1/29/96 - Object Desktop 'like' controls This archive is meant for use with CHG_CTLS (any version). It will alter your control buttons to look more like the controls used in Object Desktop. The controls are not an exact replica in any means, but an interpretation by me of the controls I saw in an .GIF file of the OD desktop. Some of the controls are different, and the colors are different, but for the most part they look similar! Installation Replace the CTLS.RES file in this archive with the one in the CHG_CTLS program and then follow the directions of the CHG_CTLS program. Replace the NPSWPSCB.BMP with the NPS WPS 'X' close button to finish the whole effect. Problems I could have altered the controls for the settings notebook as well, but it seems that IBM has programmed the PM so that these controls are scaled by some means. For example, in 800x600 when I open the Desktop's settings notebook, the 'left' and 'right' arrow buttons at the bottom right of the notebook look squished and rounded. This is due to the settings notebook rescaling them. In reality, the .BMPs for these two controls are crisp and sharp looking arrows. Darryl Teichroeb [TEAM OS/2] dteich@t8000.com