...................................HELP.................................. Press at any time to return to the menu Version #: DOS 3.5, Release Date: 11/95, Single User License TechSupport: 703-242-9390 (call us as a last resort only) For Help, first, read this help file, second, leave us a message (see the UJA_Info.txt file). Third if your problem still is unresolved, call tech support at 703-242-9390 leave a DETAILED problem description including free space on disk, & DOS version. If your problem relates to Windows, how many other DOS apps you had running in WIN at the time of the problem. If your problem relates to a sharing violation,whether share.exe is active. We will (attempt within 24 hrs to) return Local calls to the Washington DC Metro Area and Call-Collect Long Distance calls. If you get sharing violation error messages, check your autoexec.bat file start running c:\dos\share.exe. If you still get sharing violation errors, try moving the share stmt near the end of your autoexec.bat. If that doesn't work, move it to another type of memory, i.e. from UMB to Hi or to conventional 640 K or vice versa. Windows for Workgroups does not require SHARE. So if you create a UJA icon & launch the DOS app from Wkgroups, you can omit SHARE from your autoexec.bat file. This program requires that you have your FILES= statement in your config.sys set to at least FILES=20 .............................DATA ENTRY TIPS: To edit a field, the easiest way is to use BACKSPACE or CTRL BACKSPACE. To preserve your data & change char's at the start of the field, use , which = field edit. It allows you to edit the field the cursor is currently in without backspacing & erasing. I.E. suppose you typed "Rocket Scientist" as your Job Title, but you really wanted to say "Pop Bottle Rocket Scientist". Instead of to wipe out the entire field & start from scratch, you could use then (to go to the beginning of the field & insert your characters. To Toggle between TYPEOVER & INSERT Mode, use the key. You must press to get out of FIELD EDIT MODE, that will move your cursor to the right end of the field & process your changes on this field. Cursor Movement Keys: = Word Right, = Word Left, DOWN, UP, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, etc. all function as expected. When editing Jobs & KSAs you may find it helpful to copy the previous records values for this field, into the current field. To do this, use for Ditto. Use for Ditto, to copy the Group Name above to the current Group Name. Ctrl D works on any field, not just the Group field, but since it looks at the record above to copy to the present record, that implies there must be a record above (before) this one. Only Jobs, & KSAs are multi-record files. Ditto will not work for Avail- ability, Education, Citizenship, & other single record modules. Data Delineators: Hit the spacebar to auto insert /'s in Date fields & -'s in phone #s. 171 GREEN FORM; PRINT DIRECTIONS FOR WP51: Get into WordPerfect 5.1; set your default directory to UJA (using the F5) key or where ever you have stored the UJA program, if not a directory named UJA. Then execute macros P1 - P4 & feed in a green 171 Form. ...............................MENU OPTIONS............................. VIEW/PRT SAMPLE Menu option, offers you the option of viewing sample data on the screen, or of printing it. This print operation does not subtract from your 5 grace print opportunities. AVAILABILITY Menu option. Allows for data entry/editing of the 171 page 1. cancels all data entry/changes since last save of this file. saves this file & exits you to Main Menu. = Field Edit Mode. Employers will most frequently machine search fields: JOB TITLE, BIRTH DATE NAME, PHONE, PRIOR EMPLOYEE, AVAILABILITY, LOWEST PAY ACCEPTABLE, TEMP JOBS, TRAVEL JOBS, MAY WE CONTACT PRESENT EMPLOYER, & HOW DID YOU HEAR OF US. JOB HISTORY Menu Option, allows you to key in, edit, insert, or delete jobs (excluding the text paragraph description of duties, that will only be included in your Resume.txt file). Employers may want to search the ENDING SALARY field of all your job records to find out the most you've ever made. EDUCATION Menu Option, allows you to key in, or edit the 171 page 3 fields. Employers probably will most frequently machine search fields: COLLEGE DEGREE TYPE, LICENSES CURRENTLY HELD & perhaps FOREIGN LANGUAGES. CITIZENSHIP Menu Option, allows you to key in, or edit the SF-171 page 4 fields. Employers probably will most frequently machine search fields: US CITIZEN?, FELON? RELATIVES THAT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY. KSA_PERSONAL Menu Option allows you to create or select KSA's (Knowledge Skills & Abilities) in the form of standardized searchable strings, like ATTORNEY, or WRITER-EDITOR, or IBM-PC, or MACINTOSH, etc. Other fields prompt you for: # OF MONTHS IN THIS KSA, SELF RANKED SKILL LEVEL, FED GOVT CLASSIF (GS-12-0331) IN THIS KSA, DATE OF MOST RECENT EXPERIENCE IN THIS KSA, HIGHEST SALARY MADE WHILE USING THIS KSA, etc. Use the key for context sensitive help. You can use to serial search (by page down-ing, or cursor downing) & viewing in alphabetical order, then to select), or you can direct access search, (machine search) using the key. When you find the KSA