- ACiD Productions Presents - The third pHluid music disk for December 1995 Featuring music by: -pinion -Darkwolf -protocol -Rimbo -Nova -Xenoc -ded silence Once again, there is no player included in this release but recommended players include ST3 v3.2, Cubic Player, and CapaMOD. All of which can be obtained at ftp.cdrom.com: demos/music/programs/players Songs for this disk include: "Traffic Lights" by Darkwolf "Hexacide" by ded silence "the why complex" by ded silence "No Sugar Added" by Nova "Veil of Night" by Nova "Beyond the Glass Sky" by pinion "This is Not a Chiptune!" by pinion "Opening Sequence" by pinion "Jazz Nightmare" by pinion/Jaimo Welch "Winter Walk" by protocol "Bells of Zhakanh" by Rimbo "Soulful Meditation" by Xenoc All songs in S3M format, accept for "Zhakanh" by Rimbo (XM) To conntact pHluid email cid-music@acid.extern.ucsd.edu or pinion@acid.extern.ucsd.edua All songs copyright (c)acid productions