UJA_Info.txt file Press at any time to return to the menu UPSC (Universal Products and Service Corp) 2960 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 139 Oakton, VA 22124 Voice Mail, Fax, Data (703) 242-9390 National BBS/Washington DC Metro Area (703) 242- 9390,,,,9 (use mailbox 0, when prompted) CompuServe E-Mail Address: 102054,3711 Internet E-Mail Address: UJA@UPSC.com America Online Screen Name=UPSC1 MSN (MicroSoft Network) Screen Name=UPSC Another Local BBS = CPCUG S/W LIBR, (301)949-8848 Rockville MD. For BBS, Internet, CompuServe & AOL downloads, see instructions below. UJA(Universal Job Application) Shareware $30 after 9 free uses Version 3.5 for DOS Release date 11/9/95 Minimum System Requirements: DOS 3.3, 640K RAM, PC-XT, 3.5M free on Hard Disk. After 10/96, dial into our JOBS AROUND THE UNIVERSE home page, http://www.Jobs.UPSC.com scheduled for the 4th quarter of 96 and do RDBMS searches on jobs or applicants. See below for more details, section Jobs Around The Universe. Table of Contents: 1 The First thing you may want to do is... 2 Sales letter to Companies & Job Applicants 3 Install & Registration instructions for this S/W Package 4 TechNotes (how to obtain latest versions, features, techsupport, exporting files, etc.) 5 Our Liberal License Agreement. The First Thing you may want to do is: Download the latest version of the UJA. Check on this by calling 703-242-9390 menu opt 3. Or you will find the latest version # in the UJA_Info.txt file. The latest version of it will be kept in all the AOL, CompuServe, Internet & MSN addresses above. Next:...Download the latest versions of the UJA_Info.txt & Help_ME.txt files from the sources above & overwrite the older copies of these files in your UJA dir (created after install) with the newer versions. Next:...Download the latest KSA's. These can change weekly, as users upload their KSA's & we incorporate them into our KSA.DB file. Download the latest UJA_KSA.zip file which contains the UJA_KSA.db file which is 70 characters wide. Also Download the latest UJA_KSAL.zip file which contains the UJA_KSAL.db file. These are the 240 character long KSAs. If you do not have the time to data entry your own job app. we have 3rd party's who will, for a fee. They will also help you with your job search, if you need it. _____________________________________________ How does the UJA help Companies H.R. Depts? 1. Companies can do rapid searches, by computer, for that special set of selection criteria to find the "best" qualified candidates. For example, you could immediately pull up on your screen, the set of all secretaries willing to work at a GS7 level or below, with greater than 30 months MS Word experience, that also type more than 60 wpm. Or perhaps you want a list of all MBA's willing to work for $45,000 per year or less, who speak Japanese fluently and who have checked the box; willing to travel away from home for 11 or more nights each month, and you want them sorted in descending order of minimum required salary. 2. Companies can do statistical analysis of groups, e.g. what is the highest grade completed (educationally) by our managerial candidates? Or what is the sum of all attorneys salaries in this dept. to help you get a handle on legal expenses. Other demographics will prove invaluable too, such as what percent are willing to travel extensively, what percent show KSA's of security clearances, what percent are willing to work for $x or less, etc. 3. Companies can tailor the information received on diskette, to their own existing application form, WITHOUT THE NEED FOR PROGRAMMERS. They can just create a primary merge file (or a Form Letter Page) in their favorite word processor, and use the ASCII text files 1-6, e.g. KUHL1FRA.TXT, to function as the Data files (or secondary merge files as WordPerfect calls them). Of course one could also use the dBASE3+ files for this purpose too, if your wordprocessor accepts that format for import. 4. The UJA uses STANDARDIZED KSA's, the most machine searchable method there is. These also serve well as a shopping list for H.R. Depts that are drafting a help wanted ad. 5. The UJA's STANDARDIZED KSA's are constantly being updated by us through user feedback, so eventually we should have the latest and most complete list available. 6. The UJA EXPORT FILES function, uniquely names files after user name, last name, #, then First name. So your H.R. Dept can run an ad, & store all apps received for that ad in one directory on your Hard disk, without fear of overwrites. See TechNotes. 