Politically Incorrect Net Sysop rules. These are required reading for all sysops on the Politically Incorrect Net, and are testable (only kidding folks!). The rules for sysops on this net are not very different from those on other nets. As the folks who make this net possible, by running BBS's, at your cost, I first want to thank you for considering this net. So, to kill the suspense, here are the rules for sysops SECTION I, General Rules: 1) Sysops must make the net info packet available for download to all users. The RULES.TXT is for all users of the net, and therefore must be available. Posting the rules as a bulletin, while appreciated, isn't a must. 2) Politically Incorrect Net conferences must be made available to users free of charge. Access to these conferences must not be used as an incentive to donate or subscribe to a BBS. Sysops violating this rule will be given one warning, and then have their feed to the net cut. 3) Sysops must make sure that they do not allow the use of alias's in any PIN conferences. All conferences are real name only. 4) PIN Net is not age restricted. Ensure your users understand the implications of this and post accordingly. 5) Sysops must carry the PIN_ADMIN conference. THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE. It is each sysops responsibility to read this conference on a regular basis to keep up with changes, problems, and general net info. This is the conference where the administrator will notify sysops of rulings on net lockouts, etc, and cut feeds. Hopefully there will be little, if any traffic of that type. a) The PIN_ADMIN conference is NOT a sysop chat lounge, the PIN_SYSMOD conference IS a sysop chat lounge. Keep the chatter in the sysops conference, the business in the admin conference. b) Access to the PIN_ADMIN conference is for sysops, co-sysops, and moderators only. c) While co-sysops are allowed in the conference, the official voice of each BBS carrying this network is the sysop listed in the application. If there is a change in sysops, the Net Administrator must be notified. 6) Sysops should carry the sysop and moderator conference. This is where you can chat with your counterparts on the net, and find out the latest and greatest info about being a sysop. This conference is open to all net sysops and co-sysops, and access may be granted to the visiting sysops on your boards. 7) Remember, this is for fun, and it is only a hobby. I've been witness to more than one net crumbling because folks took the net, and themselves too seriously. SECTION II, Specific Requirements for Sysops. 1) The application sent to the Administrator must be complete. Those nodes sending in incomplete applications will be denied net access. (I will however attempt to contact the applicant and fill in the blanks, I want the net to grow!) a) Nothing in your application will be used by any person other than the net administrator. 2) As stated above in Section I, Para (5), the admin conference is required reading, and must be carried. 3) No conferences are to allow private mail. This net cannot assure that mail will remain private, therefore no attempt to deliver mail as private will be made. 4) The use of encrypting software to send messages is forbidden. No sysop shall allow his or her users to upload mail that has been encoded using PGP or other such software. 5) Sysops are responsible for the posts of their users. Users posting messages which violate content rules in RULES.DOC, should be warned by the sysop. Users who are continual problems may be locked out of a conference, or the net, if the Administrator feels it necessary. Sysops are responible for carrying out such lockouts. SECTION III, Net setup. 1) The net will consist of a host, Level I (regional), and Level II (local) Hubs, and nodes. No system polling from a Level II Hub may act as a hub without consent of the Administrator. This keeps the system from having very long delays in mail delivery. a) BBS's posting from Level I hubs or the host are not automatically considered hubs. If you wish to be a hub, that must be noted in the correct space on the application. 2) Level I Hubs must poll the host for mail on a daily basis. Other nodes and hubs should try to poll at least 3 times per week. 3) Each board is responsible to ensure that conferences are not crossed. Hubs should ensure that their downlinks are correctly configured before they allow posting of messages. 4) Exported messages must have the following orgin line: PIN/(State)... (BBS NAME)...(R.HUB/L.HUB/NODE) For example, the host orgin line would appear as: PIN/Ca.... Politically Incorrect BBS... Net Host. a node orgin line might appear as such: PIN/Wi.... Joe Smith's BBS... Node. Inclusion of a node number or phone number is permissable if the entire origin line will be less than 75 characters. 5) Conference names should include the PIN_ prefix, for example, the net admin conference is PIN_ADMIN, the sysop and moderator conference is PIN_SYSMOD, and the Politics conference would be PIN_POLITICS. This makes it much easier for your users to note which conferences belong to the net. 6) Messages should be held for a minimum of 15 days in user conferences, and for 30 days in the admin conference. 7) Cross posting, or echoing, PIN conferences to other nets is not allowed without permission of the Administrator. 8) While some of the Hubs do support FTS mail, and the use of netmail, this is not the case with all boards on the net. Please remember that the ADMIN conference is where official business should be handled, trying to do something by "netmail" may not work because the other part may not be capable of it. 9) If you wish to poll mail as a FTS board, contact the net host via Crash Netmail at 1:202/809 and forward your application though that board. When a node number is issued you may begin polling for mail. If you wish to poll a site different than the host for mail send your app to that site, and have it forwarded to the admin. This will ensure everyone is on the same page. 10) If you wish to receive mail via WCNET transfer you must call one of the boards running Wildcat 4.12 or 4.20. Politically Incorrect BBS (net host) is one choice for that style transfer. 11) There are 3 different P.I. NET ansi logon screens included (PIN.ANS, PIN1.ANS, PIN2.ANS) with the packet, decide which you like best, and please advertise the net on your board. You don't necesarily have to use one in a login screen, but as a bulletin, or somewhere on your board would be appreciated. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for considering Politically Incorrect Net as an addition to your BBS. Though the net is currently quite small, hopefully it will inspire some interesting thoughts from your users. If you have questions or comments regarding the net, you may sign onto the host BBS, The Politically Incorrect BBS located in San Diego Ca (619) 467-0279, sign on as NET MAIL with the password NEW, and leave a message to the sysop, and download other network information packets. updated 07/6/96