HOWTOREG.TXT - Concord registration information - May, 1996 ------------------------------------------------------------ Concord is released under Shareware concept which means that you can test the software for limited time period (3 months in this case) before making your decision to buy the software. No crippled features exist in the shareware version of Concord. However, OS/2 version of Concord is available for registered users only. Finnish sysops : Suomenkieliset rekister”intiohjeet tiedostossa HOWTOREG.FIN More information can be found from CONCORD.REG file. NON-COMMERCIAL USERS : The Concord registration fee is $70 USD for all the non-commercial users. If you have previously registered SuperBBS, we offer you a special price of $50 USD to update to Concord (only non-commercial users). Non-commercial users can run any number of nodes with the same non-commercial registration. Non-commercial registration is valid till Concord version 1.99 when it will expire and needs to be renewed. However, there will be a number of releases before that. The first official public release will have version number 1.00. COMMERCIAL USERS : Commercial users should contact Concord registration sites for registration fee evaluation. The basic commercial user registration is $100 USD but may vary depending on your system. GENERAL : You can register Concord via any Concord registration site (marked with * in support sites list SUPPORT.LST). The price of to register will depend on the exchange rate at the time of your order. Please calculate the exchange rate, in your currency to U.S. Dollars, at the time of your order, or contact a site in your country for the current rate. You can pay in your local currency and need not to exchange to US dollars. REGISTERING DIRECTLY TO THE AUTHOR : You can choose to pay to the account or send cash. Foreign currency account : Pasi Talliniemi Postipankki Finland 718 320 - USD - 3051 - 01 Add $10 USD for handling bank costs in Finland. You can pay in any currency to this account without having to exchange money first to US dollars or Finnish marks! Cash in snail mail : Send the registration fee to the following address : Pasi Talliniemi Paimenhuilunpolku 3 B 21 FIN-00420 Helsinki Finland If you prefer paying the registration fee with a cheque or a money order, please add $20 USD to cover the bank costs in Finland. Thank you for supporting Concord BBS software! Best wishes, Pasi Talliniemi