7. The UJA Exports in 3 formats for guaranteed universality. dBASE3+, ASCII & Paradox3.5 8. We have included file layout info( field names, field lengths, etc) for wordprocessor primary merge file layout. 9. The UJA also includes the Resume.txt file, and the PRT_DUMP.TXT files for raw unstandardized text string searches. 10. Companies can ask job applicants questions & come up with their own KSAs using the UJA. Which means this Job App package is infinitely customizable to meet your H.R. Depts needs. All the questions we forgot to ask the applicant, that you wish we had asked, you may create in the KSA & KSA long Edit Screens. _____________________________________________ How does the UJA help Job Applicants 1. The UJA is Shareware with 9 free Print/Exports before registration is required, which only costs $30. 2. Once you've input your data into the UJA you can also apply for the host of US Govt jobs out there (the US Govt is the nations largest employer with an estimated new 2500 jobs every 2 weeks. They have openings all over (geographically, & career skill-set wise). They post all openings on their OPM BBS at 202-606-4800). The UJA outputs an acceptable Federal Govt SF-171 facsimile report. 3. The UJA is Shareware, & thus it allows you to try it first, before committing to purchase it. Some of us feel that all software should be sold that way. 4. You can transmit your Job App to the employers BBS, or mail it in on diskette, or print your UJA & submit the 10 page report along with your resume. 5. It could save you lots of time as the UJA gets more universally accepted, in that, before you had to fill out each CO's unique job app (usually done hurriedly prior to the interview). Now we skip the resume step & you only have to fill out one app for all companies. Some companies have not yet converted to the UJA, but do accept it in place of their own, once it is presented to them. 6. You can retrieve the Prt_Dump.txt file into your favorite word processor & BOLD, Underline, or move text around, if you are applying with a company that prefers to use paper apps. 7. Before you have done any data entry, you can see what your report will look like, by DISPLAYING, or PRINTING sample data. 8. You can create up to 9 Job App Types. So you can automatically swap in & out Type 1 (no salary history, e.g.), with app type 2 (fired, convictions info omitted), with app type 3 (references omitted, etc.) 9. inserting & deleting new jobs is as easy as hitting the INSERT & DELETE KEY (when editing Page 2, the Job History Page) 10. The user can visually scan or key-word search thru existing KSA's when looking for the match with his history. 11. Users have the option of printing a Green U.S. Govt Printing Office 171 form, or of printing our white paper reports that include all the required 171 information. 12. Users while filling out their Job App, can add to our list of standardized KSA's, if they discover we have left out a KSA Standardized String that they need to accurately describe their skills. 13. Users, can help us improve our pkg by E- Mailing their KSAs to us (see E-mail addresses above). Then other users can know of & use their KSA strings. 14. Registration is E-mail quick, rather than having to wait on the US Mail & physical delivery. You simply E-mail your registration # to us & we will E-mail your access code back within 24 hours. 15. Suppose you want to see what your report will look like before you waste 10 pages of laser printer paper, does it have a PRINT PREVIEW option, even though it is a DOS app? Yes, under Print/View menu options, take the view option when prompted. 16. Our liberal license agreement allows the user to install his copy on multiple machines. Thus you can work on your Job app at home, & at work, or wherever you need to, without having to de-install it or violate the license agreement. 