Spanner - A Winsock API Test Tool --------------------------------- Spanner is an application which allows you to make direct Winsock API calls. If you've ever used wsatest, it is very similar to that. About This Release ------------------ Current version is 0.95 released on 14 Nov 1995 There are four files in th spanner.exe - 16 bit spanner executable spanne32.exe - 32 bit spanner executable winsock.hlp - winsock 1.1 API helpfile readme.txt - this file Features -------- - Call individual winsock APIs based on options that you enter - 16 bit and 32 bit version available - supports raw sockets Spanner can be used for testing winsock, debugging winsock problems and learning about the winsock API. It will be helpful for technical support to reproduce/debug customer problems, for winsock applications developers if they feel there is a problem in winsock, for QA in testing winsock and for people learning about winsock. System Requirements ------------------- - Windows 3.1 or Windows95 system - a winsock based TCP/IP stack Getting spanner --------------- You can get a oopy of spanner from the following sites Installation ------------ Just unzip the file. Copy spanner.exe, spanne32.exe, and winsock.hlp to a directory. If you're using windows 3.1, create a Program Item for spanner.exe or if you are using Windows95, then create a shortcut to spanner.exe and spanne32.exe. Thats it, you're all set to go. Bugs/Features Report -------------------- Please send any bug reports or feature requests to waseem Please include the following in your bug report: - hardware you are using - type/version of OS - TCP/IP stack used - Exact steps to reproduce the problem - Can you reproduce this problem on any other TCP/IP stack? Right now my top priority is fixing bugs in spanner and adding winsock2 support. Any other feature requests will be entertained and added, depending on time available. I've only tested spanner over FTP's and Microsoft's TCP/IP stack. If you liked using spanner and it helped you, I would appreciate an email. thanks for using spanner waseem siddiqi waseem 11/14/95