..........................To Create the Resume File Get into your favorite word processor, (it must be able to ASCII export). Of course WordPerfect & MicroSoft Word & AMI Pro can. The Windows Compatibles keystrokes are... FILE, SAVE AS [name it C:\UJA\RESUME.TXT], click on the SAVE FILE AS TYPE box select type = "DOS Text with Layout" .ASC. This will preserve your spacing & centering, etc. If your word processor auto appends the .ASC suffix on it, rename it so it has a .txt extension (the UJA app wont be able to find it if it is not in the UJA directory & named RESUME.TXT). If you dont have a favorite word processor, use the DOS Editor to key in your resume. It automatically saves in ASCII format. From the C:\ prompt, key in EDIT & follow the prompts. When you are finished, take the File-Save-As ASCII Text option. Name the ASCII TXT file Resume.txt (same as the original). Be sure to store it in the UJA directory. This file will get imported into the package, & exported to Diskette. The Resume.txt file is used to hold your entire resume as well as all of your SF-171 app: Supplemental Items (Additional Schools attended that dont fit on the form, additional: medals, licenses, Special Skills, Accomplishments & Awards, languages, etc). ......................To Create the Export Zip file Fill out all the Pages prior to this, e.g. Availability thru KSA's. Take the EXPORT FILES Main Menu Option, this will auto generate the necessary *.db, *.DBF & *.txt files to be shipped to your employer. This menu option will auto zip all pertinent export files into a file called LLLL#FFF.zip after your Last Name & First Name. Upload it to your employers BBS or whatever phone # appeared in the Ad. Notice that file Covr_let.txt is inserted into the zip file. It is never encrypted. You may use this TXT file as your cover letter, edit it as you wish. All export files containing personal information can be encrypted, so you can use public mediums like the internet w/o fear of the casual interceptor reading your personal info & using it against you somehow. Employers can purchase the De-crypter program for 10 cents per name DeEncrypted. They must first give us their E-I-N.