'This program is quite simple and well documented with comments. Password Program Ver1.000000a Point Systems, Inc. CIS ID: 102370,3655 PO Box 76255 Internet: PointSysIn@gnn.com St. Petersburg, FL 33734 AOE: PointSysIn Fax 813-528-0217 (Support is via Email) Registration Fee= $10.00 Compuserve Registration: go swreg (Registration ID=????) Check or Money Order: Mail it to the above address. The Password VB Program is a set of very simply laid out forms and procedures to add full password and task level functionality to your Visual Basic programs. I used no custom VBXs or tools and kept it in VB 3.0 for portability. All Source code and exe included. Features: User ID User Name User Password 'Encrypted User Task Level 'Encrypted User Setup Date 'Encrypted User Expiration Date 'Encrypted Enter Password Form Change Password Form Delete User Form List Users Form (with additional info on each user) Add New Users Advanced forms are Task Level restricted to show setup possibilities. All parameters are coded as Constants in the PASSWORD.BASS so you can adjust them in one place to suit your needs. The only area of concern may be the use of the Access Database file (password.mdb, password.ldb) for storing the IDs, names, task levels, activation and expiry dates. I used the MS Access 2.5 Jet engine (standard to VB 4.0 and available on CIS to all). See notes below for additional database details. MISC: The database (used to store the User data) requires the DOS SHARE.EXE command if using Windows 3.1 (as opposed to Win 95). Add this line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file before the 'win' line. c:\dos\share /L:500 You don't need the Share command if you have the VSHARE.386 command loaded in your sys.ini. Both commands allow for file locking and sharing and are required by all VB Jet Engine versions. Also error 3050 is a common error I get Emails about, no matter how many times I say and document the Share command. This error is caused when the SHARE.EXE program is not loaded (or loaded incorrectly) in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file (see above). FILES: Passwd1.zip This zip contains DELPASS FRM 1,619 11-27-95 8:35p Delete User form CHGPASS FRM 4,240 11-28-95 9:44p Change your password form PASWORD EXE 24,360 11-27-95 11:28p The Password VB program compiled PASSWRD FRM 4,399 11-28-95 9:44p Enter your ID/Password form README TXT 4,105 11-28-95 10:24p This file PASSWORD LDB 64 11-28-95 9:56p Access DB index used to hold the User data PASSWORD MDB 65,536 11-28-95 9:56p Access DB file used to hold the User data PASWORD MAK 196 11-28-95 9:44p Visual Basic 3.0 Project file LISTUSER FRM 2,258 11-28-95 9:14p List Users form MAINFORM FRM 1,754 11-27-95 11:27p Main MDI form used as main program form NEW_PW FRM 5,467 11-28-95 9:44p Add new (or Edit) User form MAINFORM FRX 770 11-27-95 11:27p Main MDI Icon holder PASSWRD BAS 9,161 11-28-95 9:44p Constants, functions & primary procedures INSTALL: Extracte (unzip) the files into a working directory. Load VB and the MAK file. Run it and use 'test' as the user ID, and 'testing' as the password. The rest is childs play. Remember, the pass words are encrypted, so the only way to figure them out is via the source code and to break on the return of the decrypt function and display them in the debug.window. You can also run the password.exe, which is the compiled version of the bas and frm files, to see the full working approach. REQUIREMENTS: You will need VBRUN300.DLL and MSAJT200.DLL in your Windows System directory. Database file stuff (the DB is an MS Access 2.5 DB, nothing special happens in the DB file, its just for storage, so you can change its structure to anything as long as you change the db find, read & writes to any new field names or use flat a flat file as a replacement. Warning, if your VB can't read the DB file, you need to upgrade the included Access Jet engine supplied with older VB versions. To upgrade, 'Go Access' on CIS and do a key word search for Compatibility Layer (upgrade from Jet 1.1 to 2.0) and Service Pack (upgrade from jet 2 to 2.5). VB 4.0 comes with Jet 2.5 for 16bit and 3.0 for 32bit. ABOUT ME: Written by Livio Bestulic, at Point Systems, Inc., at CIS 102370,3655. It was written because I couldn't find a simple set of Password modules/forms to insert into my programs. Its free to use this code to develop and learn from. However, I would like you to contribute $10.00 US dollars to my self-interest fund if you incorporate it into your commercial/released/sold software. You can register it on CIS GO SWREG or send a check/money order to: Point Systems, Inc. PO Box 76255 St Petersburg' FL 33734 Registered users get to ask support questions via Email and I will Email them any major updates I perform to the this base program. What do you expect for $10. Have fun and REGISTER YOUR SOFTWARE today. Send your comments to the E-mail listed above.