Thanks for trying out this Alpha version of LST/2. Please mail any bug reports to Feature list: --Built in directory lister. * Displays last accessed and created dates on HPFS drives * Display anywhere from 1 to 9 directory columns on screen * Automatically view files on righthand 3/4 of screen. --File viewer * Supports redirection. * Save the redirected text to a file. * Search forwards and backwards within file. * Search for hex strings. * Search for regular expressions. * View PC or Unix style text. * 3 viewing modes - Text, Hex, and Dump (like XTree). Caveats: * During redirection the entire file is loaded before displaying. * Help is pretty basic right now. * The first time LST is run it creates a LST.CFG file in the same directory as where it runs from. Please note that the LST.CFG for DOS and OS/2 are identical and can be interchanged (runs best that way). --Notes on OS/2 version: * Installation: Copy all the DLL files to any directory in your LIBPATH. Copy the EXE to any directory in you PATH. * Currently running with a debug memory manager. This consumes much more memory then normal. If this is a problem, disable the memory debugging routines by copying alloc.dll over dbgalloc.dll. --Notes on DOS version: * Rename LSTDOS.EXE to LST.EXE and copy it to somewhere in your path. * Redirection isn't really working yet. * Needs dos4gw.exe. Not included, but available from many places. Some of the features coming (not necessarily in this order): * More file manipulation (move, mkdir, etc). * Tagging of files * Complete Netware 4.x support (probably OS/2 only) Alpha Change History: Special thanks to Dave Gentzel and everyone else for ideas, testing and bugs! *Working* * Added flags to make dirs or files all uppercase or lowercase. In config menu. Alpha 9/12/95 * Cleaned up Copy mode. Opens files in shared mode, DOS version, re-reads file info on start of copy. * Tweaked file information display by ALT-F. FAT vs HPFS aware. * Switching columns and ALT-F rewritten. More logical now. * Cursor position is now preserved better when rereading directory. * Drastically sped up loading/saving of LST.CFG. * Sped up loading of directories for DOS version. * DOS version can now use wildcards everywhere OS/2 version can. * All routines can now handle a directory with no files. * Cleaned up error displays for file management. * Delete no longer re-reads the current directory. * Interal routines handle errors. No more popup box on filesystem errors. Alpha 8/24/95 * Saving defaults within file lister will now save defaults within directory lister. * Fixed bug when saving defaults within directory lister. * Cleaned up Copy routines for EAs a bit. * Added multiple file specs. * Added invert file specs. * Space within file lister is equivilent to page down. Alpha 8/21/95 * Directory lister now uses two lines on the bottom on the screen. Routines have been expanded to use this extra space. * Copying displays a progress indicator. Prompts for a filename and then a pathname. * Change colors around for input boxes. * Histories are now sorted with the most recently used line at the bottom. Alpha 8/17/95 (v0.04) * Fixed bug in search where it would stop after a partial match on a page boundry. * Added copy file (with EA support). * Added wildcard support for renaming a file. * Lots of internal changes. Alpha 4/21/95 * Added configuration screen. Only available from dir lister screen. Note: Config screen is VERY ugly right now and will change. Please let me know if you can think of anything else to add to this screen. Redefinable keys are coming. * Added several options to starting the OS/2 Editor (config screen). * Allows a zero length redirected file now. * Multiple date formats. * Error message should be more consistant now. * You can hit enter to skip error message as well as ESC * Added option to always save all the parameters (like previous behaivor). * No DOS version this time. Alpha 4/17/95 * Added calling an editor with the "E" key. Use ALT-E to set the editor. Editors are different for OS2 and DOS and can only be set within their respective OS. * Added "*" key to reread current directory. * Changed Delete and Rename to always reread directory. It attempts to keep the cursor position. * Correctly reports EA sizes. * Fixed bug when only a drive letter was given on the command line. Alpha 4/16/95 * The format of the config file has changed. You must delete LST.CFG. This should be the only time it doesn't auto-convert between versions. * You can finally type something like "lst c:\dos\*.exe" and it will behaive like you'd expect it to. * Added path switching (p or \), with full history of course. It also stores the initial path on startup in the history. (startup filespec now also). * Viewing a zero length file is no longer an error and will display correctly. * Configuration changes are no longer automatically saved. You must now explicictly save them by typing ALT-D in either the Directory or File lister. Changing these is local to the different viewers. To save changes in both the File and Directory listers you must hit ALT-D while in each of them. * Added additional file sort type of Unsorted. Changed hot keys for sort selection. * Fixed line numbers printing on left column when auto-viewer turned on. * Histories now ignore case when searching for duplicates where it makes sense. * Many internal changes * A couple of keystroke changes. (ALT-O and new stuff) Alpha 4/15/95 (0.03) * Reworked search code to fix a couple of bugs. * Fixed bug in history when max items are entered. * Fixed inconsistencies within the file lister help screen. * Finally cleaned up the version info. * Removed PMW from DOS version. Too damn buggy. Uses dos4gw as the DOS extender instead. This is available from the usual FTP sites if you don't already have it. Alpha 3/28/95 Sorry for the long delay between versions, I've been a busy camper these last 3 weeks. * Finally fixed the stupid regular expression bug that been around forever. * Added Rename file and dir. * Saves parameters for the file lister. * Added alloc.dll to distribution. If you're experiencing problems with LST using great amounts of memory, copy alloc.dll over dbgalloc.dll. This will disable the memory debugging routines that are consuming lots of memory. Alpha 3/1/95 * Fixed bugs in searching and setting number of columns in directory viewer. * Added Delete file and dir. Alpha 2/27/95 * DOS version included again. * Added a configuration file (LST.CFG). * Color configuration screen. * Cleaned up exiting. Alpha 2/22/95 * Stomped a couple of nifty new bugs that were introduced with the rewrite of the screenio stuff. * Regular expressions are in. No reverse regular expressions yet. * Several internal clean ups including command keys and help screens. * Fixed problem with Watcom and multiple instances of the DLLs. Alpha 2/7/95: * Added Mark and Write to file. * History, search, parameters all are saved across files now. (while searching a file, hit ESC, select another file, and hit F3 to continue same search). * Documented 2nd HEX Display mode (DUMP = 'D' as well as HEX = 'H') * Changed key assignments some. * Reports full text errors on disk errors now. Alpha 2/4/95: (0.01) * Fixed FileSpec bug. Displayed it bad. * Added Abort while searching. * Added [] around editable text and puts an up arrow when you can scroll up into the text history. Nobody ever knew there was a history buffer. :) * Fixed bug in reverse search. It was starting the reverse search from a few characters too many. Duh. * No longer immediately clears the search text when no matches are found right away. * Completely rewrote writing file to screen in text mode. Searches will now display when they cross multiple lines. For sure introduced some nifty new bugs here. Searches display correctly when searching for hex when in text mode. Legal Drivel: This product is currently free. All use of this product after July 1, 1995 is prohibited. This product is copyright 1995 by Richard Wagner.