Readme file for DBCDPlayer version 0.11 (Freeware version) Jan-96 DISCLAIMER: I allow you to use and distribute DBCDPlay.exe and the files listed below freely under the condition that I am in no way responsible for any damages or losses you may suffer as a result of copying, installing or using DBCDPlay.exe and its accompanying files. WHAT DOES IT DO? The program plays audio CDs and has the capability of storing Artists, CD and song titles in a data file. The current CD title and song title will be shown in the program's display window while the CD is playing. I believe that the use of the program will be obvious when the program is running and therefore the program has no online help. I hope my belief corresponds somewhat to reality. OK I'd better give a little help. There are some accelerator keys, which activate pushbuttons as stated below. These can be useful if you don't like to use the mouse all the time. Accelerator keys to activate pushbuttons (Main window): Alt+r - track Reverse Alt+a - track Advance Alt+b - scan Backward Alt+f - scan Forward Alt+p - Pause Alt+l - pLay Alt+s - Stop Alt+e - Eject Alt+t - set Titles and play order Accelerator keys to activate pushbuttons (Titles and play order window): Alt+d - Default play order (Give all CD tracks in ascending order) Alt+a - Apply and save WHAT'S NEW IN THIS SECOND VERSION? Not much actually. I've added a slider control to quickly choose any track. In every singel E-mail I've recieved about this program it has been a suggestion that I should add something similar. However that hasn't been too simple due to a missing function and a bug in the class library I've been using (my opinion/guess). It has been quite some workarounds to make this version of the program to work, and as I lately have had little time to spend with my computer I haven't been able to spend much time looking for bugs. If I'm lucky it won't be any real big ones. Anyway please let me know what you think about using a slider control choosing tracks. Would it be much better with push buttons enstead? FILES INCLUDED AND CREATED: DBCDPlay.exe - The executable program. DBCDP._db - A file created while running the program. Contains CD and song titles. file_id.diz - A text file which makes System Operators (SysOp) of BBS's happy. ReadMe.txt - This file. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: You must run WARP OS/2 3.0 or later with the MMPM/2 installed. A CD ROM player with an audiocable connected to a soundcard, or headphones directly connected to the CD might work. BUG REPORTS, SUGGESTIONS AND OPINIONS: Please send any bug reports or suggestions to my E-mail account It's also allowed to correct my poor English. I hope you find a use for this program! /Frank Carlsson (