DCT Tagline Appender 0.05 Final Release By Dan Traczynski June 11, 1996 Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Dan Traczynski. All rights reserved. ÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄ Introduction """""""""""" This door will select ten random taglines from a tagline file and prompt the user on which one to append to his message. He can also add his own tagline, or abort without any changes to his message. The door will work with any BBS program that uses the MSGTMP file format (RA, SuperBBS, Concord[?], etc.). ÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄ Installation """""""""""" If you are upgrading from v0.04, simply overwrite the old .EXE files with the new ones, then add the file DCTTAG.UDF to your DCTTag directory. The configuration file and the tagline file need not be changed. The installation has two steps; both easy to do. First, you must edit the DCTTAG.CFG file to suit your system, and optionally the DCTTAG.UDF file if you would like to customise the "User-Defined Tagline" strings. Once this has been completed, you must have your BBS run DCTTag after the message has been written. The following is sample batch file to use with IceEdit (change C:\BBS to your BBS directory). ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ @echo off cd\bbs\doors\iceedit iceedit /d:c:\bbs cd\bbs if exist msgtmp \doors\dcttag\dcttag ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The "IF EXIST MSGTMP" is added to the fifth line so that the program is not executed if the user aborts the message. DCTTag still checks to make sure that MSGTMP exists and will terminate if it doesn't, but you can save time by not executing DCTTag in the first place. To run the batch file from the BBS, simply change the command line of the external editor to the batch file name. For example, if you are using RA or Concord and the batch file is MSG.BAT, you would enter "*C /C MSG.BAT *M" on the command line. For SuperBBS, you might use "C:\COMMAND.COM /C MSG.BAT". ÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄ The Tagline File """""""""""""""" To edit the taglines in the tagbase, simply run COMPILE.EXE with the "/D" parameter to create a text file version of the database. Then edit the created file to your heart's content. Once finished, simply re-compile the text file back to DCTTAG.TAG. Note that the maximum length each tagline can be is 72 characters. Run Compile.Exe with the "/?" parameter for more help. ÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄ User-Defined Taglines """"""""""""""""""""" Any taglines that users enter are saved into the file DCTTAG.NEW, so that you can "adopt" these new tags to DCTTAG.TAG if you want. You can also configure the "User-defined tagline coming up..." string by editing the DCTTAG.UDF file that came with this package. A random line will be selected from this file, and stuck just before the tagline. ÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄ Distribution & Disclaimer """"""""""""""""""""""""" DCTTag is copyrighted (C) 1995, 1996 by Dan Traczynski. All Rights Reserved. I encourage you to distribute it, but DO NOT by any means change any of the files within the original archive. The archive should be named DCTTA005.ZIP, preferably kept in its ZIP archive format. The author, Daniel Traczynski, will take no responsibility should any unintended results occur to your system while using this program. Although this program has been tested thoroughly, no guarantee can be given that it will do what it was made to do. Nevertheless, if anything should happen, the user is totally responsible and the author will be under no obligations whatsoever. By using this program you agree to this disclaimer. ÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄ Source Code """"""""""" I have decided to release the source code along with this version of DCTTag as I no longer have the desire to continue supporting this product. This way if anyone wants to see changes made in the program, they can modify it themselves. The other reason for releasing the source is because the need for an external tagline program is not really necessary any more since most new external editors have the tagline function built into them. So I'm releasing the source code - but be warned that this was one of the very first doors I made and the code can be optimised a lot. But that's up to you to do now. :) The code compiles under Turbo Pascal 7.0 and some units do not include the source (such as DDPlus.Tpu). The reason for this is that I am unsure of the copyrights on the door driver I used, so rather than distributing the modified source code, I am simply going to include the compiled units along with it. ÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄ Credits/Acknowledgments """"""""""""""""""""""" Alan Ianson (Al's Place BBS - 604-251-1817) for his great help in getting my programs distributed and for testing my programs. Garfield (Neural Meltdown - 604-255-5198) for áeta testing my programs. Justin Bourne for the idea of "Select a random tagline from the ten above." Steve Lorenz and Bob Dalton for DDPlus. ÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄ History """"""" v0.05 - June 11, 1996. Nope, this version isn't a áeta. I'm pretty sure that I got all of the bugs, thanks to my beta testers. If you do find a bug though, feel free to make the changes to the source. :) -Oops. There was a little bug in COMPILE.EXE where if you tried compiling and DCTTAG.TAG didn't already exist, you'd get a runtime error. -You can now append taglines to the tagline database with COMPILE.EXE, as in the case of adding DCTTAG.NEW to DCTTAG.TAG. No duplicate tagline checking is done though. -Redesigned the status bar. -Fixed a small display bug in the chat mode. -Some more configuration. You can customise the "User-defined tagline coming up..." string now so it'll pick a random one from a list you supply. -Another option was added which allows the Sysop to have it so that users can't add their own taglines and must select one from the list shown. -Removed RIP checking as the door doesn't support RIP graphics anyway. -Added a five-minute warning if the user is running out of time. -Added a 3 minute user time-out. -You won't get duplicate taglines on the screen any more. -I am including the source code in this version. -Added some more taglines to the tagbase: New total of 2011 taglines. v0.04á - December 23, 1995. This is the first "public" release. It is a *LOT* faster than the previous versions, due to the changed format of the tagline file. -The tagline file is now saved in binary format, so searching for taglines is a lot faster. -Added COMPILE.EXE to convert the tagline file to the new format. -The only supported drop file is now DOOR.SYS. -A few cosmetic changes. -Added another 83 taglines to the database, for a total of 1591 taglines :) v0.03á - November 10, 1995. -Added the "Select random tagline from 10 above." -And some other stuff that I forgot about. áeta 1 - October 14, 1995. This was the very first version of DCTTag... It was a nice start, but not quite good enough for a v1.0 yet ;) ÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄÍÄÄ {EOF}