Thank you for downloading the latest InfiNet InfoPack! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ From the desk of the founder, this past June: I'm Mitchel Waas, InfiNet Founder and Moderator. I've been running this network out of my home since June of 1990 - I've seen it expand beyond my wildest dreams - and I've seen it on the very edge of collapse. Truly, it's been everywhere - and everything - for everyone - at one time or another. InfiNet used to be known as CyberCrime International (or CCi); the premier network for the underground computer "scene". Around the beginning of 1994, however, I became quite sick of all the children running around flaming each other while I was trying to carry on a conversation, so I decided to kill off CyberCrime, and rebuild the network around it's original name, InfiNet; a place where intelligent people could converse about whatever (legal) topics they wish, without fear of recriminations, immature flames, or the ever-present spectre of a bible-toting, repressed, overbearing moderator hovering over them. Now, it's June of 1995, five years after I originally began the network called InfiNet. The network is truly going well. I have an excellent, dedicated group of Regional Hosts by my side, the network is expanding at a very steady rate, and quality is always on the rise. I love this network, not only because I made it, but because the group of people within it is quite fine. I hope you will consider picking it up - it's been my lifeblood, and I've dedicated several thousand of hours over many years in order to try and make it a worthwhile experience. So, if you're interested in something special, refreshing, unrestrictive, and INTELLIGENT, I'd like to think that you're interested in InfiNet. Read through this pack, and consider it. FidoNets, OtherNets, and "Free Speech" networks truly DO grow on trees - InfiNet is one in a million. lateron Mitchel Waas InfiNet Founder PS: Sorry about the extreme size of this pack, and the truly vomitous number of files enclosed herein. I'm not one for going halfway, however, and as I was putting it together, I just kept finding more and more files that would be applicable and necessary for new systems to have. So, here you are, the largest network information pack in existence. (Not really, but I have a flair for the dramatic.) Enjoy. :) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ From the desk of the administrator, 19 November, 1995: I'm John Cropper, current InfiNet Administrator. I joined CCi in late 1993, a decision based on the quality of content and technical information it provided on a variety of topics. I rapidly rose to the status of area code hub, due to the lack of any stable boards in my area. In early 1994, around the same time as the inception of the InfiNet tagname, I assumed one of five regional hubbing positions for Mitch. During that time, I built a good repore with many of my feeds, and the net in general. One by one, for one reason or another, regional hubs shut down, quit or disappeared until Mitch and I were the only two US national hubs this past summer. In early November, the unthinkable happened; Mitch was forced to pare back his participation due to financial considerations. In a note to me, fowarded to the entire net by my system, he slipped into semi-retirement, until such time as his finances could afford him to further participate. Under ordinary circumstances, this would have been the end of the story, but it wasn't. Overwhelming support for our "family", as it has evolved into, persuaded me to not only carry on the network, but to push forward with Mitch's vision. The network will continue its pursuits, expanding to new forums, formats, and conduits. Subtle changes will become more pronounced in the coming monthes, with hopefully, expansion onto the internet in 1996. We will move forward together, not as just a collection of BBSs, but as a collaboration of individuals dedicated to freedom of information in an intelligent forum. Take a look; if you like what you see, join us. If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the regional hosts at any time. John Cropper InfiNet Administrator ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