From : Name : Rd./P.O. box: Town : Postal code : Country : To: U. Messerle Postlagernd, Kennwort "Print-Format" D-71332 Waiblingen GERMANY Registration of: Print-Format ============================= I am using Print-Format, Version: ____ , Serial no. ______ as Shareware und want to register for the full program version. I pay the registration fee of US$ 15.- (DM 25.-) plus a shipping fee of US$ 5.- or DM 7.50 (inside europe US$ 3.- or DM 4.50) with a cheque (enclosed). The latest and enhanced full version will be sent to my address (above) on a 3.5" disk. Please take a little time to answer the questions below: I am using Print-Format [ ] under DOS [ ] under Windows I prefer to use the [ ] Mouse [ ] Keyboard I use Print-Format to [ ] format source text files [ ] other plain text files [ ] execute character set translation [ ] other (please specify) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ I think, Print-Format is ( ) Ok ( ) usable ( ) improveable I think, the online help is ( ) Ok ( ) usable ( ) improveable I would improve/change/omit the following: Thank you very much for your registration. Date Signature