If you are upgrading from version 3.3 you must run script UPGRAD33.SC first. To do that, key in "PDOXRUN UPGRAD33" & press . Then Rerun this Bat file. Look in your UJA_INFO.txt file or the Help_ME.txt file to see what version you currently have. To convert all prior versions of your UJA data to the latest version: 1) Rename your UJA directory to c:\UJA_OLD or something similar. 2) Install the latest release of the UJA. See UJA_Info.txt for all download sources. We recommend creating a directory on your C:\ drive called C:\UJA. Then copy the UJA##ver.zip file to that directory. Then use PKunZIP to decompress. 3) Execute the upgrade BAT file, by keying in: UPGRADE then pressing Warning! If you've already started doing data entry in the latest UJA Version, it will all be overwritten. 4) This bat file (Upgrade.bat) will copy resume.txt & Covr_let.txt from the old directory to the new one. Press to cancel out now if you haven't done all the above, OR Press any other key to continue with Upgrade.