RULES FOR POLITICALLY INCORRECT NET The rules for this net, like most other BBS based mail networks are pretty simple, and easy to follow. They can be summed up pretty easily, in fact. 1) Treat others as you'd like to be treated. 2) Debate ideas, not personalities. 3) If you wouldn't want your kids to read it, don't write it. While it would be wonderful to have these as the only written rules of the net, it's also impractical, because someone will always argue that their infraction didn't violate the three above rules. Content of Messages. Remember folks, you have NO FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT ON A BBS. A sysop, or network has the right to restrict what you post. We aren't the goverment, we are private property owners who can dictate what is and is not okay on our property (BBS's). If you doubt this, please contact the Electronic Freedom Foundation, they will explain it to you in legalese. A) The net is NOT age restricted, therefore, there is a language restriction. It can be summed up easily, if you use one of George Carlin's "Seven Words", or any derivation of them, you have violated this rule. 1) The use of $#!#:*%&@ to disguise a word is also unacceptable, most of us can figure out what you meant. B) Inflammatory, or "Hate" speech is also unacceptable. Calling other users of the net names does nothing to promote your own position in a debate, and in fact makes the name caller look silly. C) There is NO private mail allowed in this net. Even if the BBS you post from does allow private mail in a netted conference, there is no guarantee that the message will remain private until it reaches it's destination. D) NO COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING! If you wish to advertise commercial products or services take out an ad in a newspaper. Violators will be warned on this, then have their access restricted. E) No Advertising in conferences other than the FOR SALE area. F) No carbon copies of messages. Since all messages are public, it is not necessary to send carbons to other users, as they will be able to see the original. G) No "Spamming" of the net with messages. Messages should be on topic in the conference they are posted in. Cross posting the same message in multiple conferences will not be tolerated. 1) Sysops who are just joining the net may send a message in the PIN_Chatter, and PIN_SYSMOD conferences to announce their arrival. H) Off topic messages happen occasionally, but don't make them a habit. I) Flaming is not an acceptable form of debate, and will not be tolerated by any user. It is, in the case of all nets, the users that make the net worthwhile. Following the above rules, and keeping the three basic one's in mind while posting make for a friendly net, where debate is encouraged. Constant violations of the rules drive away potential posters, and cause the net to wither. Suggestions to improve the net, either by adding or deleting conferences, rules changes or anything else are encouraged. Post them in the PIN_SUGGESTION conference. updated 01/31/96