17. TechSupport is through Voice-mail & E-mail. We are experimenting with Live Operator Service but it's hours are as of yet unstable & intermittent & we cant commit to it until we can get a better handle on its costs. So sometimes you will get us live, & sometimes not. _____________________________________________ To Install this copy of the UJA: 1. Make sure your PC has at least 3.5 Mg of free space on your Hard Disk. 2. Some users will need INSTALL=C:\DOS\Share.exe in their config.sys file, or the LH C:/dos/share.exe in their autoexec.bat. Windows users are better served by putting a line in their System.ini file under the [386Enh] section, that says device=vshare.386. Then create a DOS icon for this package (or just run it from a DOS window) & let Windows do the memory management & file sharing. The basic functions of the UJA (printing, data entry, etc) will work w/o file sharing, but if you get a file sharing error when attempting some of the more advanced functions, put file sharing in. 3. Create a new directory to hold the UJA program, e.g. MD C:\UJA 4. Copy the UJA##ver.zip file to your newly created directory, or if you dont have PKzip then download the UJA##ver.exe file (which is a self extracting zip file). Most users dont like to use exe's because of the threat of viruses. You never know what's going to happen when you execute an unknown exe file. But if you download PKZip & unzip files from a BBS, it is a much safer anti- virus policy. The DOS command here would be copy a:\*.* c:\uja if you got the program on dskt. 5. Change to your new directory (make it your default dir.) CD C:\UJA 6. Unzip the program files by using PKUNZIP on the UJA##ver.zip file 7. Start the program with the command: UJA 8. You may wish to offload the original UJA##ver.zip to a diskette, once it has been unzipped. This will save space on your hard disk & preserve the program should you wish to share it with a friend. Also copy the UJA_Info.zip file to the diskette. __________________________________________ You are encouraged to start doing Data Entry immediately. Print out the sample reports first to see approximately what your data will look like. You may print/Export up to 9 copies of your application for free, after that printing & exporting is disabled until registration. Sample data may be printed or displayed at any time. To register take the "register my package" menu option, write down the registration # it gives you, or better yet, hit & mail us the sheet of paper, along with your $30 check. Your registration # is generated from information on the Page 1 (Availability Page). Make sure your mailing includes your E-mail address, as well as your Postal Mailing address, Name, Address, and best Phone Number to reach you at (whether work or home). If we get "un- deliverable E-mail Address" errors when we try to msg back your activation #, we will call & leave a Voice Mail message on your answering machine (unless you are long distance to the Wash DC Metro Area, but we are going to establish dealers in all the major cities, w. local #s). Only as a last resort will we print a hard copy letter, stamp an envelope & US mail your activation # back to you. ________________________________________ Tech Notes: How to obtain our program: 1. Download it from our BBS, 703-242-9390,,,,9 (use mailbox 0, when prompted) 2. Internet download it at: FTP.uu.net:/vendor/UPSC/UJA##ver.zip 3. To send us a message via internet, E-mail us at UJA@UPSC.com 4. To download it from CompuServe GO PCAPP, then from the main menu take the "LIBRARY" option, then take the SEARCH option or use the SEARCH ICON (looks like a magnifying glass on library books), tab over to the FILE NAME box & key in UJA*.* It is in the GENERAL APPS section. Mark all these files and start your download. As we release new versions these file names will change. 34 will become 35, etc. To send us an E-Mail via CompuServe, use our Address: 102054,3711. 5. To download it thru America Online select Main Menu, GOTO QUICKFIND, set category=APPLICATIONS, keyword=UJA. To E- mail us via AOL, or to order the package via dskt, by E-mailing us, our user ID is UPSC1. 6. For those w/o modems we will mail you a diskette containing the shareware version for $5 extra. You will still have to register your package later, after 9 free Print/Exports. 