History file for the os/2 version of crom utilities, refer to cromtag doc for the regular documentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's not much to this... this is version 0.03 This is nothing more than a very eary release, very crude so far... Also, I've only played with this for a few days, there are probably bugs that I've not seen yet, so if you find some, please let me know... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunday, June 9th - I finished this enough to at least work with the options... I started it yesterday, I've never written a native os/2 app before, this is the first. Cromtag/2 is written in rexx, which there's really lousy online documentation for, and I have no written documentaion. *G* Anyway, to run it, it's the same as cromtag for dos... You use either the 'spellcheck', 'encrypt', or 'sign' option with timEd version 1.10 or greater. Put cromtag.ini, cromtag2.exe, and tag.lin in the same directory as timEd. tag.lin is just a generic tagline file that I took from some other guys tagline program, but your tagline file must be named tag.lin For the sake of this document, I'll use the 'spellcheck' option in timed.cfg: EXESPELL CROMTAG2 - To run the thing... use a text editor, and modify cromtag.ini to the following format: Line #1 - your name goes on this line Line #2 - either 'on' or 'off', this is for the 'bragline'. Line #3 - number of lines per screen The second entry means nothing at this point, but it must be there. I may eliminate it altogether. Now you're ready to go, just make sure that you choose the 'spellcheck' option, (or whatever special option you put it under) and it should work out just fine. Monday, June 10th - I added the 'mood2.exe' to the archive. When I got home from work, I decided to take cromtag and slice it up to make the mood thingy work. I just deleted about half the lines out of cromtag, and five minutes later mood2 was here, seems to work okay, just remember that you have to have a textfile called 'mood.lin' in the same directory... I put them both in a command file for testing, and I'll leave it that way on my own machine, I suppose. I called it 'crom.cmd', and it simply looks like: cd\timed cromtag2 mood2 That's it... I don't have to insert either a tagline or a mood kludge, just answer 'no' to 'do you want to see the list again' Monday, June 10th (again... *G*) - I did the Cromline/2 file the same way... Run it as you would the Cromtag/2 utility. My timed.cfg file now looks like: EXESPELL CROM.CMD where 'crom.cmd' looks like: cd\timed cromlin2 cromtag2 mood2 Wednesday, June 12th (My 37th birthday, hehe...) - When I got home today, I made the Csteal/2 program, which is the tagline stealing program. As far as I can tell, this is now the complete suite of stuff that the original Crom utilities for dos has. This rexx thing has been fun, but... it's fairly simple and besides, my wife said that I can purchase a new language when I decide which one I want. *G* Refer to the cromtag.doc file for instructions to use csteal/2 Enjoy - Dana