For future reference this file is called Config.txt and should be installed to your \Omega\Texts directory NOTE: Setup program will not automatically associate these extensions for file manager or explorer to these programs because different people may prefer this program to handle one or some types of files and other programs to do others. Even within the program you have the option of loading files into other programs using the now icon- graphical Load2 feature explained in the help file. Also if people set these manually, they also learn how to change for other programs, whether previously installed or ones they aquire later. How to set files to launch directly from File Manager or Explorer (easier to set from File manager, works for both) ============================================================= Type of file: ZIP ------------- Launch file manager, click on File on menu bar, click on Associate menu item, type in ZIP for extensions and browse to (or type in if installed to) C:\omega\system\zrsat.exe which should be the directory you installed the programs to. Type of file: UUE (;MSG) ------------- Launch file manager, click on File on menu bar, click on Associate menu item, type in UUE (and ;msg if applicable) for extensions and browse to (or type in if installed to) C:\omega\system\omegauue.exe which should be the directory you installed the programs to. Type of file: MME (MIME files) ------------- Launch file manager, click on File on menu bar, click on Associate menu item, type in MME for extensions and browse to (or type in if installed to) C:\(your windows directory here)\munpack.exe Type of file: JPG, GIF, BMP, TGA, TIF, DIB (etc, picture files) ------------- Launch file manager, click on File on menu bar, click on Associate menu item, type in the extensions above separated by a ; (EXAMPLE: JPG;GIF;BMP ) for extensions and browse (or type in if installed to) C:\omega\system\PVQKview.exe which should be the directory you installed the programs to. (** this program is optimized for more than 256 colors you must change the Setup to figure for only 256 **) Type of file: AVI, MPG, MOV (movie files) ------------- Launch file manager, click on File on menu bar, click on Associate menu item, type in the extensions above separated by a ; (EXAMPLE: AVI;MPG;MOV ) for extensions and browse (or type in if installed to) C:\omega\system\PVQKview.exe which should be the directory you installed the programs to. (** see help menu and help file for info on drivers **)