7. We will mail you a pre-registered copy for $10 extra. It will be non-shareware able (you cant share this dskt with your friends like you could the above 2 versions if they decide they like the package & want one, since it is pre-registered to you. How to use the EXPORTED Files if you are an employer & you've just received a zip file that looks like KUHL_FRA.zip. 1. The file name stands for Kuhlman, Fran.zip. It is so named so that you can collect all job applicant files in one directory for one job which you've advertised for. 2. You will need to obtain our EMPLOYERS DEcrypter program which will pkunzip a whole directory of job applicant files. It will ask you if you want to unzip only ASCII txt files, DB files (paradox 3.5), or DBF (dBASE3+) files, or ALL files. Most employers will unzip only the DB files to go with our Employee Search N Sort software. The EMPLOYERS DEcrypter program only costs 10 cents per name DeCrypted. It was necessary to encrypt users txt, dbf & db files to preserve privacy of applicants info, as they internet, or transmit, or upload their apps. The internet especially, is not a secure medium, & a job app this detailed can contain much sensitive info, e.g. salary histories, list of convictions, jobs fired from, etc. 3. Retrieve these unzipped database files into your own database (ACCESS, ORACLE, SYBASE, FOXPRO, etc) & manipulate them, search on fields, sort, & generate reports as your RDBMS programmers will. Or you can purchase our EMPLOYERS SEARCH N SORTER s/w package (shareware) to do all this w/o programming in a user friendly fashion. 4. When unzipped, each applicant will have 9 files that comprise his application. The format for the file nomenclature is Lastname (4 letters), SF-171 page #, Firstname (3 letters).DB (or DBF or TXT for the suffix). So if my name is Mr. Fran Kuhlman, my diskette would have on it, files: KUHL1FRA.DB = 171 page 1, or the Availability page. KUHL2FRA.DB = 171 page 2, or the Job History page. KUHL3FRA.DB = 171 page 3, or the Educational page. KUHL4FRA.DB = 171 page 4, or the Citizenship page. KUHL5FRA.DB = 171 page 5, or the KSA page (70 wide). KUHL6FRA.DB = KSA Longs (240 chars wide). KUHL7FRA.DB = PRT_DUMP.TXT file (all reports imported into a table) KUHL8FRA.DB = the Resume.txt file in Pdox 35 table format. KUHL9FRA.DB = the Covr_let.txt file which contains your cover letter. 5. The resume is also included in the resume.txt file. The PRT_DUMP file is also included in the PRT_DUMP file. Your Cover Letter is also included in the Covr_let.txt file. 6. In the Export Zip file, the KUHL1-6FRA.TXT files are comma delineated for ASCII mail merge. purposes. KUHL7FRA.TXT, KUHL8.FRA.TXT & KUHL9FRA.TXT are not comma delimited 7. The *.dbf files are in dBASE3+ format for maximum transportability to any RDBMS system. However Paradox 3.5 files also get copied to diskette. These are the *.db files. They are included here because the dBASE3+ format doesn't allow export of 240 char fields. Also future apps that we write will import Paradox files easier than the dBASE3+ files, with their 10 char limit on field names. To convert from all prior versions (except ver 3.3): 1. rename your version UJA directory to C:\uja_old 2. install the latest version in a directory called UJA 3. key in PDOXRUN UPGRADE & press 4. To convert from ver 3.3, instead of UPGRADE above use UPGRAD33. __________________________________________ Tech Support Policy: 1. For Help, first, read the help file, in the package itself. this is obtained by keying in H from the main menu. 2. E-Mail us w. your problem, (see addresses at top of this file). Include as much detail as possible, e.g. running from windows or not, DOS version, if from windows, what % of system resources were free at time of error, are you on a LAN, if a print error, what type of printer you have, etc. We will get an answer back to you with in 24 hours. 3. If your problem is still unresolved, call us at 703-242-9390. Leave a DETAILED message & we will attempt to return Local calls (Washington DC Metro Area) within 24 hrs. ------------------------------------------ To upgrade from all prior versions run UPGRADE.bat __________________________________________ Version History: 1.0 Version 1.0 came out in 2-2-95. It offered much greater stability (being written in Paradox 3.5) over the wordperfect macro based product marketed during the last 5 years. 2.0 Version 2.0 came out in 6/1/95, it added: 1 free print chances of user's personal data, before requiring registration. 2 convert utility from ver 1 to ver 2 called convrt12.sc 3 CompuServe, Internet, & America Online download instructions 4 Techsupport txt files & version history info moved to uja_info.zip file. Less for user to download that way. 5 Made year 2000 compatible, modified word processor macros to search for 2??? as well as 19??. 6 Created bolded answers on standard report. Created menu option for non HP compatibles to print a non bolded report. 7 created table for data entry of custom bold on/off codes. 