you want, the or keys will auto copy it from the file on disk to your personal KSA file to be included with your job app. Sample KSA's are already keyed in. After reading them, delete them using the key. For "Number of months actual experience in this KSA, use: "Actual Time", estimates only. E.G. if you've been typing for 40 years but you were only actually on a typewriter 1/40th of the time, during your average work day, put 1 year here, not 40 years. Then full-time typists who actually type 8 hours per day & have 2 years of experience will properly show more experience than you. But if you put down 40 years, the data is inaccurate, and no-one benefits from it, you will find yourself in a job that expects you to have lots of typing experience & you may fail the job. You do not benefit from putting down 40 years, the agency/ company does not benefit, & neither does the full time typist with 2 solid years of typing experience. Self ranked skill level, compare yourself to your perception of all others who have this KSA. 10 = highest or expert level Export/Import KSAs & KSALs allow batch input into the KSA system. The format is "," delimited, all fields. If you get into your favorite word processor & key in a KSA that is too long, it will be omitted when you take the Import KSAs option (70 wide). It will be included but truncated if you import it into the KSA_L's (240) wide's. Blank ID-nums are auto filled AFTER SAVE by the hashing process. Group names are sorted in ASCII sort order, thus numbers in the Group field are treated like strings of letters, i.e. the ASCII string 88888 would sort before 9 (appear above it) since it looks at the first char, of each string & sorts, before moving on to the next char. i.e. 88888 is not treated as 88 thousand 8 hundred & 88, it is merely treated as a string of 5 char's, the first of which is less than 9 & thus will go before (above) 9.. To re-locate a favorite KSA ( e.g. Computer Programmer, to index # 1, simply blank out the index # of the KSA currently at # 1 (and all KSAs that you want rehashed, & assign index numbers to all KSAs you want to have specific #'s (e.g. Computer Programmer would get # 1 in this case). When you hit Save, the program will auto hash in the key violations to fill the gaps in your indexing. To change the hash order to the middle of the file, or to the end of the file (instead of at the start of the file, which is the default), take CHANGE CONFIG off the MAIN MENU. To batch add to KSA_L's, use the export & import menu options. take the export first to get the file layout example. Then edit the KSA_expL file, to include all the KSAs you wish bearing in mind the rules for KSA Longs, i.e. They all must start with the 2 words " I have ", except the continued KSAs which there fore cannot start with "I have". Continued KSAs also must be ID-Num'd in sequence. In the future we may add a proc that auto checks your KSA_Long file for out of sequence KSAs that dont start with I have, such proc would warn the user that record # 504 appeared out of sequence if a continued KSA, or didn't start with "I have" if a new KSA. KSAs_STANDARD APPLY KSALs Any user additions to Id_Numbers > 1 million will cause our updates to wipe out the users additions. We have chosen to permanently assign Id_Numbers > 1 million so the user can refer to long KSAs by a number, otherwise he would have to use record no. (which changes all the time, or quote the string. If you are a large corporation or govt agency and you want to be able to use ID_Numbers > 1 million, then dont apply any of our KSA updates, or number your KSAs high enough (you can go up to 12 digits) to avoid ours, & apply our KSAs, which will start out at 1 million & go up from there as we get in new KSAs from the user base. Thus corporate KSAs in the range of 1 Billion on up should virtually be safe from our overwrites until Judgment Day, when you will no longer need KSA's or Job Apps. Somewhere after 1 billion & before 1 trillion, Paradox 3.5 expresses the number in exponential form on reports, & forms, so if you dont like exponential notation, that is a factor. APPLY KSA's Menu Option allows you to update the KSA file with the latest reported KSA's. Download this zip file (called UJA_KSA.zip) from any one of the Current version BBS's, e.g. America Online, CompuServe, our BBS, or the InterNet, etc. Once you have it downloaded, copy it to your UJA directory, unzip it, & delete the zipped version. You will be left with a file called UJA_KSA.DB. UPSC will update it's list of KSA's periodically (monthly, or so) to incorporate the latest ones reported by users. We appreciate your input to keep us abreast of technology's ever changing KSA's. E-mail a note to us & the text file that is generated by the Main Menu option Extract KSAs. The other menu options here are merely various ways of displaying KSAs on the screen to make it easier to copy/move from one file to another. RESUME Menu Option, simply displays a screen that tells you how to ASCII- export your resume from your favorite word processor to a text file that must be named RESUME.TXT in order for this program to incorporate it in it's reports & export functions. It also describes the file compression & encryption process