MenuTracker for WIndows Disclaimer Timeplus Software hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Timeplus Software will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any other reason, even if Timeplus Software or an agent of Timeplus Software has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall Timeplus Software's liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the license to use software, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the software. Software Licence MenuTracker for Windows is not, and has never been, in the public domain. MenuTracker for Windows is not free. Non-registered users are granted a limited, 30-day license to use MenuTracker for Windows to determine whether or not the program meets their needs. Continued use of MenuTracker for Windows beyond the 30-day valuation time period requires registration of the package. Use of non-registered copies of MenuTracker for Windows beyond the original evaluation period is strictly prohibited. No one may modify MenuTracker for Windows for any reason, in any way, including but not limited to, decompiling-compiling, patching, disassembling, or reverse engineering the program. These restrictions also apply to all MenuTracker for Windows screen displays such as the opening screen, help screen, and all other proprietary program output. MenuTracker for Windows may be copied and distributed to others, subject to the above restrictions and the following: MenuTracker for Windows must be copied in unmodified form, including the file containing this license information. Complete MenuTracker for Windows documentation and online-help must be included. No copying fee of any type may be assessed other than basic charges for the cost of the copying medium. MenuTracker for Windows may not be distributed with any other software or hardware product(s) without the express written permission of Timeplus Software. Sysops (bulletin board SYStem OPerators) may make MenuTracker for Windows available for downloading by their users as long as all above conditions are met. This agreement supersedes any and all previous agreements. No blanket authorisation has been issued by Timeplus Software, for commercial distribution of its products. Timeplus Software may be contacted on Compuserve at 100700,2103 You may register MenuTracker via Compuserve by typing GO SWREG and quoting Ref: 8493. Your Compuserve account will be debited with $25 for the registration fee plus $5 if you wish us to send an update to the latest version via ordinary mail Thank you for trying MenuTracker...