8 fixed bug of wiping out old registration # if user took registr. Pkg Menu Option again, after registering first time. 9 Menu options added & deleted & reorganized to make more logical sequence. 10 Display of Sample Data Option added. 11 ESC from all main menu items, back to main menu. 3.0 Version 3.0 came out in 7/26/95, it added: 1 Improved menus, more logical arrangement of menu items. ESC exits all menu options & most screens. 2 Long KSAs for all those Govt Agencies that like to write paragraph long KSA's 3 CONTINUED KSAs, thus allowing KSA's to be of any length. 4 Auto copy export files to separate directory for easy compressing & transmitting 5 Auto pkzipping if PKZIP if user has it on that PC & in path 6 KSA displays in multi record mode as well as single record/all fields mode. 7 UPSC BBS on 703-242-9390 Now, easy to download in Z-modem format 8 Export KSAs to an ASCII file for Personnel Dept manipulation 9 Import KSAs back from ASCII file, into regular KSAs 10 Sort 70 wide KSAs for easy duplicate detection, else imports get appended to bottom of file for easy checking if all imports made it. 11 Index'd KSA_Longs for easy ID & Replacement 12 Auto hashing of KSA_Longs if user accidentally selects dupe ID #, or if user keys in KSA_Longs w/o choosing any ID_Num, pkg will auto select an appropriate ID_Num. 13 Context sensitive help screens in the KSA file 14 Added the ability to key in new KSA's while in KSA look up mode 15 Menu Option added for Upload KSA's, auto creates ASCII files w. suffix ASC for message attaches on the Internet, or CompuServe, or AOL. 16 The field size was increased from 40 chars in ver 2 to 70 chars in ver 3.0. 17 Two Index fields were added to KSA_Long file, for Personnel Dept power in categorizing their own KSAs. OPM fields for prefix code & sub code were eliminated. 18 All documentation was changed to reflect new Internet domain name of UPSC.com from old name of UNIVPROD.com 3.1 Version 3.1 came out in 8/11/95, it added: 1 Changed export files so ASCII text files were named consistent with other files, e.g. instead of P#_uja.txt, files are named in the LLLL#NNN.txt nomenclature of other export files. 2 Added Standard KSA Menu Items. These allow the small company that wants to share KSAs with all employees to import from PERSONAL KSA files into the STANDARD KSA & KSA_Long files. Auto checks for Key violations (if user accidentally picks a previously used index #, & then auto takes user into edit mode to change dupe index # to a unique one. Presents user with a screen that shows both files, he can select a 240 wide record that will fit in the 70 wide file & auto copy over. 3 Changed EXPORT to auto create EXPORT subdirectory, then prompt for COPY ZIP or UN- ZIPPED Files to A: or B: drive. If and when zip attempt fails, user has all export files in one handy place (EXPORT Subdirectory) to zip on his own. 4 Created one Generic UPGRADE Script for converting all prior versions, instead of CONVERT 2 TO 3, CONVERT 3 TO 3.1, ETC. 5 Version 3.2 came out in 8/24/95, it added: 6 new address & phone# change (effective 8/28/95) to 2960 Chain Bridge Rd, Suite 139, Oakton, VA 22124, moved phone lines, got new #s. Consolidated all functions VM, Fax & BBS into 1 phone #. Then can add roll over (to new line) capability as volume of calls grows, & 1st phone # is continually busy. 3.3 Version 3.3 came out in 9/9/95, it added: 1 changed last screen on Citizenship Page to say "put your additional items that wont fit on this form, into the resume.txt file" instead of misc.txt file. 2 found SUPERVOICE PRO by Pacific Image in Alhambra CA, 818-457-8880 best voice mail pkg for the $ on the market. Recorded VM menus, & changed UJA documentation to match. 3 Changed Main Menu items HELP ME & CALL US UP to browse txt files instead of Pdox tables. More easily updated in the future. 4 joined MSN, included ID in documentation 3.4 Version 3.4 came out on 10/24/95 it added: 1. Prt_Dump.txt (all user data, unformatted), Resume.txt (ascii export of user's resume), and P?UJA.txt files (ASCII delimited files containing all user data), left (un deleted) in UJA directory for user to browse, print out, export, merge with WordProcessor, etc. Formerly Prt_dump.txt & P?_UJA files were deleted until registration, to prevent user non-registration. 2. export files auto zipped for easier x-mit. 3. Pkg now ships w. PKZip, no longer necessary to have pkg look for PKzip in path & store export files in export directory if PKzip not found. 4. Added print/export count sync for copy protection. 