INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The SALTEK.EXE File is self-extracting and self-installing. Use Windows File Manager RUN : A:\SALTEK.EXE Your AUTOEXEC.BAT File must contain : SET CLIPPER=F100 THIS MUST BE WRITTEN EXACTLY AS SHOWN (NO=SPACES) Your CONFIG.SYS File must open enough Files FILES=100 THIS MUST BE WRITTEN EXACTLY AS SHOWN (NO=SPACES) Add NOVCPI to the line DEVICE=EMM386.EXE... DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE NOEMS NOVCPI ........... Stacks must be upgraded STACKS=18,512 THIS MUST BE WRITTEN EXACTLY AS SHOWN (NO=SPACES) PLEASE RE-BOOT AFTER CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE. Instructions are included in the Installation Program. THE PROGRAM WILL NOT WORK UNLESS THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE CARRIED OUT PRIOR TO USING THE PROGRAM.