Peeper 1.25 Registration Forms/Invoices Copyright (C) 1994 Fineware Systems and Al Meadows All Rights Reserved Basic Pricing: $22.95 plus shipping/Handling Ordering Methods: There are a number of ways to order the registered Version of Peeper. Please be sure that you are using the CORRECT order form. ================================================================= You can order via phone at (800) 544-1740 You can order via FAX at (405) 942-7819 You can order via e-mail using Visa/MasterCard/American Express Al Meadows/Fineware Systems: CompuServe at 70650,2022 Prodigy at BBTK05A America Online at VB AL ================================================================= You can order via CompuServe's Software Registration Service: enter GO SWREG at the ! prompt and follow the menus. PEEPERS's registration id is: 3925 and the price of $22.95 plus $2.00 Shipping/Handing ($4.00 Ouside US/Canada/Mexico) ================================================================= Fineware Systems: Order Form (ver 1.25) PEEPER Name:_____________________________________ Company:__________________________________ Street:___________________________________ Street:___________________________________ City:_____________________________________ State:________________________ZIP:________ Country:__________________________________ Telephone Number:_________________________ Credit Card Type:_VISA__MasterCard__Amex__(Circle ONLY One) Credit Card Number:_______________________ Expiration Date:__________________________ Signature:________________________________ (unless otherwise requested we ship a 3.5" HD disk) Peeper - or - $22.95 _______ Oklahoma residents add 8.375% sales tax _______ Shipping/Handling (US/Canada/Mexico) $ 2.00 _______ Shipping/Handling (other) $ 4.00 _______ Total in US Funds drawn on a US Bank _______ Make checks payable to: Fineware Systems Mail to: Fineware Systems P.O. Box 75776 Oklahoma City, Ok. 73147 By the way, where did you initially learn of Peeper?_________________________________ Oakley Data Services Ordering Info (United Kingdom) (ver 1.25) You can order Peeper by Phone, Mail, E-mail or Fax with payment by credit card. Oakley Data Services, 3 Oakley Close, Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 9RQ, England. Call +44 (0)270 759739 Fax +44 (0)270 765272 CIS: 74774,1347 Name:____________________________________ Company:_________________________________ Address:_________________________________ :_________________________________ :_________________________________ :_________________________________ :_________________________________ Telephone Number:________________________ Credit Card Type:________________________ Credit Card Number:______________________ Expiration Date:_________________________ Signature:_______________________________ (unless otherwise requested we ship a 3.5" HD disk) Peeper £ 15.00 _______ Shipping/Handling £ 2.00 _______ UK and EEC add 17.5% VAT £ 2.98 _______ Total in Pounds Sterling: _______ By the way, where did you initially learn of Peeper:_____________________________ CopyCats Software & Services Peeper (ver 1.25) Note: Select "File-Print Topic" from the menu bar to print this form. Users in Holland, Germany and Belgium who prefer to order locally and pay in their own currency, can order Peeper through CopyCats in Holland. Please fill out this form and send it, along with payment, to: CopyCats Software & Services Postbus 1088 Phone / Fax: +31 (0) 2207 45993 1700 BB Heerhugowaard (after 10/10/95: +31.72.5745993) The Netherlands Email Peeper Name: __________________________________________ Company:__________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________ __________________________________________ Country:__________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Fax: ________________ BTW/Steuer # (German and Belgian businesses): ______________________ (unless otherwise requested we ship a 3.5" HD disk) Pricing: Peeper Dfl. 49,95 DM 49,50 985 BEF (prices include shipping and 17.5% BTW / MwS / VAT) Please send me: Qty. Description: Price: Total: ____ Peeper ______ ______ Order Total: ______ Signature:____________________________ Date:_____-_____-19___ Method of payment (tag one): [ ] Enclosed Eurocheque, bankcheque or betaalkaart/Zahlkarte [ ] NL: Overgemaakt aan Postbank 43.28.577 [ ] D: Überwiesen an Postbank Saarbrücken Kto.-Nr. 556 33-666 BLZ 590 100 66 [ ] B: Overgemaakt aan Postcheque 000-1656064-80 [ ] Op rekening / Auf Rechnung (Business/Government only). By the way, where did you first hear about Peeper? _______________________________________________ And where did you find your copy of Peeper? ______________________________________________________ Dank u voor uw bestelling! - Vielen Dank für Ihren Auftrag! Fineware programs can be registered locally in Japan. For more detail and information on prices, etc. contact: P. & A. Shareware 1-3-6-2 Kamisunacho Tachikawa, Tokyo 190 Japan Tel: 0425-35-9901 Fax: 0425-35-9902 Nifty: PAF02461