KIDS IDENTIFICATION DATA DISK K.I.D.Disk A MUST FOR PARENTS! THIS VERSION INSTALLS TO EITHER DOS OR WINDOWS Very easy to use! To install to DOS, just enter KIDDISK [Enter], type GO [Enter] to run. To install to Windows, you can double click on KIDDISK from File Manager or select "File" then "Run" and enter A:\KIDDISK. After setup, click on KIDDisk icon to run. VGA or better monitor is required. Mouse is optional. All documentation is self contained. KIDDisk works best when run from your hard drive, but it may be used on a system with two floppies. KIDDisk is designed to provide a current record, including an up-to-date photo, of your child or other loved one. Should this person ever be missing, you would have readily at hand the "details" to immediately provide to Law Enforcement and/or other agencies to aid them in location and recovery efforts. With KIDDisk, the information on your loved one can be broadcast or distributed within minutes instead of hours. It is important to realize that this is information compiled BY YOU, at your leisure, while you are in a calm and rational state of mind. This will ensure that you will be able to record such identifying items as birthmarks, moles, etc., while you are stress free, and . . . accurate. You should also be comfortable with the fact that no one else need have this information, or access to this information. Your privacy and the privacy of those you love is protected. KIDDisk was designed, produced and distributed FOR YOU and your peace of mind. KIDDisk can be customized for your company with a logo etc., on the opening and/or closing screens for distribution. Contact the author for details. KIDDisk is freeware and meant to be used by individuals for the protection of their loved ones. KIDDisk may be used to make KIDDisk floppies for multiple children without reservation, provided you do not charge more than the cost of supplies. If you choose to use KIDDisk for profit, it is required that you forward a portion of your profits to the author/Rogue Marketing so that the software may continue to be improved and updated. And also to help offset the costs incurred by Rogue Marketing in distributing and making the disks available to those who otherwise could not find it or afford it. See file VENDOR.DOC for more information. Files distributed with this disk are: KD.EXE KIDFORM.EXE GO.EXE START.BAT BEGIN.BAT SAMPLE.BAT ORDER.EXE ORDER.FRM MENU.KID GO.KID INFO.KID LAW.KID LAWTEXT.KID VIEW.KID CHILD.PCX KD.ICO ACOPY.COM BCOPY.COM ASCAN.COM BSCAN.COM CMSHOW.EXE KIDFORM.TXT README.TXT WINDOWS.TXT VENDOR.DOC FILE_ID.DIZ