Changes since the last version of Rexx-Adventure - Set border to non-sizable, since making the boxes sizable would be a very large chore, which I am not about embark on today. - Fixed bug in Procedure AddFlag, do that it works now. - Fixed bug in Procedure MoveObject, so that it now updates the Inventory and Objects boxes correctly. - Added support of command line arguement of a file name. The name nust have the extension '.RAD'. The source file specified is automatically loaded. Added '*.RAD' to Associations list, so just double clicking any '.RAD' file automatically loads the engine. - Added confirmation boxes when loading a new source when a source is already loaded, saving over an existing file, and quitting. - Added a new sample file, BANK.RAD. This will some day be a part of The Resident. Fixes as on Version 0.99 - Totally revised TextDisp. Now, whenever a Verb or Implied Verb is executed, the text display is cleared and the old put into a scrollback buffer. Two new buttons "<" and ">" are used to page backward and forward respectively. There is currrently no limit to the number of screens saved. The scrollback buffer is NOT saved when you save a game. Let me know if this should be saved. - Added function GetWeight(), which returns the weight of the given object and all of its contents (and all of their contnent, recursively). - Added function VerbNumber(, ), which returns the internal number within object of the verb named . Hopefully, this will be the final test version. I think I have most of the bugs ironed out, so I am just working on The Resident, and will release Version 1.0 as soon as that is ready.