used to send your job app files to your employers BBS. VIEW/PRINT UJA Menu Option, first tests to see if you've registered, & if the name & phone # fields on the (AVAILABILITY Page) are filled in, etc. It sends a report to your printer containing all your pages of data entry. This report should be mailed in along with your Resume (which you will have to print yourself using your favorite word processor) & along with your diskette, to your prospective employer. You may wish to retrieve the PRT_DUMP.txt file into your favorite wordprocessor, and enhance it. Use BOLD & UNDERLINE, or move resume txt blocks under Job fields, etc. Then print that report, & submit it, instead of the standard UJA which this package prints. EXTRACT KSA's Menu Option, Displays all of the custom KSA's you have entered in to the KSA file. Now you can call them in to our 24-hour Voice Mail line, or better yet, E-mail them to us via CompuServe, AOL, MSN or to our Internet address. Attach the text files that this menu option generates, to your message. I.E. KSA_EXP.txt & KSA_EXPL.txt. REGISTER MY PACKAGE Menu Option should not be taken until you have filled out page 1, (AVAILABILITY Page.) You have 9 free print/export opportunities before you are prevented from printing or file exporting the data you have entered, until you register. After taking the REGISTER MY PACKAGE MAIN MENU OPTION, The 1st screen will present you with a 4 digit registration # that you should key into your phone, (after you call us at (703) 242-9390 & take the REGISTER MY PACKAGE Menu option, on the phone.) The next screen shows you your own area code, key this into the phone, when prompted. The next screen shows you your 7 digit phone #, to be keyed in to the phone, when prompted. The next screen asks you for the Access Code, given to you over the phone, by the Universal Products PC running the Voice Mail System. Key this into your PC, & your next screen will say either "Congratulations, you have successfully registered your package", or it will say, The registration #, & area code & phone # you keyed into the phone, do not match what you have keyed in to your package AVAILABILITY PAGE. Please re-check your answers & call again. After registration, UJA S/W automatically locks in your SSN & NAME on the AVAILABILITY PAGE, so they can't be changed (copy protect mechanism). PRINT GREEN 171 Menu Option, generates the ASCII text files "," field delineated, CR record delineated, necessary to act as merge files for printing an SF-171 form. These ASCII text files can be used by you for any report of your choosing, i.e. your own companies job app, a state of Virginia job app, etc. We have written 4 macros in WP51 to auto merge to some primary merge files we have constructed, to auto generate a Govt. pre-printed green form 171. COPY CURRENT TYPE Menu Option, copies your current job app type, to what- ever type # you select (1 - 9). It stores it in the directory UJA/TYPE_N (N is a # from 1-9). You will be given the opportunity to label this type to whatever you wish, e.g. NO REFERENCES, or NO SALARY HISTORY, etc. RESTORE TYPE N Menu Option, restores the job app type from directory N, (N= some # between 1-9) to your current directory. Thus enable-ing you to print & export to diskette the info that used to be in Directory N. Taking this menu option WILL OVERWRITE the current job app type in the UJA directory, so you should have saved it previously, to some Job App Type (1-9) & labeled it accordingly. EXPORT FILES Menu Option, creates the export files to send off to your employer. These files are in Paradox 3.5, dBase 3+, and ASCII format. The 8 character prefix pattern is LLLL#FFF. Where L = the first 4 letters of your Last Name, & F = the first 3 letters of your first name. The N = the file #. dBase files therefore would be named KUHL1FRA.DBF for example if your name is Fran Kuhlman. The Paradox files are named as above, except the suffix is .DB instead of .DBF. The ASCII text files end in .txt. The first 5 files correspond to pages 1-5 of the SF-171 form, Thus: The AVAILABILITY page is P1 The JOBS page is P2 The EDUCATION page is P3 The CITIZENSHIP page is P4 The KSAs 70 WIDE page is P5 The KSAs 240 WIDE page is P6 The PRT_DUMP.TXT page is P7 The RESUME.TXT page is P8 The COVR_LET.TXT page is P9 You have the option of encrypting the Resume.txt, & Prt_dump.txt files, along with your other personal info. files. Notice that file Covr_let.txt is inserted into the zip file. It is never encrypted. You may use this TXT file as your cover letter, edit it as you wish. All export files containing personal information can be encrypted, so you can use public mediums like the internet w/o fear of the casual interceptor reading your personal info & using it against you somehow. Employers can purchase the De-crypter program for 10 cents per name DeEncrypted. They must first give us their E-I-N. DISPLAY REPORT Menu Option, displays on your screen, what the Hard Copy of all your Data Entry will look, in report format. It also presents you with the option to export this to an ascii file. You are also prompted here to CREATE DISKETTE or not. This option will auto copy the proper files to the disk drive of your choosing. HELP Menu Option, displays this