Short description (Details in the archive VBMAK4.EXE) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Application Title.: Visual Basic MAK Compiler Program-Name......: Make_MAK Version...........: 4.01 Date..............: September 30, 1995 Archive-File......: VBMAK4.EXE (self-extracting) Program-File......: MAKE_MAK.EXE Language..........: English Required Files....: VBRUN300.DLL, CTL3D.DLL (included) System............: WINDOWS (3.1 or higher) Kind..............: Utility, Tool Help-File:::......: MAKE_MAK.HLP Registration......: see Help-file (...GO_SWREG.TXT) Restrictions......: see RESTRICT.TXT (valid for Shareware only !) Author............: Christian Germelmann Am Glaskopf 26 35039 Marburg/Lahn, Germany CompuServe 100520,2644 ========================================================================== Description.......: Make_MAK is a Visual Basic AddOn-Compiler. Together with an existing VB.EXE (any version !) this program compiles one or more projects faster than you ever could operate VB ! Besides EXE-files will partly be essentially shorter since VB is now unable to store data-'junk'. Make_MAK supports drag'n'drop from any file manager. ========================================================================== *End of file*