This is a real quick sample that I threw together to illustrate how to call a DLL from VB. Not only can you call a DLL but the same DLL can be made from the Borland, MS or Symantec compilers. The versions used were: Borland C++ 4.02 MS Visual C++ 1.51 Symantec C++ 7.2 The way the example works is simple. Included you'll find an exe, TESTVB.EXE. This runs the program. Then I have included a DLL from each of the compilers: TESTBOR.DLL - Borland TESTMS.DLL - MS TESTSYM.DLL - Symantec Rename the DLL of your choice to TEST.DLL. TEST.DLL is what TESTVB.EXE is going to look for. Enjoy. Contact me for more information. Rick Kligman Golden Gate Software CIS: 75300,2530 619-483-8496