file. CALL US UP Menu Option, displays our Company Name, Address, Phone #, InterNet Address, the current price of the package, etc. It also contains the contents of the UJA_Info.txt file which contains the sales letter to corps & job applicants, install instructions, technotes and the Liberal License Agreement. QUIT Menu Option, terminates the UJA program, & returns you to your operating system (DOS or Windows, etc.). SPELL CHECKING: This package doesn't come with an internal spell checker. Your favorite WordProcessor has one that you are already probably familiar with, though. We suggest before taking the CREATE DISKETTE Menu Option, take the MERGE/EXPORT Menu Option. Then retrieve the PRT_DMP.TXT file & Spell Check it. That will prevent you from submitting embarrassing misspelled words. When you find a misspelled word, don't bother to correct it on the PRT_DMP.TXT file. Simply write it down & later on, change it in the UJA program. Then retake the MERGE/EXPORT menu option to regenerate the export files. EXPORT TECH NOTES: The Create Diskette Menu Option auto copies the files (that start with the first 4 letters of your Last Name, to diskette. It also copes all TXT files to your Dskt. Thus your RESUME.TXT file will be included. Do a DIR listing of the UJA directory to see these files. For example, if your last name is Kuhlman, after taking the MERGE\EXPORT menu option, you could go to the DOS UJA directory & do a DIR kuhl*.* command. There you would see files: KUHL1FRA.DBF, KUHL2FRA.DBF etc. (1st 4 letters of my last name, file #, 1st 3 letters of my first name), & KUHL1FRA.DB files (Paradox 3.5 format). Text files include: KUHL1FRA.txt, 1 thru 6, UJA_INFO.txt = install instructions, tech notes about package, sales pitch, etc. i.e. things necessary for your employer to know about the files you are sending to him. RESUME.txt is your ASCII export of your resume, which your employer will want for "loose search string text file searches" across his hundreds of applicants, also for printing out of your resume, should he select you. PRT_DMP.txt is also for employers "loose search string text file searches" & printing purposes, of every thing in the Hard Copy Report. This will contain some things you left out in Resume.txt. like minimum salary willing to work for, willing to travel 3 nites /mo. etc. If you are going to transmit these files to your employer instead of mailing in a diskette, consider PK Zipping them into 1 file and Upload that file to your Employer's BBS, or Transmit to someone in "receive mode" at a modem in his Personnel Dept, or upload them on the InterNet. PROGRAMMERS NOTES: In DataBase Design, there is always a trade off between ease of manipulating data v. saving space on disk. We decided to waste space on disk regarding duplicating SSN & App_Date fields for each record of P2 (jobs) & P5 (KSA's). In order to make flat file data manipulation easier for small company, personnel depts of say 50 employees or less. They will be able to pull up all employees records, P1-P5, in flat file format, & easily access Jobs & KSA's without having to tweak DB3+ or DB4 or Paradox, or Access, or FoxPro to handle multiple record types per file, which would have been the space saving way to handle the SSN & App_Date fields in files P2 & P5. Larger companies, with dedicated database programmers will undoubtedly massage their UJA data & opt for a relational/space saving format. ...Why you might want Multiple Types of Job Apps....(an H.R. Dept Lecture) You may want to omit information like Salary History, Previous Job References (if you have had lots of short contract jobs & your references are "burned out" from getting calls every 3 months when you apply for another short term contract computer job. Or you may want to omit some of the information on the Citizenship page. Within the last 10 years were you ever: fired, convicted of a felony, convicted of any firearms or explosives violation, etc. Job counselors will tell you that sometimes giving your prior salary history will hurt you. If you have recently gained certification or an Educational degree, your salary history may not accurately reflect your true worth, but you know that if you give it out, the company will only offer you slightly more than your last job paid you. In situations like these, it's best to create a "Type 2" Job App, that omits salary history information. Then on the availability page you can put the higher minimum salary you are willing to work for, & get it. If you stop to think about it, you are offering something of equal worth to the company...your labor, in exchange for their wage. If they are going to request your salary history from you, you should be able to request the salary history of the position from them. If they request the reason you left your last job, you should be able to request the reason why the last person who held this position was let go. (unless it's a new position). If they can request your last 3 employers & their phone #'s & names, you should be allowed to request the last 3 employees who held the position you are applying for, & their phone #'s & names. These questions can all be handled kindly, at the interview. Just leave the info off of your app, & when they ask you