal of an entire BBS. 1) POST ON-TOPIC. Discussing the care of your dog in the Heavy Metal base is not a good thing. There is a REASON why there are 200 conferences available in InfiNet - so that everyone will have a place to chat about their favorite topic without being interrupted by something completely unrelated. Read the conference names, and post on-topic. If you can't find a place to start a discussion about said topic, consider using INF-GEN (General Discussion) or INF-WHAT (Whatever Ya Like). Also, it's perfectly fine and dandy if you dislike a particular music, or group, or topic that the network offers - but if you go and post "xxxx SUCKS!" or something to that effect, that counts as a flame, and is not tolerated. If you can speak intelligently, and air your opinions without resorting to flames, then there will be no problems whatsoever. 2) Post Intelligently. A) Try to post using correct spelling and grammar. There are few things worse in life than having to decipher a poorly spelled, babbling, run-on sentence with no punctuation. In addition, one-line posts, consisting only of "Yeah I know what you mean!" or "Hi! I'm new here!" or some such unintelligent dreck, is highly frowned upon. B> Posting in ALL CAPS is a very improper procedure; as it appears that YOU ARE SHOUTING, and makes it much more difficult to read. C) Try and quote any messages you are replying to (though, as always, use your brain; don't quote 250 lines of text just to write a two- line reply); Due to the inherent delays in a network such as this, it may sometimes be a week before the person who posted the original message will see your reply. Just posting "I have a SCSI hard drive" in a response will generally mean nothing unless prefaced by the original question, quoted, "I need to know what type of hard drive you have before I can tell you what's wrong with it." Quoting helps maintain continuity, particularly in a large or very busy conference. 3) Don't Flame. In this network, cursing and profanity ARE permitted (within reason). However, flaming or ragging posts are strictly prohibited. What is the difference? You are free to intersperse your commentary with the occasional "f*ck" or "sh*t" - that is no problem. It is only when you begin making personal attacks against another user that you begin entering unfriendly territory. A single offense in this vein will typically result only in a gentle warning to stop flaming. Repeated offenses or particularly nasty or vehement attacks will result in a more severe warning. As for "non-personal" attacks, you are welcome to state your opinion, regardless of how controversial, as long as you do so intelligently. Claiming "so-and-so is a worthless loser" is a flame. Claiming "so-and-so is truly pathetic because of this, that, and the other thing", is a well-stated opinion, and will not be restricted under the guidelines of this network, unless committed so frequently that this form of message consumes a particular message area (unless said area is designed for it; I.E. INF-FLAM, the Racism Debate). NOTE: There IS a difference between flaming and hostility. Hostility is not restricted in this network. A debate on a sensitive issue (gun control, abortion, religion, etc) can often become inflamed and generate a bit of hostility between the conflicting parties. This is NOT a problem - as long as you don't resort to tossing insults, be they direct, or veiled, then there will be NO problems. -- REGARDING - FREEDOM OF SPEECH, CENSORSHIP, AND MODERATION: INFINET IS NOT A FREE SPEECH NET! This network is dedicated to provide an open forum for the airing of opinions which would be censored, or even banned outright, on most other networks. As stated above, these opinions may be biased, bigoted, political, unpopular, or controversial, as long as they are stated intelligently. Once a user begins to flame, they effectively lose their right to post on this network. This may be seen as censorship, but it is simply the act of maintaining order. Freedom of expression is one thing - absolute freedom of speech is another matter entirely. This network is about intelligence - not anarchy. And, as such: MODERATION: Any user who receives a warning from any InfiNet Official (Presently: John Cropper, InfiNet Administrator) MUST OBEY SAID WARNING. NOTICE: * Any user who repeatedly breaks ANY rule within this document forfeits ALL rights and privileges granted by this network. * Any user who is found to ignore a warning from an InfiNet Official will be given one final warning, after which, continued violations will result in that user's permanent and unconditional removal from InfiNet as a whole. * Any sysop found to be knowingly or unknowingly violating an Official "User Ban" will be warned ONCE, and then removed from the network, if necessary. ú Note Regarding the [UNMODERATED] Echos: There are two echos within InfiNet that are to be considered UnModerated - INF-FLAM, Flames and Hostility; and INF-WHAT, Whatever/Graffiti Wall. Both users and sysops may post within these echos, excepting personal threats of bodily harm and/or death, which are prohibited by FCC regulations. Other than that, there will be NO RULES on the content of messages posted within these two echos, and as such, your users should be warned. No other restrictions, no limitations, no sanctions, and no moderation - No consequences will result from any opinions stated or any messages posted within these two conferences. These two echos are henceforth to be considered domains of (ALMOST) ABSOLUTE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. -- REGARDING - UNAUTHORIZED HUBS AND POINT NODES: ú Any system found to be routing any portion of InfiNet, be it one message, one echo, or the entire network, to another not currently listed in the InfiNet nodelist, will be permanently removed from the network. If any InfiNet node is found to be hubbing for another InfiNet node without permission from either the InfiNet Coordinator or InfiNet Administrator, both systems will be warned, and possibly removed from the network. If a system wishes to receive the network, they MUST poll one of the authorized network hosts, or an otherwise approved hub system. Unauthorized