================================================================ Title : Stairway to Hell (for Doom ][) Filename : STAIRWAY.WAD Author : Damien Wellman Email Address : Damien.wellman@narrows.kendra.com (I can also be reached on the Doom Fidonet echo.) Misc. Author Info : This is NOT my first WAD, just to reassure you. My first WAD was an unadulterated piece of crap, using WinDEU before I had any real understanding of Doom levels. This is my second, and I used DCK instead... Description : A simple WAD meant as a game-ender. Starts off in a cavern, fairly standard until the end, in which you climb down the Stairway. At the bottom of said Stairway, the imfamous Romero's Head is busy spitting out monsters. However, as you can go right next to the Head and blast it, it isn't difficult to kill. The hard part is GETTING to it. Additional Credits to : id software, of course. The guys who made BSP and DCK. Led Zepplin. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes(designed for) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes(also designed for) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Sorta.(The starts are there, but this won't be much fun.) Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Music : Yes(Stairway to Heaven, for reasons explained below) New Graphics : Yes(status bar from TECHBAR.WAD) * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : A week or so. I'm going to do a real complex one soon, but this is just a quickie. Editor(s) used : DCK v2.2 and BSP(built-in to DCK) Known Bugs : Just one. In the black hallway with little alcoves with various monsters spewing various projectiles, there's an invisible wall at the end of it. You CAN pass it, just go to the left side of the hallway. I tried to fix it, but I guess it's a bug in DCK. :( * Misc. Notes * The inspiration for this level was this: a few years ago, a fundimentalist minister had claimed that when "Stairway to Heaven", by Led Zepplin, was played backwards, he could hear Satanic messages. Of course, this was total bunk, but it got me to thinking... just what is the opposite of the Stairway to Heaven? The one to Hell, of course... I would have used a MIDI editor to make the MIDI of the song to play backwards, but I thought that was going just a TAD too far... * Copyright / Permissions * You may NOT use this level as a base for other levels UNLESS you give me credit. So I'm an egomaniac... You MAY distribute this on the following conditions: - it is unmodified or is a new level based on the preceding; - no fee is charged for its distribution, unless it is on a collection of WADs on a disk or CD-ROM, in which case I would like a copy of said disk or CD-ROM. * Where to get this WAD * Would you be reading this file if you didn't already have it?