5. Created Bat files & txt files for help screens, activates, tested all KSA menu options, screens, files for help functionality. 6. Changed all Forms to accommodate 16 wide KSA_Number fields 7. Included in help file, blank ID-nums are auto filled AFTER SAVE by the hashing process. 8. Changed KSA_Longs ID_Nums, Standardized from UPSC to start at 1 million & go to 1 Billion. 9. Documented quirks in ASCII sort order for Group Name field 10. Changed Resume Main Menu Opt to display a BAT file. 11. Made UPGRADE script 3.4 compliant, added KSA_Long xfer prompt for STANDARDIZED KSAs. 12. Fixed error; export names LLLL#NNN.dbf does not work if user has a short name of e.g. Do Te. Vietnamese 13. Restructured P6 (Resume.txt table) to 80 chars after import. 14. Special KSA Main Menu option added, to explain how corps. can use this job app to ask any question they wish. 15. Solved problem of EXPORT menu option, not recreating a new PRT_DUMP.txt file pre export, added proc PrintDump() to EXPORT subroutine. 16. Added option on export to include prt_dump & resume.txt files in generic zip, less private, but more accessible to employers who dont yet have the UJA DeCrypter. 17. Added references (announcements) about UPDATE script in Help file & UJA_info.txt files. 18. Announced: JOBS AROUND THE UNIVERSE home page scheduled for 3rd qtr of 96. 19. Set Validity Check on KSA_L & P6 files to All Upper- case only, for fields GROUP & SOURCE. Less confusing during sorts, since lower case sort below caps, ASCII order. 3.5 Version 3.5 came out on 11/9/95 it added: 1. Registration screen now shows dealer #. 2. Rename P6 to P8 Rename P5_Long table to P6, 3. Default on NO PREFERENCE on P1, to blank. N or Y is confusing. 4. Changed all dates to auto fill seperators 5. Changed on each screen P1-4, Go to Main Menu for Help, Replaced w. Press 6. Put a boxes around items near R. Margin on Forms, where it looks confusing, which ans goes w. which question. 7. Change KSA Salary to highest YEARLY salary, on help tell of convert hours to yearly. 8. Put a green prompt before every Salary blank 9. Last screen on EXPORT menu option top line superimposed ring at end. CLEAR first. Clear eol if needs be. 10. Change Export module to copy Prt_dump to LLLL7FFF.txt, Resume.txt to LLLL8FFF.txt & Covr_Let.txt to LLLL9FFF.txt. Now employers unzipping dont have to worry about common name Prt_dump or Covr_let or Resume.txt overwrites. 11. Init caps fields some alpha fields. 12. Changed KSA Long field from 255 to 240, so comply's w. Lotus limits 242 max width, & dBASE 254 wide. Changed P5 titles & headers to say 240 instead of 255 13. Prt_Dump.txt (all user data, unformatted), 14. Config screen to set Hash Order. 15. Hash Order is now selectable. Start Hashing at First, Last, or RecNO. ------------------------------------ Future Events: An Internet server is planned for the 4th qtr of 96. Users could upload their zip files to our JOBS AROUND THE UNIVERSE ANONYMOUS Database. We strip out all your personal ID info (name, addr, phone #, references, etc) and assign you an ID #. Employers know you only as # 96-10-09-01, etc. Then when they wish to contact you for an interview they give us that #, & we e-mail you & offer, for a nominal fee ($5.00 or so for our matching service) to give you the names of the Employers interested in you. You could at any time, opt to shut it off & have your anonymous app. removed from the system. It costs applicants nothing to post their ad, nor does it cost corporations to do searches. ____________________________________ License Agreement: This copy of UPSC, Universal Job App. (UJA) is licensed to one user on multiple PC's. Paradox Runtime is Copyrighted by Borland International Corporation. CPR 1990. When using this program you (the customer/end user) agree to: 1 acknowledge that Paradox Runtime is owned by Borland International and may not be copied. 2 look solely to UPSC (we the developer) for any support services required by this UJA application. 3 have recourse solely to UPSC (we the developer) for any damages resulting from the use of our application (UJA). 4 use Paradox Runtime with this App. on an AS- IS basis, & is provided by Borland International Corp. without any warranties, or liability for damages, to Borland International. 5 be sublicensed by UPSC, for the use of this Application (which this License agreement is). 6 Damages resulting from the use of the UJA are limited to the users purchase price of the package.