hosts/hubs will not exist in this network. ú Any end-user who wishes to setup a mailer and act as a point node may do so, without filling out an application or asking for permission. Simply obtain your sysop's permission to do so, and he may feed you the network directly. If you are run a BBS and wish to act as a point node, that is also no problem, but you MUST fill out an application, and submit it, BEFORE you begin to receive the network. -- REGARDING - GATING OF ECHOS TO/FROM INFINET: ú ALL messages posted within InfiNet become the copyrighted and protected property of InfiNet as a whole, with John Cropper being overseer of said copyright. Any infringement will be dealt with immediately, and all steps will be taken for legal prosecution under your state law. Thus, NO MESSAGES may be captured, downloaded, gated, or transferred from InfiNet's echos, without permission from an InfiNet Official. No user, sysop, or other person reading InfiNet may IN ANY WAY duplicate or redistribute messages that are contained within InfiNet's message bases, without advance express permission from an InfiNet Official. ú There has been a long-standing policy of having InfiNet sysops gate their local message bases into InfiNet. This is not a problem, as long as permission is gained from an InfiNet Official, before it is done. As long as a message base's topics coincide with those of an echo within InfiNet, there will likely be no problem. However, gating a general "Music Discussion" base into InfiNet's "Industrial Music" echo, will NOT work. Gating a Suicide Prevention message base into InfiNet's "Suicide Discussion" echo, however, would work beautifully. Just be certain you obtain permission for doing this, BEFORE you actually do so. ú Similar to the above policy, ANY network may gate an InfiNet echo into theirs, and/or vice-versa, simply by gaining permission from an InfiNet Official. Again, this is NOT a problem, as long as the topicality of the two echos are reasonably similar. -- REGARDING - FREQUENCY OF POLLING: ú All system operators are expected to poll their hub a MINIMUM of TWICE WEEKLY. If a sysop is going to be away for any extended period, that sysop's hub must be notified, so he can temporarily suspend waiting mail. NOTE: If a node has not polled its' hub for two weeks or more, and the sysop of said node has failed to notify either his hub, the InfiNet Coordinator/Administrator (John Cropper), that system WILL be removed from the next InfiNet nodelist. Sysops removed from the nodelist due to inactivity MAY reapply for InfiNet at some point in the future, should they desire to do so. -- REGARDING - NEW NODES: ú Upon notification of a new system's acceptance into InfiNet, that system should immediately begin setup of InfiNet. New member sites are given TWO WEEKS (fourteen days) to completely setup InfiNet, and send out their first test message. If a new member board has not setup within this period, that system may be removed from the next nodelist. Exceptions ARE granted; however, the sysop in question MUST contact John Cropper at 69:1/0 for permission before assuming an extension HAS been granted. -- REGARDING - ECHOS AND THE ECHO LISTING: ú NEW ECHOS: New echos may be requested by ANYONE - sysop, cosysop, or individual. Once an echo topic has been suggested (in INF-SUGG - InfiNet New Echo Voting only, please), it will be added to the New Echo voting list, whereupon voting will commence. ú NEW ECHO VOTING POLICY: Votes are accepted from ANY user, sysop, or co- sysop that is able to access InfiNet. Each echo, unless noted otherwise, requires FIFTEEN votes within sixty days (typically, two months) in order to be accepted. If an echo fails to accumulate the minimum of fifteen votes in the allotted time, it will be removed from the voting list for a period of no less than six months. ú RULES FOR EQUAL VOTING OPPORTUNITY: 1) Any echos that have accumulated TEN or more votes at the end of their voting period will be given two extra weeks to help cast the decision. 2) In order to prevent one BBS from getting an entire echo added on their own, no greater than FIVE votes from users on any single bulletin board system will be accepted. ú ECHO REMOVAL POLICY: Due to the time required to fully implement a new echo into the structure of InfiNet, echos are automatically given three months to "come to life", so to speak. If, after this period of time, an echo is still receiving little or no activity, OR, if an older echo is seen to be receiving fewer than one post a week for a period of over three months, that echo will be placed on the Pending Deletion listing, by a publicly-posted message, establishing a final cut-off date for deletion. Once on the listing, echos are given 30 days to improve activity, or be removed from the network. If an echo begins to show signs of activity (using the standards established above) before the deadline, it will NOT be deleted, and will be removed from the Pending Deletion listing. ú ECHO LIMITATIONS: Regardless of how many bases are scheduled to be added or removed, there is now and will remain a maximum total of TWO HUNDRED echos to be contained in the InfiNet Echo List. Less than two hundred echos is acceptable, but echos will cease being added once that total has been reached, and will remain as "TO BE ADDED" until any echos Pending Deletion have been removed from the nodelist. ú ECHOLIST UPDATES: If required, the network echo listing is updated once every two weeks. Echolists are first updated on every alternate Saturday morning (again, only if and when necessary), distributed to the regional hosts and hubs for early setup, and distributed net-wide the following Friday. Echos facing immediate removal from or incorporation into the network will wait until the next echolist update. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What you have just read comprises the sum and total of all rules and regulations to be followed under InfiNet. Moderation is quite lenient, truth be told, so as long as messages remain of a relatively intelligent and non-hostile quality, life will remain good for all. Thank you. John Cropper InfiNet Coordinator ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