for it at the interview you can say "Well I don't give out specific salary levels from specific companies, but my range in the past has been $30,000 to $45,000 per year depending on if the job took my career in a direction I wanted to go. Or just say "sure if you wish to exchange information about the history of this position, like it's last 3 salary histories & references, I'll be glad to furnish you with my history. Of course if the economy is in a recession & jobs are scarce, or if you are on your last $, you might want to comply with everything they ask for. Why else might you want another Job App type? Suppose you are pursuing several different types of positions, D.P. Manager, Programmer, Network Administrator, LAN Installer, Sales, etc. You might want to tailor your App. to highlight the appropriate experiences in your career, & leave out others. .............How to create Multiple App Types with this Package......... To create an App Type 2, 3, 4,...9 etc, simply take menu option COPY CURRENT TYPE. It will present 9 suggested App Types for you to save your files to. Save your original (all inclusive) app to App Type 1, and label it accordingly. Just follow the prompts and it auto saves your current type to the # directory you selected. Next you should start creating Job App Type 2. You do this by modifying your original Job App, & saving the changes under a different Type #, e.g. Job App Type 2, which you might want to label as App. w/o Ref- erences, or App w/o Salary History, or Mgr Resume, vs. Tech Resume, or whatever you want. You can re-label all 9 App Types to any name you wish. All the menu options are only operative on the CURRENT Job App. i.e. whatever you want to print out, or get edited, or export to dskt, etc. will have to be restored to the CURRENT App Type. You do this by selecting Menu option RESTORE TYPE N. It will prompt you for which type you wish to restore from. Remember that restoring a Job App Type N (N = 1-9) will overwrite your current Job App Type, so if it is valuable to you, you should first COPY CURRENT TYPE to 1-9 & name it accordingly, when prompted. Other Scripts provided with this program: Rr Empties Registration info, resets to blank, does not increment free print count back to 5. Use this script only if bad registration info is keeping you from (i.e. mismatch errors) using the package. In most cases you would be better off downloading the latest release of the package & starting over with 5 free print opptys. It's shareware. Though you can't export until you register. An old user's registration cannot be re-assigned to you. EMPTYALL Empties out all user data entry files, restores KSA files to sample data state. Use if someone else has started on data entry then decides to give the unregistered package to you. You will want to quickly & automatically delete all his input, rather than having to field by field delete his stuff. Remember though, you may be ahead to download the latest version & get the 5 free print opportunities. SKIP # Hard coded into the main script. You will never execute these independently, let the program auto call it. CONVRT## Convert scripts to convert users data from old version to newer version. E.G. Convrt12 converts from version 1 to version 2. Convrt23 converts from ver 2 to ver 3.X CREATELB Creates main library of executable procs. You will never execute this script independently, let the program auto call it. MENU Brings up Main Menu. You need not use this script if you use the bat file UJA.bat. UNDOIMPR Undoes a KSA_Long import. If you want your old PERSONAL 240w KSA's back after taking the KSAs_PERSONAL, Menu Option IMPORT KSA_L option. This script empties the P6.db file & adds back the junk1.db file. To upgrade from all prior versions run UPGRADE.bat Most frequently asked questions: 1. Can it print a 171 w/o WordPerfect? ANS: Yes, it prints out more detailed info than found on the original 171. But if you want to literally generate a green form 171, then you will have to have WordPerfect. But 171's are no longer required by the Federal Govt. So summaries are good enough, in fact they will even accept resumes. But if your resume doesn't have all the info the govt is looking for (many SF-171's were 10 page affairs) others will most likely beat you out for the job. Especially those who have gone into great detail on their KSA's. 2. Do we have a windows version? ANS: Not yet, we are working on it in Paradox 5.0 3. Do we have a user friendly Personnel Dept. package to handle these dBASE3+ files our package generates. Something that would make it easy to search & sort on all fields, hold all apps in one directory, group by category if need be (e.g. all engineers together) etc. ANS: Not yet. We are working on a Paradox 5.0 Win version of this too. 4. I just recently purchased your program UJA. I don't know how it works . . . how do you send your applications to different job referrals? What would the program costing $30.00 give me? Fred, 8/95 ANS: Fred use it just like you would a resume. You could print out your 10 page report & mail it to your future employer, or you could take the EXPORT FILES option & mail him a diskette. ...............................End of Help File..........................